Most respected former Juventino? (3 Viewers)

Most respected former Juventino?

  • Angelo Peruzzi

  • Roberto Baggio

  • Massimo Carrera

  • Didier Deschamps

  • Angelo Di Livio

  • Filippo Inzaghi

  • Jurgen Kohler

  • Fabrizio Ravanelli

  • Gianluca Vialli

  • Zinedine Zidane

Results are only viewable after voting.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Since we don't have too many polls at the moment, save the Survivor's game, why not start another one..

Who is your most respected former Juve player, inside the past decade, taking into account their exploits with the club (eg. Henry is a top player but achieved little at Juve, hence he's not nominated.)

(Don't kill me if I miss your nominee :angel:;))

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Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I would have said Platini, but it is within the next decade. I think it pretty obviously has to be either Baggio, Deschamps or Zidane. Baggio for his ability and the way he is loved in Italy, Deschamps for his leadership, hard work and sucess with France, and Zidane for his amazing skill and sucess.

I think you have to say Zidane though, as he is often now regarded as one of the alltime greats.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I would have to say either Deschamps,Vialli or Di Livio. Deschamps and Vialli because of their leadership and never say die attitude,and Di Livio because he never stops running,he never stops trying,he ALWAYS gives his all. The reason Zidane was not included in my list is because of the way he left us.

BTW,I voted for Di Livio.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I suppose this depends on if your talking about the Juventus community or the global community. Because if you are talking stricly about the Juve community, it is Zidane, I'd have to say its either Di Livio, Rava or Vialli.


Jul 15, 2002
I'll go for Zidane. No other player has created the waves he has on & off the pitch in the last 10 years. :thumb:

++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
:LOL: Well most respected IS in the eye of the beholder ;)
And the eye of the beholder IS clearly fogged :LOL: Get off those shades Martin :p


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #10
    Hey stop talking down on super Peruzzi :mad:;)

    Btw, care to elaborate on that signature of yours? Sounds like you speak from experience... *curious* :D


    Jul 15, 2002
    Ohhh!!! Now I remember the formidable goalie ... Angelo! I hastily retract my previous comments :D

    I won't go into details about my signature but if you do anything rash in those two moments I've mentioned you might regret later ;)

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