More players for next season . (5 Viewers)

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Junior Member
Oct 30, 2006
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  • Thread Starter #963
    i dont reallyagree, id like to see one between heinze and samuel, playing along barzagli... i want some international italian players in our squad cause we soon will end up like inter, and its not a coinicdence inter havent won anything over the years,... even tough samuel heinze would be one of the strongest central defence in europe


    Softcore Juventino
    Jul 14, 2006
    according to the latest rumours, due to bad results and performance, m. real is going to sell some of their stars. f. canavaro is one of those, who is leaving.

    opportunity for us - i'd like to see him finishing his days as a professional at juve..
    I don´t want no comebacks to Juve, wheather it´s Cannavaro, Zlatan, Vieira or Emerson, etc.

    We are building a new squad here and I like it.

    Cannavaro, Montero, Davids and Inzaghi don´t fit in Juve plans for sure...

    but still, he can give us 1 more season of good performance
    We don´t need one season of good performance, we need 5 seasons.

    ''excuse'' more important than 1 good season for me
    What excuse?

    Juventus got rid of him, not the other way around, we didn´t even want to keep him.

    i dont reallyagree, id like to see one between heinze and samuel, playing along barzagli... i want some international italian players in our squad cause we soon will end up like inter, and its not a coinicdence inter havent won anything over the years,... even tough samuel heinze would be one of the strongest central defence in europe


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2006
    I don´t see any common sense in that.[/QUOTE]

    If you just open up your mind for 1 min , you dont have too agree with me ,but personally i think that Davids would be a great addition too our team ,he has alot of expierence and works hard and he knows the physical level of serie A. We need better defenders i agree but the youngsters like Paro can learn much from Davids but hey it's just a suggestion like i heared the strangest names here so.


    Junior Member
    Oct 30, 2006
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  • Thread Starter #968
    yep mate ure right i didndt right do correct words sorry for that :) and i agree that davids is definetely a great example for paro and other players, i just think however that davids is useless in serie b as we would rather be playing young players, paro and marchisio at most, and he is not good enough any more for serie a . and sorry for the common sense stuff :)


    Softcore Juventino
    Jul 14, 2006
    If you just open up your mind for 1 min , you dont have too agree with me ,but personally i think that Davids would be a great addition too our team ,he has alot of expierence and works hard and he knows the physical level of serie A. We need better defenders i agree but the youngsters like Paro can learn much from Davids but hey it's just a suggestion like i heared the strangest names here so.
    I´m sorry if I offended you, but that really makes no sense.

    Davids is one of my favourite players, but he´s not a player he used to be, and add to that that Juve had many problems with his behaviour if you remember?

    I would welcome him as our youth coach though, somethig like Ciro Ferrara does...


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2006
    lol i'm not offended at all m8 ! Dont worry:) i just think he would be great here or at least the same type off player because we miss agressiveness ,(dont know if i spelled that correct) in our midfield and yes he was a trouble maker, but i do hope we can find the same type of player like him or close because Davids is one of a kind.
    Sep 28, 2002
    i'd take samuel, even heinze, over barzagli anyday. something tells me that guy is gonna be a flop and i can't get rid of that feeling. on the other hand if we could get samuel he could very well turn out to be like cannavaro.
    samuel barzagli would be a dream defence for 5 years to come.


    Senior Member
    Jun 8, 2005
    • V


    samuel barzagli would be a dream defence for 5 years to come.
    only if barzagli lives up to his hype. ;)

    i don't know i really feel palermo is sucking us dry and that barzagli is not worth all that money. i could be wrong of course. either way if we could get samuel that would be a major boost for our defense 100%.


    Moggi santo..subito
    Sep 12, 2006
    only if barzagli lives up to his hype. ;)

    i don't know i really feel palermo is sucking us dry and that barzagli is not worth all that money. i could be wrong of course. either way if we could get samuel that would be a major boost for our defense 100%.
    I think Palermo are quoting such a high price to get us to include one or more players in the deal, as has been suggested before, Miccoli, Marchionni, our share in Bojinov etc. Also when only one club is in for a player & the player wants to go there (as seems to be the case here) the price is always driven up because the selling club holds all the aces. The same situation - although at much higher stakes - was evident in both Essien/ Lyon/ Chelsea & Hargreaves/ Manchester/ Bayern Munchen deals.

    I would say we need to hold on to Marchionni in case Camo wants to leave, but any of the others mentioned would be good losses, Miccoli & Bojinov haven't really made the most of their opportunities in Juve. Keeping Gigi is vital, you simply cannot replace the greatest goalkeeper of all times, no matter how much cash is on offer. We must convince him of our project & keep him happy in bianconeri for the rest of his career. Outside of his actual keeper skills, he is a reference point & leader of our young team, in the same way Ale & Pavel are.

    I would like to see Barzagli (who was excellent at WC) & Heinze as our first choice defence, Kovac providing top class depth on bench as he did the last 2 years. Always thought Mascherano was a good signing, but after seeing the progress of Matteo Paro this term I'm against it, we don't need anyone holding back our new gem, & a possible Pirlo heir for Gli Azzurri.

    Anyways, that was my 2 cents...........


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    TUTTOSPORT 10\01\07

    Barzagli si prenota:"Alla Juve anche senza coppe"

    "Leggo di tante offerte, ma solo sui giornali. La Juve? Come si può dire di no ai bianconeri?"

    "Non giocano in coppa? Ma la Juve starà massimo un anno senza coppe, ed in prospettiva meglio la Juve che altre squadre."

    "Zamparini mi cede per 15 mln di euro? Credo di valere meno di quello cifra."

    Rio Mavuba:"Juve prendetemi"

    "La Juve è l'occasione di una vita, sarei pronto a venire anche adesso e giocare in B."

    L'Agente Morabito:"Mavuba è un misto tra Tigana e Makelele, ha soli 22 anni ma è già pronto per i grandi palcoscenici"

    "Il costo? Se la Ternana ha chiesto 11 mln di euro per Jimenez credo che Rio ne possa valere tranquillamente 10, ma poi gli accordi si fanno in due."


    Barzagli: "With Juve even without the cups".

    "I read about a lot of offers, only on the papers. Juve? How can you say no to the black&white?"

    "They don't play in any cup? Juve at max will be without it for a year and in prospective, better Juve than any other club."

    "Zamparini wants 15m € for me? I think I'm worth a bit less than that."

    Rio Mavuba: "Juve, take me."

    "Juve is the occasion of a lifetime, I'd be ready to come here right now even to play in Serie B."

    His agent Morabito: "Mavuba is a mix between Tigana and Makelele, he's only 20 but he's ready for a big club."

    "His value? If Ternana want 11m € for Jimenez I think Rio could be worth easily 10m €. In the end, it's both clubs that decide on the price."
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