'Murica! (101 Viewers)

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Federal judge just slapped the Trump Campaign and Roger Stone with a restraining order as far as the "independent poll watchers" they have been trying to organize go.

Only under Trump is it possible that we have federal hearings all over the nation regarding the Ku Klux Klan act.


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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
That's a fair point.

Regardless, I should apologize for the ad hominem. Trump makes me angry, as is probably obvious. I find the man repulsive, and it makes my blood boil to hear people rationalize supporting him (quite clearly the opposite for you with Hillary). No excuse for losing my temper, anyways. I'm sorry.

Your election makes me sad that your country has already lost, the day the nominations were sealed for Hillary and Donald. Either choice is appalling, Trump worse in my eyes, Hillary worse in yours. Only time will tell though.

No problem, it's not good times for us. Apologies as well.


Enemies? :D don't get all dramatic on me, seriously though how is Clinton corrupt?
Oh please do come on. :D I mean, the Clinton Foundation stuff is bad enough. And there's also this.


The FBI does not recruit based on political ties. I spoke with a former co-worker now at the FBI, and while he's not involved with the investigation, he can confirm the belief that this investigation should be ongoing. He is also ex-military and said the double standards for her appalling.

Whether one believes it's incompetence or criminal behavior, it doesn't matter -- she clearly isn't fit to be President.

What you don't get is that neither X nor I have much sympathy for Clinton. But we can still see the big picture and voting for Clinton is voting for the lesser evil.

If you vote Trump, this is something you'll look back on in 10 years time and think 'how the $#@! could I ever have been this stupid?'.

But feel free to make one of the biggest mistakes of your life.
I highly doubt that a vote for Trump (which is just one vote and will probably not make any difference whatsoever) will be the biggest mistake of my life. Nice hyperbole though. Like I said, I may vote for Trump just to spite you.

Whoever wins this election won't last longer than four years. Actually, a great deal of credit has to be given to the US for nominating these two $#@!tards out of 300 million people.
It is proof in the pudding that only the scum of the earth want to be in politics.

I traded and brokered futures for a while you either win a ton or lose a ton,only possible impropriety in this case is the processing of trades with low margins butv that's on the broker not the client
It's on the broker, but who else would be allowed that cushion? Nobody. Come on man, stop defending this bitch. You or I would be subject to margin calls regardless of the broker. It's just another case of her being rewarded for being the cunt she is.

Also, what Clinton did with her email server is not new for Secs of State. Colin Powell had a similar set up. Condie lost milllions of emails. But then, neither ran for President.
They were both terrible as well, so it's no surprise. And if so, they should be indicted. Hell, they should have been tried for war crimes anyway.

That's the thing. Conservatives act as if it is proven Hillary did something wrong. FFS, they can't even say in concrete terms what it is that she supposedly did wrong, nevermind prove it.
It's very simple. She had classified information forwarded by her to her private email. That is a breach of top secret security clearance and would result in the immediate termination of the clearance. Ask anybody who has had one. All of my contacts in the military agree. It's not fucking hard to understand.

At this point one is either too stupid or dishonest to admit that, yet are perfectly fine supporting a candidate who is sponsored by a hostile nation who wants nothing more than the demise of the US

It's just comical since Hillary receives all these donations from the Middle East. Putin said one thing about Trump and it automatically makes him a Putin subservient. Where is the proof of the Russian DNC hacking? You should know better (i.e. Iraqi WMD's).


Junior Member
Oct 23, 2014
That's only his core base who voted for him in the primaries. He has the support of majority of the republicans now. Many of them are pretty affluent. Evangelical Christians vote for him mostly because of supreme Court and the fact that they hate Democrats.

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Well I'm talking more about the people who are open to changing their vote. Obviously, some people will vote for their party regardless of what happens.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I can see not liking Trump. But my argument regarding maintaining a security clearance still stands and always will. There's no point in defending Hillary just because you hate Trump -- admit she's not fit to be President. If this investigation spills into her first term, it will be a political disaster for everyone.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
I can see not liking Trump. But my argument regarding maintaining a security clearance still stands and always will. There's no point in defending Hillary just because you hate Trump -- admit she's not fit to be President. If this investigation spills into her first term, it will be a political disaster for everyone.

