Nedved is Ballon d'Or winner (5 Viewers)

Dec 27, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

The Price you pay for being Italian in a world of anti-italian Spanish/English and French Journalists who label us the anti-football: You ARE denied the Golden Ball.
I don't totally agree with you there, Incubo. There is no doubt that the frogs, the paella munchers and the roastbeef eaters are prejudiced against italian football (perhaps because our national team has won more trophies than those three nations put together?). However, if they really had wanted to punish us, they would have voted for a non serie A player (Ronaldo, Zidane, Henry..). Yet they didn't, and we have 3 serie A players in the top five.

Also, let's not forget that between 1988 and 1998 (with the exception of Stojchkov in 94 and Sammer in 96), the Golden Ball has always been awarded to a Serie A player, as a clear acknowledgement of our league's quality, not to say superiority.

The only real bias on behalf of the jury lies in their quasi systematic refusal to recompense defenders (Van Basten won it in 89 for being the CL's topscorer, but Baresi had played an even greater role in our winning the Cup that year). Unfortunately for us, we have a tradition for producing the world's best defenders...


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++

I don't totally agree with you there, Incubo. There is no doubt that the frogs, the paella munchers and the roastbeef eaters are prejudiced against italian football (perhaps because our national team has won more trophies than those three nations put together?). However, if they really had wanted to punish us, they would have voted for a non serie A player (Ronaldo, Zidane, Henry..). Yet they didn't, and we have 3 serie A players in the top five.
I think that NOT giving it to someone in Serie A would have totally demeaned the award in any way, shape or form. I'm sure it crossed their mind but how could they possibly not allow a Serie A player to get it when 3 out of 4 in the CL finals were Italian teams...and then some. I think they were coy enough to realize that their anti-football PR can only go so far.
Anyhow, in my opinion looking back years from now and seeing that the names Maldini, Baresi and even Scirea have never won a Golden Ball while Sammer has AND in 94 (Maldini captained Italy to the final with Baresi out) there was absolutely NO justification in Stoichkov winning it OVER Maldini will highlight how "out of touch" they and UN-indicative the award really is.
For years Serie A was the only league with any clout...the English were failing to qualify for World Cups and recruiting "stars" like Ravanelli and De Canio. Spain was trying to get MORE than one team to come out on top...grudgingly there was no other way to go but award the ballon to Serie A. .
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
I think that NOT giving it to someone in Serie A would have totally demeaned the award in any way, shape or form. I'm sure it crossed their mind but how could they possibly not allow a Serie A player to get it when 3 out of 4 in the CL finals were Italian teams...and then some. I think they were coy enough to realize that their anti-football PR can only go so far.
Anyhow, in my opinion looking back years from now and seeing that the names Maldini, Baresi and even Scirea have never won a Golden Ball while Sammer has AND in 94 (Maldini captained Italy to the final with Baresi out) there was absolutely NO justification in Stoichkov winning it OVER Maldini will highlight how "out of touch" they and UN-indicative the award really is.
Stoichkov deserved as much as Maldini did, the only reason that you say that is because you're a Milan fan. At least acknowledge that bias. They chose Stoichkov because he was a more exciting player, being an attacker, and how can you blame them, the people who chose know nothing about football, otherwise they'd choose keepers every year.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
For years Serie A was the only league with any clout...the English were failing to qualify for World Cups and recruiting "stars" like Ravanelli and De Canio. Spain was trying to get MORE than one team to come out on top...grudgingly there was no other way to go but award the ballon to Serie A. .
Serie A has the best players, but to claim that it's the best league is a bit premature. Great players don;t automatically make a league. Tradition, culture, and money are often even more important.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Tradition and culture we've got at least
I wouldn't say that Italy has the best football culture or tradition. England has a much longer footballing tradition and I think that the Spanish have found the right mix of fanaticism and realism to make a great football culture.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Ballond'Or like any other award has its flaws but, nonetheless, I am highly doubtful that there was "conspiracy" against the Italians.
I think the controversy arises, not because of the nationalities of each respective player, but due to the fact that criteria in evaluating player and actual evaluation are individual specific and subjective.
In soccer there are too many intagibles to evaluate players objectively. For instance, would Trezeguet have scored goal had there not been fine assist from Nedved, Del Piero or Zambrotta? Probably not. And there is also a problem of giving correct weight to the contribution of players to the team cause in relative terms.
And hence, even though, I think Maldini had better season than Henry based on the criteria that his team achieved far more than Arsenal and that he was a major performer, I have no problem of accpeting that many journalist value attacking plays more than defensive stops. After all, we do live in era of democracy and freedom of expression.:).

Anyhow, there was only one winner regardless what would happen rest of the year once Nedved completed rout of Madrid in that glorious night in Stadio Delle Alpi. It was a game that captured world focus and Nedved simply stole the show.

