'Murica! (49 Viewers)

Jun 6, 2015
But if there's any polarity at work in the world today it's not Democrat vs Republican, Left vs Right. It's Open vs Closed. The split is between movements that want to:

a) shut it all down and preserve time, culture, and history like a dead beetle pin-mounted on a museum wall, maintain status quo, lock the doors, and pretend their neighbors died in a fire ... and
b) movements that want to burn down the past but face up to mounting global limits, working within a world that is now defined more by global interconnected issues than isolated ones (late capitalism, globalization, technological disruption, inequality, climate change, mass migration)

There needs to be a balance. a) can be a bit of burying your head in the sand and pretending it all goes away by itself (see: COVID). b) can be a bit of scorched earth, Mao Cultural Revolution that is sometimes too immature to play the game without throwing the board and pieces away because they don't like some of the rules.

The polarization is the lie. Because one without the other is a recipe for extinction.
The debate should be about where to go and not about staying still vs moving. Cultures have always evolved over time in one way or another. Looking at history preserving a culture in its current state seems like a dead idea. Perhaps if you fight against change really really hard you might be able halt it for a generation, but eventually it will come.

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Jun 6, 2015
Have to say I have seen an awful lot of Trump flags and signs lately which is odd considering where I live. Don't recall seeing any in 2016.
FiveThirtyEight forecast currently has Biden getting 63.9% of the votes in California, in comparison Hillary got 61.5% of the votes. Perhaps people are simply a bit more willing to show that they support Trump compared to four years ago. Or you simply live in a neighbourhood that happens to be inhabited by a lot of Trump supporters.

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
FiveThirtyEight forecast currently has Biden getting 63.9% of the votes in California, in comparison Hillary got 61.5% of the votes. Perhaps people are simply a bit more willing to show that they support Trump compared to four years ago. Or you simply live in a neighbourhood that happens to be inhabited by a lot of Trump supporters.
not saying he's going to win lol just didn't recall seeing that four years ago. We also didn't get presidential tv ads then either but they've popped up this time
Jun 6, 2015
not saying he's going to win lol just didn't recall seeing that four years ago. We also didn't get presidential tv ads then either but they've popped up this time
I wasn't insinuating that you did. Simply saying that it doesn't look like there would be an uptick in his support around your hoods. Could it be that supporting Trump isn't as big of a taboo as it was last time around?


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004


Sep 23, 2003
The debate should be about where to go and not about staying still vs moving. Cultures have always evolved over time in one way or another. Looking at history preserving a culture in its current state seems like a dead idea. Perhaps if you fight against change really really hard you might be able halt it for a generation, but eventually it will come.
You put people under economic threat -- and particularly one that feels like the middle class is slipping away and you have to cling on to something to keep you out of the bottom because you're not in the approved elites -- and you encourage a scarcity mindset. That makes people claw each others' eyes out, steel cage wrestling match style.

I don't think we can have a productive discussion about change or no change until that part is addressed first.

Have to say I have seen an awful lot of Trump flags and signs lately which is odd considering where I live. Don't recall seeing any in 2016.
They haven't all moved to Idaho yet?

I know lots of folks are leaving Cali to seek safe spaces to talk about gun love.

Or sexual orientation: hoplophilia. You know, a smart conservative would basically hack the system and hijack the sexual orientation wave to include that.

You can ignore me, but you ain't going to ignore the fact, that Trump is going to win.

Have fun seeing the flags.
I would have agreed with you at the beginning of the year, but I am not so sure right now.

FiveThirtyEight forecast currently has Biden getting 63.9% of the votes in California, in comparison Hillary got 61.5% of the votes. Perhaps people are simply a bit more willing to show that they support Trump compared to four years ago. Or you simply live in a neighbourhood that happens to be inhabited by a lot of Trump supporters.
And we all know how accurate FiveThirtyEight's forecast was in 2016.


Interesting, didn't know so many Americans favor renewables over fossil fuels.
Trump is trying to preserve the whale blubber industry to keep America's oil lamps lit, so I can understand the confusion.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2013
You put people under economic threat -- and particularly one that feels like the middle class is slipping away and you have to cling on to something to keep you out of the bottom because you're not in the approved elites -- and you encourage a scarcity mindset. That makes people claw each others' eyes out, steel cage wrestling match style.

I don't think we can have a productive discussion about change or no change until that part is addressed first.

They haven't all moved to Idaho yet?

I know lots of folks are leaving Cali to seek safe spaces to talk about gun love.

Or sexual orientation: hoplophilia. You know, a smart conservative would basically hack the system and hijack the sexual orientation wave to include that.

I would have agreed with you at the beginning of the year, but I am not so sure right now.

And we all know how accurate FiveThirtyEight's forecast was in 2016.

Trump is trying to preserve the whale blubber industry to keep America's oil lamps lit, so I can understand the confusion.
It was pretty accurate.
They gave Trump a 28% chance. That’s almost a 2/6 chance, and is a very real possibility.
Others like HuffPost were way off, they gave Trump less than 10%.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
And we all know how accurate FiveThirtyEight's forecast was in 2016.
Yep. Some of my friends are really big into that guy, but anybody can make an aggregated poll based on data from all polls. If all the polls are flawed then all you have is just a really big flawed model.
Jun 6, 2015

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