Movies you've seen recently... (119 Viewers)

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Senior Member
May 14, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

That's tough to call really since I haven't read as much about the West's side to the story as I would like. Though I'd say they were pretty close with the overall story, considering that even many other films support what I've been taught too, and the apologies of the church/late Pope.

A lot of the the little religious details (at least on the Muslim's side that I know of) and the superman like figure of Orlando Bloom were annoying though.

In short, if the sides involved and the history (Or Holywood's interpretation of it) didn't interest me, then I'd surely be asking for my $7.50 back.
I saw it yesterday.

I'm kinda OK with it. I expected more history distortion by Hollywood (of course I'm no expert). The Orlando Bloom character is quite annoying, but the message is cool. simplistic, but OK.

The end sux though.


Jun 7, 2004
the milfs are retired whores,
Jeepers Creepers 2
was what the number1 couldnt be,but again it wasnt enough,
just another film to rent for a dvd night,
i wont be anxius to see number3.
majed i will go to see the kingdom of heaven with some friends,
orlando will do the girls,
but u r worrying me saying he was superman-like hero,
is this film smth like the gladiator, the lord of the rings or jean d'arc?


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
Diarios de Motocicleta (The Motorcycle Diaries)

a beautiful picture of South America, through the eyes of the young Ernesto "Che" Guevara


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Geof ] ++
Diarios de Motocicleta (The Motorcycle Diaries)

a beautiful picture of South America, through the eyes of the young Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Nice movie, isn't it?
Aug 1, 2003
Dammit I still have the DVD for over months now and have yet to see it

Think I'll watch it soon since it got great reviews

Im curious to see Kingdom of Heaven though; but I think it would be rather boring



Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Cronios ] ++

majed i will go to see the kingdom of heaven with some friends,
orlando will do the girls,
but u r worrying me saying he was superman-like hero,
is this film smth like the gladiator, the lord of the rings or jean d'arc?
Well... I don't want to ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it, but he was a superfast learner, too "warrior," and too wise. It's not something that you might miss if you see the movie.

I did hear that the original version of the movie (which will be out on DVD) is a lot longer than the theater version. So, i'll have to see that.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
Think I'll watch it soon since it got great reviews

Im curious to see Kingdom of Heaven though; but I think it would be rather boring

If you don't know some of the history of the crusades, then check the movie out just for a general background.

I'm waiting for Star Wars desperately too...


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I watched Kingdom of Heaven today;

I'll paste the 'review' I wrote on my blog:

The Kingdom Of Heaven in a nutshell (contains spoilers):

A blacksmith named Balian meets his father for the first time ever. His father asks him to come to Jerusalem, and he agrees. On the way, his father dies, and despite having known him for all of 12 hours, our hero picks up his father's cause.

I forgot to mention that shortly before his death, Balian's father teaches him how to use a sword for a whole 20 seconds, and this is sufficient training for any swordsmanship that is required of him for the rest of the movie. Through the grand process of osmosis, Balian also learns 30 years of battle tactics in the space of 2 days, and without any delay is seen shouting orders to tens of thousands of men, as well having strategic knowledge on par with the greatest commanders of the era.

So we find out that Balian is the sole heir of his father's kingdom, and once his father dies, he naturally inherits his father's land, along with its people.

I must mention at this point that Balian's father is depicted earlier in the movie as a very caring man who would gladly lay down his life for others. Yet upon his arrival to his inherited land, it takes Balian a whole 3 seconds to realise that the people don't have water.

Now as inspirational and feel-good as this scene was, I really didn't buy the story that Balian's father didn't notice the tumbleweed and barrenness of the land, and realise that maybe he should dig a few wells.

Aside from the weak plot, the rest of the movie has some decent action sequences, but I must say that the 'epic warfare movie' genre is spreading itself a little thin these days. They should really give it a break until someone figures out a way to not make these movies all look the same.

That brings me to my last point. Orlando Bloom. Now I don't hate him or anything, but truth be told... the guy can't act. Don't get me wrong, I loved him as Legolas in LOTR, but after watching two of his movies, it becomes apparent that Orlando only has one facial expression in his whole arsenal of acting techniques.

That point aside, he really needs to do something about that voice. He really can't be taken seriously as any other character than a pretty-boy if he doesn't stop delivering his lines as if he were reading erotic poetry.

As I said before, I don't hate the guy, in fact there are a lot of actors who are much worse than him (see Reeves, Keanu). Yet I think it's all too easy for directors these days to think "Hmmm, Orlando Bloom has starred in what, 5 of the highest grossing films of the past 3 years, let's use him!"


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
** Caution: Spoiler:

About the water digging thing... I didn't think that it was stupid that his father didn't dig for wells, but what blew my mind is that he was a blacksmith in FRANCE, and he came to the DESERT and TAUGHT ARABS (who have only been serviving in the desert for thousands of years how to DIG A WELL. (Which BTW, were only a few feet deep and were all within a few feet of each other :wallbang: )


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
** Caution: More "Kingdom of Heaven" spoilers.

1. Salah Addin did not force any of the people to leave once he took the city.
2. In the battle that took place outside of the city (where the "crusaders were thirsty," I believe Salah Addin's army was smaller.... the movie portrayed them as larger.
3. I have my doubts about how the last battle ended, but i'll have to do more research.
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