Name a squad 11players you hate! (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Summer is frustrating, and stressful time, be it monsoon, heatwave, humidity, and I bet most you are feeling stressful. So why not relieve stress through this thread?;)

My list,
GK: Kahn- His outlook give me fits, and when he is on the pitch I get paralysis.
RB: G. Neville- A geek playing soccer.
LC: R. Carlos- I admire his ability but he is a little midget with lousy mouth. God, he stinks!
CB: Ayala- A little cheat. Advice to Ayala, watch out your back, a lot people are looking for you.
CB: Materazzi- Stupid look, well he is even more stupid when on the field. His best skill: throughing "unseen" on jabs, kicks on opposition strikers.
MR: Beckam- A personally I don't hate the man. After all, his look is charming whether you are male or female.;) But I get annoyed by his hype. Maybe I am just jealous.
ML: Amavisca- He plays like a girl that is why he isn't a good player. No disrespect to girls, but soccer is mans game.;). At least, when playing.
MC: Gomez- I am not sure he is still playing, but I would bet my soul that the former Real Sociedad midfielder, was a butcher in his previous life. He was so good at chopping oppositions leg.
AM: Totti- being a Romanisti is bad enough. Taking Del Piero's place in the team as a creative talent, and where was he in the last WC?
FC: Ahn Jung Hwan- Ok, I am taking bit of grudge here knocking Italia out of WC, but seriously, he isn't very good player. Just ask Shimizu fans. He stunk up the place. Always seem to have some sort of contract problem and never stop whining about not playing in Europe, which is simple fact he can't get: He simply isn't good enough. BTW, I would love check if he is a man. He looks say otherwise.
SC: Milosevic- I have never seen a guy who seems so tired after stepping on to field after 1minute! He never seem to get enough sleep, BTW. Maybe Italia's too hot for him.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
GK- Kahn
RB- Zenoni
LB- Silvestre
CB- Ferdinand
CB- Stam
MR- Figo
ML- Kily Gonzales
MC- Keane
AM- Totti
FC- Bergkamp
SC- Salas :mad: :groan:


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Barthez - Cafu, Materazzi, Couto, Panucci - Keane, Vieira - Figo, Totti, Rivaldo - Ronaldo


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
GK - Kahn, he just so... erhmmm what's the word, disgusting
RB - ?
LB - Silvestre, dunno... he's just annoying
CB - Materazzi, knows every dirty trick in the book
CB - F. De Boer, I just don't like this guy... dunno why
ML - ?
MR - Beckham, like Hide - I don't hate him, but the hype
MC - Keane, he's just nuts
AM - Totti, arrogant bastard
FC - Recoba, probably the most overrated player around
SC - Henry, arrogant bastard


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Gk- Oliver Kahn , Chilavert

Defenders: Robert Charles(big mouth)

Mids: Gattuso ,

Forwrds: Totti, Inzaghi, Vieri, Cristophe Dugarry, el matador "Hernández"(the blonde guy from mexico NT). Mijatovic

and the honor price for: The evil DR Florentino Perez


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2003
GK-Campos from Mexico
Defenders-Martin Keown, Materazzi,R.Carlos, Panucci
Mids-Figo, C.Zanetti,Rivaldo,Simeone
Forwards-Ronaldo, Wiltord


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
barthez- overated
panucci- how he plays in the NT is beyond me.
materazzi- made his name because he took penalties for his previous club.
rio- most overated and over paid transfer fee in the history of the game.
silvestre- dont know, just do.
gattuso- lil arrogant pig who is irratating.
C.Zanetti- overated as much as barthez, if not more.
Keane- same as gattuso, but he thinks he is bigger than the game itself because he is captain of Man utd.
Giggs- always plays good against juve.
Henry- he thinks his crap doesnt smell. he is arrogant, believes he is the best forward in the world.
Owen- where do i start? he is englands only striker. he is rated with the best but only has pace.

others who should get a mention with no reasons.

ronaldo, pires, tomassi, perrotta.


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
Inter Milan's Squad :fero:

Just Kidding :D I'm not sure I can come up with a complete 11 player squad but here are the players that I really hate:

Materazzi - He celebrated as if winning the Scudetto when he was playing with Perugia and denied it to us. His famous public outburst with Conte didn't help either. Not to mention his freakish tackles.

Almeyda - He always throws harsh tackles whenever he plays against us (whether he was with Lazio, Parma, or Inter) usually gets a red card for that.

Heskey - I still can't figure out why he gets called up to the English national team and plays for a club like Liverpool.

Carew - Sheer arrogance. He always comes up with stupid comments. 'I'm faster than R. Carlos' .. 'Currently, I'm the best forward in La Liga' .. etc.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
GK: I'm quite ok with most of the keepers around.
LB: Panucci, he must be giving Trap blowjobs or something.
RB: Andy O'brien, I wonder how he turned pro?
CB: Materazzi, for what he did to Bellamy. :(
CB: R.Ferinand, he thinks he's damn good. He's not.
RM: Solsjkaer, he was a prick against Newcastle... 6-2
LM: Ditto.
CM: Di Biagio, he's just a dumbass. I don't like him.
CM: Tacchinardi :p Well, not really hate. But he can be inconsistent IMO
FW: RVN - really, really lucky bustard.
FW: Delvecchio. Another crap player in Italia NT :(


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
Van der Sar

Frank De Boer


Jose Mari
Andreas Andersson


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++

FC: Ahn Jung Hwan- Ok, I am taking bit of grudge here knocking Italia out of WC, but seriously, he isn't very good player. Just ask Shimizu fans. He stunk up the place. Always seem to have some sort of contract problem and never stop whining about not playing in Europe, which is simple fact he can't get: He simply isn't good enough. BTW, I would love check if he is a man. He looks say otherwise.
K, before I start, don't tell me you didn't expect me to defend the guy :D

I'm not saying I like him or that he's a good player, but I must say, the reason he's not playing in Europe atm is because he was about to sign with Blackburn (Not a European superpower, I know, but it's a start), but his work permit was rejected :down:. As much as i don't think he's a good player, and that he's nothing without those 2 goals in the WC, I just thought I'd blindly defend my fellow countryman :cool:


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

    K, before I start, don't tell me you didn't expect me to defend the guy :D

    I'm not saying I like him or that he's a good player, but I must say, the reason he's not playing in Europe atm is because he was about to sign with Blackburn (Not a European superpower, I know, but it's a start), but his work permit was rejected :down:. As much as i don't think he's a good player, and that he's nothing without those 2 goals in the WC, I just thought I'd blindly defend my fellow countryman :cool:
    No prob.;).
    But it just annoys me that Ahn seems to be one who gets attention from Korean players (I may be wrong). I have seen many Koreans players in J-league, and he is easily one of the worst one, and players such as Park Ji-Sung (Who used to play to Kyoto Purplesanga), Yoo Sang-Chul (Current Yokohama, but another who had contract problem with his previous club), Hong, Hwang, Choi (JEF United) are far better players IMO.
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