Movies you've seen recently... (117 Viewers)

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Junior Member
Jan 10, 2003
i think u've posted some comments on it.
yesterday i watched Pirates of the Caribbean 2 :tdown:

bit lame and too much comedy from Jack Sparrow

first one was much better.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
watched click two days ago, its really funny but i think adam sandler just over did the ending of the movie other than that its really good.

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006

with johnny depp and penelope cruz, based on a true story, about a guy names george played by depp, brought up in a poor family, when turns older, he moves out and enters selling marujwana, gets caught, goes to jail, then meets with another drug dealer that sell cocaine, then after making millions, things turn for the worse, after he is married with a child, he was thrown out of the equasion, with no money, no job, the fbi arrest him again, does time, his wife asks for a divorce, he promises his child to take her to california, when released, he decides to enter the drugs game again and make some quick money by flogging more drugs to help pay for their trip to california, but this time it was a set up, and was jailed. At the end of the film george dreams tht his daughter cames to visit, (brought a tear to my eye) but to this day she hasnt visited him, george is set to be release in 2015

defo worth watching, i strongly recommend it


Apr 14, 2005
I just watched the movie of the year imo Little miss sunshine is amazingly refreshing and with an in your face humor hard to resist. Recommend it to anyone with a grain of openmindedness, i dont want to give out much about the movie as it's better when it catches you off guard; go watch it!

N.B: lol a combo of Dan/Seven is in this movie
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