Movie Talk (New Films, Old Films... doesn't matter) (135 Viewers)


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002

Very gritty realism movie of down town LA cops, its easy to see its the same writer-director for Harsh times and writer for training day (he taps into this area frigging well), quite enjoyable, and pretty much best bromance duo I seen in a while (quite genuine). Not without flaws ofcourse, camera though intimate, gets annoying, and focusing so much on building ze main duo is good, but overall plot and rest of characters somewhat lacking in parts. But still recommended viewing, quite a ride as a movie.

Nice slowish little movie about writing and its pitfalls, liked the combo of telling a story in a story, and relieved it wasnt a romcom at all as suspected first (I mean, Bradley Cooper and Saldana). Just little story about a struggling writer and how he loses himself to get success.

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