Neither one of them is fit to be president... explaining why they have historically bad trust, enthusiasm, and favourability ratings. Hillary has the FBI investigation into her private server. Trump has 75 open lawsuits against himself and his businesses right now. They have 2 of the shadiest charity foundations ever. Hillary "may have used" hers to barter state department favours, Trump "may have used" his to bribe elected officials.

It's pathetic and depressing that we're in a situation where we have to argue with each other over which one is less of a criminal, less of a clown.


Jul 11, 2011
So you admit Trump is America's enemy?
learn english

- - - Updated - - -


Neither one of them is fit to be president... explaining why they have historically bad trust, enthusiasm, and favourability ratings. Hillary has the FBI investigation into her private server. Trump has 75 open lawsuits against himself and his businesses right now. They have 2 of the shadiest charity foundations ever. Hillary "may have used" hers to barter state department favours, Trump "may have used" his to bribe elected officials.

It's pathetic and depressing that we're in a situation where we have to argue with each other over which one is less of a criminal, less of a clown.
"74" :p


was so obviously just made up anti-trump stuff anyway

- - - Updated - - -

It's very simple. She had classified information forwarded by her to her private email. That is a breach of top secret security clearance and would result in the immediate termination of the clearance. Ask anybody who has had one. All of my contacts in the military agree. It's not fucking hard to understand.

- - - Updated - - -



Senior Member
Mar 16, 2013
Something I found interesting. A measure of how other countries view the United States, Obama, and the two leading candidates. There's some Russia and China thrown in as well. I didn't know Greece disliked us so much.

All of America's allies want Clinton to win, while Russia and China want Trump. That's all you need to know about the election from a foreign policy viewpoint.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003

No problem, it's not good times for us. Apologies as well.

Oh please do come on. :D I mean, the Clinton Foundation stuff is bad enough. And there's also this.


The FBI does not recruit based on political ties. I spoke with a former co-worker now at the FBI, and while he's not involved with the investigation, he can confirm the belief that this investigation should be ongoing. He is also ex-military and said the double standards for her appalling.

Whether one believes it's incompetence or criminal behavior, it doesn't matter -- she clearly isn't fit to be President.

I highly doubt that a vote for Trump (which is just one vote and will probably not make any difference whatsoever) will be the biggest mistake of my life. Nice hyperbole though. Like I said, I may vote for Trump just to spite you.

It is proof in the pudding that only the scum of the earth want to be in politics.

It's on the broker, but who else would be allowed that cushion? Nobody. Come on man, stop defending this bitch. You or I would be subject to margin calls regardless of the broker. It's just another case of her being rewarded for being the cunt she is.

They were both terrible as well, so it's no surprise. And if so, they should be indicted. Hell, they should have been tried for war crimes anyway.

It's very simple. She had classified information forwarded by her to her private email. That is a breach of top secret security clearance and would result in the immediate termination of the clearance. Ask anybody who has had one. All of my contacts in the military agree. It's not fucking hard to understand.

It's just comical since Hillary receives all these donations from the Middle East. Putin said one thing about Trump and it automatically makes him a Putin subservient. Where is the proof of the Russian DNC hacking? You should know better (i.e. Iraqi WMD's).
Apparently it's not simple at all. Don't you think the information you get about all of this is weirdly vague? Your informants of the military are saying you need to be careful with classified information. That much is true. But they don't know anything about Hillary's particular case. No one does. Because we're spoonfed bullshit.

Oh and for very obvious reasons voting is one the most important things you do. So no, a wrong vote is not just a vote. It fucking matters you imbecile.


Oct 28, 2010
I love how practically every country except Japan sees Americans as hardworking. Shows something about corporate culture of Japan.
From my experience America is super hardworking to the point where people just live to work. But yeah, Japan is on a whole other level. It's very bizarre


Sep 13, 2011
Something I found interesting. A measure of how other countries view the United States, Obama, and the two leading candidates. There's some Russia and China thrown in as well. I didn't know Greece disliked us so much.

Seems Poland really wants you guys to notice us, giving you the positive numbers in every chart.

Weird after all these years of getting buttfucked when it comes to visas.


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