'Murica! (134 Viewers)


Oct 28, 2010
Economic problems in all parts of the state, but specifically the Western part in counties outside of Pittsburgh. Not much going for them. Philly might as well merge with Jersey.
not really much going on in those counties. They used to be big on steel and now it’s fracking but due to their small size, they should be able to convert quickly to whatever is most feasible. Unfortunately, people in those areas tend to be more close minded and resistant to change. But they are literally so small, PA is pretty much Philly with its surrounding suburbs, Lehigh county, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Lindsey Graham is genuinely a shithead, so I wouldn't count on that.
Pre 2016 election he was very much anti Trump and made sense as far as Trump and Trumpism was concerned. Did a 180 for party politics afterwards. If that doesn't stop, means that'll remain repubs' MO IMO. Trump didn't lose by a big margin afterall. They proved a while ago that's far more important to them than ethics, which doesn't seem to matter at all.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Its true that Trump at least didn't meddle in the Middle East. He got that going for him

Hopefully it stays like that

his Middle East policy is the best thing f he had going for him. If he was even a mediocre president domestically, he wins this election hands down. But instead he was a nightmare whose domestic policy amounted to wealth handouts for the rich, and inciting civil unrest and chaos on a daily basis. The Cherry on top was lying his way through a pandemic that has killed 240,000 in the us while he called it a hoax and said it wasn’t a big deal,


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
I think a lot of people are willing to accept Trump's deplorable nature because it's redemptive. It says that as long as he's a reprehensible dirt bag and doesn't judge me, I'm alright and I can't be too bad of a person.

Too much of the Democratic party is focused on making people feel guilty and inferior for things they cannot control.

Some of it is the tip culture. But there are cases like my very American brother who will avoid going into a store because the staff "look too helpful".

And the pushiness in American restaurants has more to do with the economic necessity to turn tables. Get your ass out of the chair for the next paying customer, basically. Something they don't do in Europe. That table is yours for the evening if you want.

There are few things that make me think "European troglodyte" more than somebody who saddles up to a nice restaurant and orders a Coke with dinner.

Not judging though. ;)

Some if it is eating habits and the US's world-dominating status on overprocessed foods socially engineered so you don't stop eating them. I think America also has a depression problem and an over-individualized lack of socialization that nudges people to fill an emotional hole with food.

And the car culture is a particular killer. Americans will start the car and drive two blocks to put something in a mailbox rather than walk. And it doesn't help that their communities are made more for cars than for walkability, so nobody gets off the sofa.

They have Lagunitas here in Lisbon too. In fact, an Israeli guy a couple blocks down who sells the best falafel in town sells it.

Microbreweries have been slower to catch on here in Portugal, but they have under the American influence. There's a few that are really good. One I know is owned by a Canadian transplant though. :lol:

Wine in Portugal rarely gets exported. Most of it is cheap and stays in country, and it delivers far more value for the price -- so the wine snobs tend to overlook it because they're turned off by the price, suspecting something is wrong with it, if they can access it in the first place.

Portugal is the 2nd biggest wine-consuming country in Europe, second only to Andorra of all places. So we do the wine thing alright.

French food can be amazing. But a lot of its good stuff is based on sophisticated techniques and culinary gymnastics. Unlike Italy or Spain or definitely Portugal, simple things aren't really done so well there where the ingredients sort of speak for themselves. But you have to admire how well the overwork things with preparation, sauces, etc. to reach the sublime often.

Is it time to invest? Or is he gonna open his mouth like Jack Ma and jam a foot in it?

Nate Silver is part of a problematic culture of horse-racing applied to political coverage. Instead of delving into policy, tradeoffs, issues, unfortunately the easy route has turned out to be the most popular: media coverage focuses on superficial betting odds instead like its a performative sport. Yet one more reason I want to see professional politicians replaced with a lottery system.

This is a nice critique of the practice that both exonerates Silver but condemns the industry:

Everything about that screams "911 breaking news: we spread the rumors fastest without thinking or even questioning if it's correct." :lol: That's the worst of news behaviors, let alone Twitter habits.

The folly of authoritarianism is not having the military in your pocket.
When you lack good ingredients and only have snails to eat, you've to come up with "sophisticated" techniques.

French desserts tho... That's #1.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
I guess your opinion of shellacked and mine are a little different. Overall this has been a tight election. IMO it speaks more to Trump's and the DNC's failings than anything else. Had Covid not hit would Biden have had a snowballs chance in Hell? Both parties need to go back to the drawing board and put forth candidates worthy of votes for their own merits instead of because the other guy sucks more than this guy.
He’s gonna lose by ~8 mil or so once all votes counted. To a shit ticket like Biden - Harris. As the incumbent. That’s definitely a shellacking.


