Muggers: "Sorry, we dont take cheap stuff" (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Muggers in South Africa handed back an Alcatel mobile phone while robbing two terrified women - because they refused to thieve "cheap stuff".

Two men with knives accosted the women while they were out walking in Port Elizabeth. They threatened them with the knives and demanded they hand over their jewellery and mobile phones.

But the women were stunned when the muggers refused to take one of the handsets. Victim Tandeka Mazwane, told the Cape Times: "We were so scared, but even more surprised when they looked at her [friend's] Alcatel phone and threw it back at her, saying they don't take cheap stuff."


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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Well they're no idiots. They prolly took a lot of cheapo stuff in the past and now they can't move it, it's sitting in their apartment/hideout/storage room and collecting dust, it's a waste of space. They've learnt from their mistakes..


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
Not so smart when the cops check the phone for prints tho :D
They check for prints in South Africa??

A dozen years ago I had my car stereo stolen once in Berkeley, Calif (though it was a grad student car & stereo :D ), and the thieves left their break-in tools inside my car. Why I bothered to file a report I don't know -- the cops just told me, "Well, now you've got a nice screwdriver."

Of course, I no longer drive that piece of junk and, well, I still have the screwdriver and other tools -- so who am I to complain?


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
I figured if they got mobile phones im sure the cops have advanced far enough to learn how to check for prints. But maybe not :D

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