Moggi and Giraudo leaving ???!!!!!! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Alla Juve ora è tempo di rifondazione: il primo a partire potrebbe essere proprio Moggi

Non era necessaria neanche l'ultima delusione di ieri sera. La Juve, già prima della sconfitta nella finale di Coppa Italia contro la Lazio, aveva già deciso di cambiare rotta. Una svolta voluta dai piani alti, dalla famiglia Agnelli. D'accordo anche con il presidente Stevens, Umberto avrebbe deciso da giorni un'epurazione pesante, grossa, a sorpresa. Via Luciano Moggi, ritenuto fra l'altro il principale responsabile del fallimento di questa stagione bianconera. La notizia, circolata in ambienti vicini alla società bianconera, potrebbe trovare conferma nei prossimi giorni. L'allontanamento di Moggi rappresenterebbe così la fine della Triade, già in bilico per la probabile partenza dell'amministratore delegato Giraudo, vicino ad un incarico di maggiore responsabilità (si vocifera di un suo ingresso come Ad de "La Stampa").Momenti di grande tensione dunque in casa bianconera: la rifondazione, che all'inizio pareva dover arrivare solo sul piano squisitamente tecnico, partirà dalla società. La proprietà sembra aver già orientato la scelta del futuro allenatore: arriverà Deschamps, a meno di clamorosi intoppi. Prandelli é tenuto in caldo: sarà eventualmente solo come seconda scelta.

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Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
The only thing i undertsood was "maggi something with the agnelli family"...then "great tension in the bianconeri house"


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #7
    Translation for free

    It was not neccesary the desillusion of yessterday. Juve, already before the first defeat against lazio in the copa italia, have made the decission to change direction. A change that is coming from very high, the agnelli family. As president Grande stevens said the depuration will be big, gross and sorpresive. Moggi leaving, has been considered the reason of the fall back of this bianconeri season. The news, circulating in the Bianconeri ambience, could be confirmed in the next days. Moggi leaving will meaning the end of the triade, already in danger because Giraudo will probably will leave also to a job as administratore in la Stampa.

    Moments of high tenssion in bianconeri house : the refoundation, supposed to be only in the technical area, seem to will touch also the society. By now, society seems to have chosen coach: Deschamps will come, only a surprise can prevent so.Prandelli will only is been considered as a second choice.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    thanks for the translation!.

    well... now we are really having a revolution.....dont know how this will end thou.

    Lets hope for the best!. This transition culd start to work slowly.
    Sep 28, 2002
    actually doubt letting moggi go will be a huge loss. i mean, its easier to find a replacement for him than for lippi. blah, deschamps, prandelli. yes, its not that hard to get them, but there is no guarantee that they wont suck. and a person like moggi has an easier job.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    well...lets hope that this new management will bring some fantasistas to our team...we really need more creativity, and defense of course.


    Senior Member
    Mar 28, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #17
    I just hope all this news to be pure speculation....if this is true, be prepared to spend next three or four years without winning absolutely nothing...hard times for juve fans approching.....


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    I don't think we should let Moggi go. His transfer policy is extremely questionable, but he negotiates intelligently and has brought some fantastic players to the Delle Alpi over the years.

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