Jun 17, 2011
Pre 2016 election he was very much anti Trump and made sense as far as Trump and Trumpism was concerned. Did a 180 for party politics afterwards. If that doesn't stop, means that'll remain repubs' MO IMO. Trump didn't lose by a big margin afterall. They proved a while ago that's far more important to them than ethics, which doesn't seem to matter at all.
Every Republican was really. Contrast that other spineless fuck Ted Cruz. Went from bitter fighting to sucking his dick. The only ones I would say consistently was against him were maybe Kasich and Romney. Graham just touches himself to the thought of starting wars, that much about him will always be consistent.

I unfortunately think you're right in that it their MO won't deviate from being Trump-like, unfortunately.
May 25, 2019
He’s gonna lose by ~8 mil or so once all votes counted. To a shit ticket like Biden - Harris. As the incumbent. That’s definitely a shellacking.
Well we all know that the popular vote isn't what gets you in. The fact that counting is still going on to determine the winner tells you that it is a close race. Outside of the shellacking part I agree with the rest of your post.
Jun 6, 2015
Well we all know that the popular vote isn't what gets you in. The fact that counting is still going on to determine the winner tells you that it is a close race. Outside of the shellacking part I agree with the rest of your post.
The narrative of close race is driven by the order that they counted the votes. Had the mail in ballots been counted first for example the narrative would be very different.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Well we all know that the popular vote isn't what gets you in. The fact that counting is still going on to determine the winner tells you that it is a close race. Outside of the shellacking part I agree with the rest of your post.
Majority Americans still soundly rejecting Trump insanity and rhetoric is a good thing imo. Biden - Harris being almost as bad is another issue, but just goes to show even further how awful Trump is.

i agree with you on pelosi regarding your earlier post by the way. Can’t stand her. But credit to her and she White House for trying to get a stimulus done and compromising. Real stain on McConnell and the senate gop for refusing to even consider the negotiated stimulus.


Sep 23, 2003
It's scary how Trump and his offspring are throwing any shit at the wall right now hoping that something stays. Only to create chaos. They really are like an arab dictator family.
But that's how disinformation-based campaigns work now. Hack the social psychology with a million experiments, where a million minus two will fail.

Meh, that article is filled with half-truths and doesn't really explain what happened in some instances. Biden didn't do as well as they thought with Latinos because the narrative Trump hates them failed. The economy is in recession because of government shutdowns, which Trump has been against. Lastly, if this guy thinks that going more left is the answer, he's simply a moron considering so many voted for Trump in the first place.
Latinos think Biden is Nicolás Maduro's brother, thanks to the misinformation campaign. Yes, that's a win-at-all-costs strategy, but it serves to make us all buy lies. That isn't a good precedent for an enlightened republic.

And the economy isn't in a recession because of government shutdowns. It's in recession because there has never been a strategy or plan to contend with a dangerous virus other than hiding it and wishing it would vanish on its own. You don't have an economy when everyone on the front lines is getting sick, hospitals are full, people are afraid to go out, and the feds abandon responsibility.

Trump has no patience for hard problems. Worse, he's not even bothered or interested in solving them.

Proud of my state :delpiero:
It's always sunny....

I was like you and was so put off by Trumps faults i couldn't see all his admin had accomplished and above all how everyone and literally everyone was against him, and that got me thinking if this dude so bad why not just let him crash and burn on his own. Fact is he was indeed winning and at the expense of profiteers while exposing a system that never had americas interests as their priority. I don't know about his motives, but I do see him as last stand, unwittingly, and not him personally or even his presidency, but the idea of trump is an ideological rallying point that goes beyond traditional political and racial divides.
What really has he accomplished though? Trump's best achievements have been largely non-accomplishments: not getting into wars, not trying to balance the budget, not taking a global pandemic seriously, not replacing Obamacare in a pandemic. Hell, you could have Kamala Harris do that -- sit on her hands and take credit for it.

Yes, there are profiteers sucking the lifeblood out of the nation. But he also continued to enable them with his lack of oversight for coronavirus relief measures, allowing people to line their pockets with federal money the way the scam artists always have. Same goes with his tax cuts, which got siphoned off by ready oligarchs.

A question of limits arises: at what point do you no longer continue to tolerate an inept, egomaniac leader who pretty much tries his hardest to surround himself with incompetent cronies and sycophants and works to subvert all the core checks and balances of a dying democracy? Is murdering someone on 42nd Street ok still? Is blowing up a city still ok? I mean, I kind of have to ask if there is a line, not where there is a line.

I can’t wait, free gender reassignment surgery is what America needs
Better than a chicken in every pot, the slogan should be "Stop the tucking!"

Politicians in general are out of touch in the US. So much so that people are voting against candidates more than they are voting for candidates.
Again, we need to explore a jury-duty-like lottery system. The cronyism, reelection focus, big money investments, and lack of representation is making governance fall apart in the modern American democratic world.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Well we all know that the popular vote isn't what gets you in. The fact that counting is still going on to determine the winner tells you that it is a close race. Outside of the shellacking part I agree with the rest of your post.
it was close on the electoral side, which should have been expected. however, the popular vote is pretty damning on all levels

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