Anyway my congratulation to Nedved and I am thankful of wonderful CL and League run he gave us last season!:cool:


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

Stoichkov deserved as much as Maldini did, the only reason that you say that is because you're a Milan fan. At least acknowledge that bias. They chose Stoichkov because he was a more exciting player, being an attacker, and how can you blame them, the people who chose know nothing about football, otherwise they'd choose keepers every year.

Serie A has the best players, but to claim that it's the best league is a bit premature. Great players don;t automatically make a league. Tradition, culture, and money are often even more important.
Well I agree that by nature an attacker is perceived to be a more exciting player. I think considering the fact that Maldini's Milan minus Baresi beat Stoickov's Barcelona 4-0 and again in the WC encounter AND Maldini captained the national team for much of the tournament minus Baresi its not my fondness for Milan making that statement. That said, Stoickhov was the most deserving forward of the award. Yet, considering the natural inclination to vote for an attacker I think that was the ultimate reason why Maldini did not receive the award. Italy's defence in WC 94 was the pillar of the team keeping the games in tow while Baggio found his stride. Save for Costacurta the other defenders were rotated between Tassotti, Benarrivo and Mussi. Maldini had reached another level in his career and clearly broken away from the need to be 'cushioned' by Baresi as some critics claimed he was. I can see why you MAY think my Milan bias is getting in the way however I am not asking you to consider they had given the award to Massaro. Maldini came in second in the running.
About the league I meant that in the past 20 years they have had the most 'difficult' and elite league for the majority of the time and in my opinion still regardless of a few teams in other leagues. Looking at the amount of strong teams in each league I think Serie's A track record speaks for itself.


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

I wouldn't say that Italy has the best football culture or tradition. England has a much longer footballing tradition and I think that the Spanish have found the right mix of fanaticism and realism to make a great football culture.
True but TRADITION and excitement as much as they are qualities are not determining ones. Level of play, 'track record', quality of players and other factors (comparison between the general switch from Spain-England to Italy and vice versa) are more determining factors.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

Stoichkov deserved as much as Maldini did, the only reason that you say that is because you're a Milan fan. At least acknowledge that bias. They chose Stoichkov because he was a more exciting player, being an attacker, and how can you blame them, the people who chose know nothing about football, otherwise they'd choose keepers every year.

Serie A has the best players, but to claim that it's the best league is a bit premature. Great players don;t automatically make a league. Tradition, culture, and money are often even more important.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

I wouldn't say that Italy has the best football culture or tradition. England has a much longer footballing tradition and I think that the Spanish have found the right mix of fanaticism and realism to make a great football culture.
Okay, here's my personal stereotype:

An Italian family: 60 people, all related, crowded around a small tv in a living room watching football

A Brazilian family: 60 people crowded around a black and white tv watching football.

I can't say the same for Spaniards, maybe not even the English


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

Okay, here's my personal stereotype:

An Italian family: 60 people, all related, crowded around a small tv in a living room watching football

A Brazilian family: 60 people crowded around a black and white tv watching football.

I can't say the same for Spaniards, maybe not even the English
To continue Gray's point....minus the political incorrect nature ;)

With all due respect to England and Spain....can you imagine a WC without England. It has happened as recent as 94...were they REALLY missed that much? It was a great tournament. Can you imagine one without Spain? They never seem to get passed that quarter final/semi final hump ... in fact, I don't think it would be that 'different' of a tournament.

Now imagine one without Italy. Enough said.

Gray...thank you for opening up this "can of worms".
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Well I agree that by nature an attacker is perceived to be a more exciting player. I think considering the fact that Maldini's Milan minus Baresi beat Stoickov's Barcelona 4-0 and again in the WC encounter AND Maldini captained the national team for much of the tournament minus Baresi its not my fondness for Milan making that statement. That said, Stoickhov was the most deserving forward of the award. Yet, considering the natural inclination to vote for an attacker I think that was the ultimate reason why Maldini did not receive the award. Italy's defence in WC 94 was the pillar of the team keeping the games in tow while Baggio found his stride. Save for Costacurta the other defenders were rotated between Tassotti, Benarrivo and Mussi. Maldini had reached another level in his career and clearly broken away from the need to be 'cushioned' by Baresi as some critics claimed he was. I can see why you MAY think my Milan bias is getting in the way however I am not asking you to consider they had given the award to Massaro. Maldini came in second in the running.
So what if Maldini did all that stuff without Baresi? Stoichkov was still the better player. Maldini may have elevated his game more than Hristo when compared to the previous season, but Stoichkov was the most dangerous player in the world that year. He won many games single-handedly and was an inspiration to both the Bulgarian NT and Barcelona.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
True but TRADITION and excitement as much as they are qualities are not determining ones. Level of play, 'track record', quality of players and other factors (comparison between the general switch from Spain-England to Italy and vice versa) are more determining factors.
Italy may be a harder league to play in, but I don't think that means that Italy has a higher quality of play. I say that the best league is the one which is the best to watch. The EPL is more exciting than Serie A, the fans are much better behaved, and there is a history and tradition in that league which surpases that of Serie A.


