Mourinho Wants Chelsea Clear Out (1 Viewer)

Oct 1, 2002
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06/03/2004. Chelsea's new coach Jose Mourinho has immediately turned his attention to trimming the size of the club's squad.

The former Porto boss only wants to be working with 21 outfield players and three goalkeepers, which could see as many as 12 players leaving the Bridge - allowing for Mourinho to make a couple of his own signings.

"I will be ready [to assess the squad] when I have worked with the players for 15 days," he explained.

He added: "The way I work, I need everyone to be concentrated. I need to work with small groups.

"I think in top clubs when every player is a top player the biggest question is about motivating people.

"I cannot have a player in my squad who knows it is very difficult for him to play. When I have 30 players and three right-backs, the third right-back knows from the beginning that for him to play the first one has to be injured and the second to be suspended.

"When you have a big box of oranges and one of the oranges is sick, one month later you have 10 oranges to send to the garbage. So I want everyone to have a strong motivation."

Having won the Uefa Cup and Champions League in the last two years, as well as everything there is to win in Portugal, Mourinho could be excused for rating himself highly, although he claims it isn't arrogance.

"Please don't call me arrogant because what I'm saying is true," he said after describing himself as a "top manager". "I'm European champion, so I'm not one of the bottle. I think I'm a special one."

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Alucard Belmont
Oct 1, 2002
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    damn, I begin to admire this guy,I think he is right about this.
    especially this :
    "I cannot have a player in my squad who knows it is very difficult for him to play. When I have 30 players and three right-backs, the third right-back knows from the beginning that for him to play the first one has to be injured and the second to be suspended.

    "When you have a big box of oranges and one of the oranges is sick, one month later you have 10 oranges to send to the garbage. So I want everyone to have a strong motivation."

    btw, any chance we get some players from the clear out?


    Senior Member
    Nov 2, 2003
    Have you ever heard Lippi, Trap, or Capello defines himself as a "Top Manager"? but sure he is clever, as he could aplicate the example of the one bad apple to the more original one bad orange.


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
    franky boy lampard!!:)

    picture this:






    Bobo is a juve player now. goodbye marco though.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    i really dont think we need any of their players as such. even if we do sell players like trez and nedved, i would rather have others join. actually, the only player i would like to join us is Gallas. i think he could be a very good defender for us. but i doubt the defenders will be leaving chelsea, its more the midfielders and forwards i think.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    Pimpin hell, forsell?? No thanks.

    Lamps....ohh hell yeah.

    Mutu?? Thank you

    Joe Cole?? could add a bit of skill we lack.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Terry, Gallas, Bridge and Lampard would be great signings. Joe Cole, Mutu and Crespo could be useful as well, but why would Mourinho let these guys go? It's going to be Desailly, Melchiott, Geremi and those type of peeps that role out, and we don't need any of them.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    True its jus gonna be the fringer players, or players that will be replaced by his guys, ie melchiot : ferriera, Jos Cole : Deco, etc etc


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    Gerermi could do a number of roles, but do e really need him , with the plethora of central midfield options we already have??? AND appiah can do a job wide right,whae we need is wide men and AM's.not dm's.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
    Terry, Gallas, Bridge and Lampard would be great signings. Joe Cole, Mutu and Crespo could be useful as well, but why would Mourinho let these guys go? It's going to be Desailly, Melchiott, Geremi and those type of peeps that role out, and we don't need any of them.
    Terry, Gallas, Bridge and Lampard are going nowhere, but Cole, Mutu and Crespo have less certain futures. Here's how I see it:

    I imagine he'll be getting rid of several keepers, none of which Juve would be interested. Melchiot and Babyaroo are rumoured to be on their way out. They'd be dencent squad players (Babyaroo could let Zambro play in midfield, giving Juve some width), but I can't see either being signed.

    Midfield is tough. Veron's already gone to Inter on loan (season-long I assume). He'll probably let Cole, Gronkjaer, Geremi, Petit and some even more marginal squad players go (so he'll be looking for a right winger), but again, none of these are likely to be Juve material. One possibility is Makelele going (possibly with Costinha coming in), but he's an unlikely Juve target

    Where it gets interesting is up front. He's essentially got five top drawer strikers in Mutu, Gudjohnsson, Hasselbaink, Crespo and Forsell. Any of them would be useful enough to get (though I'd baulk at signing Hasselbaink - he's a lazy player), but Forsell has gone back to Birmingham for another season-long loan, so any sales will only come after a purchase.

    Really, it's not clear yet how he'll handle the squad, so we can only speculate.

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