Movies you've seen recently... (9 Viewers)

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Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++

I saw it tonight. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was enjoyable entertainment, though. I can tolerate the violence in City of God, and I could laugh at and love the violence used in Pulp Fiction. But Sin City used violence as a complete joke. The movie is a self-parody. Kind of like watching the Jerry Springer show.

The comic book visualizations were definitely interesting, and the cheesy dialog was tolerable (note that I didn't say anything good about it). But the violence was so much of a crutch and gimmick, that without it there would be nothing left. The movie lacked any "brains"...

Which reminds me of when a friend loaned me the DVDs for Armegeddon and Pi on the same day. The first was all budget and no brains, and the second was all brains and no budget. I hated the first (unless you can get a bunch of drunken friends together to mock it), and really liked the second. So that should give you a sense of my biases. I can sense that a lot of people will really like Sin City... just not me.

its time to play the game.


Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hostage was pretty good,, well acted,,

emm wht else,, oh,, i saw an old movie,, serendipity,,
i thought it was pretty cool

and in good company,, i dnt advise u to watch tht,, not so good,, i didnt really get tht movie..!!!


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002

Out of interest have you read the sin city books/comics??

To me its one of the best comic adaptations ever... great film, briliantly produced and true to its source

As for the violence... what did you expect? Its exactly how it should have been.

Lack of Transition and cohesion... Give me a break... were your eyes closed... were you awake?


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

Out of interest have you read the sin city books/comics??

To me its one of the best comic adaptations ever... great film, briliantly produced and true to its source

As for the violence... what did you expect? Its exactly how it should have been.
I must confess -- I am not a comic book guy. But I see no reason why movie interpretations have to stay true to the original material -- the medium is different, and why make a second-rate knock-off attempt at a comic book when you can have the real thing instead? (This was one of my criticisms of the Lord of the Rings trilogy -- the director allowed in plotline cruft for accuracy with the books that really should have been edited out to make a better, and not necessarily more book-like, movie.)

It's like when I hear a band playing a cover of another band. IMO, it works best when the covering band tries to do something with it -- e.g., take it in a slightly different direction, add their own touch to it, etc. It works worst when the band tries to make a duplicate copy... at best a second-rate copy of the original. Then it's like the neighborhood high school kids who play in a Nirvana tribute band. :yuck: (It's also the reason when I see a band play live, I rather they make it into something more than a lip-synching session over their recorded CDs.)

I thought The Don's graphic was particularly (and hilariously! :dielaugh: ) relevant, because without the violence the entire movie had no purpose nor direction.

If I wanted the comic book, I would have read the comic book.


May 11, 2004
This is what I meant by silly, they lack techniques to thrill the audience but you can't blame them. Actually te book is much better than both movies
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