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

So what if Maldini did all that stuff without Baresi?
The "so what" is that people/critics claimed that once Baresi was out of the picture Maldini would be unable to cope. This is further justification that it clearly was not the case. Maldini did not elevate his game more so than Stoickhov he simply dominated him in every encounter and dominated defensively on a team which won the Scudetto, CL and reached the World Cup finals.
In the CL Final he at 26 shut down the almighty Barca minus his sweeper (Baresi) and stopper (Costacurta). In fact, Stoichkov with the likes of Romario and Hagi were not able to create anything for 90 minutes in a game that Barca Coach Cruyff claimed "would be over before it began." What made Cruyff's comments even more ridiculous was that Milan was playing minus five starters.

++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++ Stoichkov was still the better player.
How so? Is this your opinion or a matter of fact? If it is fact I just don't see anything to back up your claim. Was it his run in the CL? He was playing with a Romario who was on fire..and then some. Was it for winning La Liga with Barca? Barca's team was made up of superstars to which Real emaluted years later.

++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++
Maldini may have elevated his game more than Hristo when compared to the previous season, but Stoichkov was the most dangerous player in the world that year. He won many games single-handedly and was an inspiration to both the Bulgarian NT and Barcelona.

really?? Save for Bulgaria in the WC ... to which he once again hit a standstill when he faced Maldini his 94 spell at Barca was anything but a single-handed 'spell'. Thats like claiming that Ronaldo single handedly carried Real to success. do you realize that Stoichkov was playing alongside Romario, Eusebio, Guardiola, Koeman, Luis, Ferrer, Zubi (keeper). I hardly think that qualifies as single handedly.
Do you also realize that the year we are discussing was one in which Romario scored 30 goals for Barca in La Liga?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

Gray...thank you for opening up this "can of worms".
;) Indeed it is a can of worms. I tried not to be too offensive, but i at least had to convey my message
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
The "so what" is that people/critics claimed that once Baresi was out of the picture Maldini would be unable to cope. This is further justification that it clearly was not the case. Maldini did not elevate his game more so than Stoickhov he simply dominated him in every encounter and dominated defensively on a team which won the Scudetto, CL and reached the World Cup finals.
It doesn't matter that Maldini proved the critics wrong. He still wasn't head and shoulders above Stoichkov.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
In the CL Final he at 26 shut down the almighty Barca minus his sweeper (Baresi) and stopper (Costacurta). In fact, Stoichkov with the likes of Romario and Hagi were not able to create anything for 90 minutes in a game that Barca Coach Cruyff claimed "would be over before it began." What made Cruyff's comments even more ridiculous was that Milan was playing minus five starters.
You can not give the award based upon one game. It's supposed to repressent the best player over an entire season.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
How so? Is this your opinion or a matter of fact? If it is fact I just don't see anything to back up your claim. Was it his run in the CL? He was playing with a Romario who was on fire..and then some. Was it for winning La Liga with Barca? Barca's team was made up of superstars to which Real emaluted years later.
I'm not claiming it's a fact, that's ridiculous. Declarations about relative player abilities require a value judgement, and no two people have the same values, so it can not be fact, it must always be an opinion. But, if you want something to back up my opinion, Stoichkov did win the golden ball.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

really?? Save for Bulgaria in the WC ... to which he once again hit a standstill when he faced Maldini his 94 spell at Barca was anything but a single-handed 'spell'. Thats like claiming that Ronaldo single handedly carried Real to success. do you realize that Stoichkov was playing alongside Romario, Eusebio, Guardiola, Koeman, Luis, Ferrer, Zubi (keeper). I hardly think that qualifies as single handedly.
Do you also realize that the year we are discussing was one in which Romario scored 30 goals for Barca in La Liga?
I know all those things that you stated, but I didn't claim that he won the league singlehandedly, I said he won games singlehandedly, and he did, I remember several off hand.


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
I fail to see where I was mentioning one game considering I mentioned that Maldini won the Scudetto, CL and reached the WC Final. More over, Milan was perceived as the best D in the world to which he was the star. I mentioned the WC match and the CL final because of the sheer amount of confidence Barca had with the media and public behind. They were perceived very much like Real: a team full of stars that could simply NOT lose.
That your telling me Stoichkov won the Golden Ball is not an argument to back up your claim. That is what is at issue here. I am questioning the decision. Your simply telling me: he won..thus he is better.
I think its fair to say that Stoickhov won the award simply because of the excitement that forwards bring to the game (in the eyes of some) over defenders.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
I daresay i have to agree with Ian,Stoichkov won games singlehandedly,plus he's a striker which brings much more excitment to the game.

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