Modern football (1 Viewer)


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
I was just reading a couple of threads in the Euro 2004 forum and it reminded me of the infamous Denmark-Sweden game. I began wondering whether modern football had become a game you win by making deals rather than having a good team.

Now let me take the Italian national team and the Italian club teams for an example:

Euro 2000
Zambrotta gets a red card after receiving his second yellow card against Holland. IMO it was pretty clear that Zambro should never have been sent off. You can say whatever you want, but we all now it's very doubtable a Dutch player would have received red as well.

Furthermore the penalty Holland were gifted against the Czech Republic was a joke as well. But hey, Holland are the home nation after all, right?

World Cup 2002
Half of the goals scored by Italy are disallowed. All five of them were perfectly legal. In total three goals scored against Corea were disallowed. All three of them were perfectly legal.

Instead of getting a penalty, Totti receives his second yellow for an alleged dive. Later on the linesmen would admit he had initially flagged for a penalty.

Even when it came to something as simple as taking penalties rules weren't applied as they should. The Corean goalie came out of his goal three times against Spain and none of the penalties were retaken.

To make things worse it seemed as if making Italian players bleed was an act as noble as whiping Queen Elisabeth's ass.

Euro 2004
It's the final group game. A lot of speculation is being made about whether or not Denmark and Sweden would deliberately tie 2-2. Before the game both teams do their best to stress the fact they will try to be sportsmanlike.
The game ends 2-2. Period.

Champions League
Being an avid Juventus fan I have witnessed some strange things along the way when we were playing CL. Like Davids receiving various discussable red cards to say the least. And every time everyone reacted by saying "well, it's his reputation". I wonder in how far his reputation was created by referees deliberately trying to get him a red card.

As for Roma, things are just plain disgusting. Roma haven't received a fair treatment for years now and something has to be done.
Like Totti getting sent off against Arsenal a couple of seasons age while it was obvious he didn't do anything wrong. He didn't even do anything in fact.

Or this lighter-incident Roma had this season. Are we seriously going to chase clubs for not forbidding their fans to own lighters?

And the various red cards Roma had this season. How many of them were justified? Just one (De Rossi).

And last but not least: Inter.
How about getting a three match-ban for hitting an opponent after he made a nasty foul and hit you in the face? Oh yeah, I forgot to add, your opponent doesn't get to be sent off.

Every season I ask myself how on earth it is possible that Real Madrid doesn't win the CL every year. Just look at the advantages they get from referees.


PS: "As a football player I would like to believe it's human incompetence.."
(Fernando Hierro, after Corea-Spain)

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In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Says the oh so sportsmanlike scandinavian. Why would it be weird to assume deals are being made? Football is a bussiness that involves a lot of cash and who would be so stupid to let that depend on chance? I know that I for one would always try to set something up.

    But I know, denial is far more pleasant. Than you actually still have the feeling you're watching something exciting. And I'm all for that illusion-thingie of yours, I just wish they'd hide a little bit more. I'm not asking that much, just..make it look real.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Why is it that fans of calcio are so fond of conspiracy theories? We've seen it lots of times in the past, fans of other clubs making wild claims about how Juve makes deal with referees and whatnot. At the time all of those statements were labeled ludicrous. But when it's Juve or Italy that isn't good enough to win, suddenly we're just like them, aren't we?


    Junior Member
    Aug 1, 2002
    It is conceivable that FIFA makes arrangements so that the hosts of a tournament are protected. It is in FIFA's best economical interests to make sure the host country goes far in the competition. For instance, FIFA unveiled at the beginning of the last African Nations Cup that the tournament would be financially viable only in the event of Tunisia winning it -- which they did.

    I don't buy into a conspiracy against the various Italian interests though.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    Exactly, you seem to want to justify all Italian failures with various conspiracy theories. Get over it ffs.
    This isn't about Italy, I just used them as an example.


    approaching curve
    Oct 3, 2004
    Haha come on, only Italians believe it was a set-up. :howler:

    Denmark scores 1-0, Sweden had to equalize.
    Denmark scores 2-1, Sweden had to equalize.

    We did the same routine against Italy, the result seems logic to me.

    And I think its weird how every player on the field would agree to this kind of stuff. Especially Tomasson who loves Italy more than he loves Scandinavia and Denmark. :howler:

    Ridiculus, let it go. :dontcare:
    Sep 28, 2002
    children are starving because of those refereeing cheats :fero:

    ok seven.

    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++
    I was just reading a couple of threads in the Euro 2004 forum and it reminded me of the infamous Denmark-Sweden game. I began wondering whether modern football had become a game you win by making deals rather than having a good team.

    Now let me take the Italian national team and the Italian club teams for an example:

    Euro 2000
    Zambrotta gets a red card after receiving his second yellow card against Holland. IMO it was pretty clear that Zambro should never have been sent off. You can say whatever you want, but we all now it's very doubtable a Dutch player would have received red as well.

    why not? it was a clear tactical foul, a bookable offence. when you have two of those you get sent off. to hell with those who invented this rule.

    World Cup 2002
    Half of the goals scored by Italy are disallowed. All five of them were perfectly legal. In total three goals scored against Corea were disallowed. All three of them were perfectly legal.
    its five already. thought it was 2. nevermind.

    Instead of getting a penalty, Totti receives his second yellow for an alleged dive. Later on the linesmen would admit he had initially flagged for a penalty.
    didnt hear that bit about the linesman. in any case, that wasnt a penalty.

    Even when it came to something as simple as taking penalties rules weren't applied as they should. The Corean goalie came out of his goal three times against Spain and none of the penalties were retaken.
    so did dida when we lost the final. so do many other keepers. but yeah, italy lost, so that was a foul play.

    Champions League
    Being an avid Juventus fan I have witnessed some strange things along the way when we were playing CL. Like Davids receiving various discussable red cards to say the least. And every time everyone reacted by saying "well, it's his reputation". I wonder in how far his reputation was created by referees deliberately trying to get him a red card.
    did you watch him play? if he leaves a field without a yellow, he's lucky. FFS!

    As for Roma, things are just plain disgusting. Roma haven't received a fair treatment for years now and something has to be done.
    Like Totti getting sent off against Arsenal a couple of seasons age while it was obvious he didn't do anything wrong. He didn't even do anything in fact.

    Or this lighter-incident Roma had this season. Are we seriously going to chase clubs for not forbidding their fans to own lighters?

    And the various red cards Roma had this season. How many of them were justified? Just one (De Rossi).
    how many cards they deserved? dont know, didnt see all of their matches, but mexes deserved a red against kiev.
    3 match ban for the club because of someone throwing a lighter? ****, they shouldve been suspended for the next season too!

    And last but not least: Inter.
    How about getting a three match-ban for hitting an opponent after he made a nasty foul and hit you in the face? Oh yeah, I forgot to add, your opponent doesn't get to be sent off.
    two game ban thankyoubverymuch. for a two hand punch. too little. valence player deserved a red too. but the ref didnt see the incident. so...

    all in all. grow up. stop making this crap out and go save the world


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    All I'm saying is five legal goals scored by Italy were disallowed in the world cup. You have to be blind not to see there's something wrong with that. And the hosts of the tournament having a tremendous amount of refereeing mistakes in their advantage? Come on.

    Then there's this tie between Denmark and Sweden. You can't seriously believe that's not a setup IMO. They had to draw 2-2 and they actually did with Sorensen making a huge mistake in the final minutees..

    But you may believe whatever you want to. If you chose to close your eyes and go along in this illusion, that's fine by me.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #16
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++

    its five already. thought it was 2. nevermind.

    didnt hear that bit about the linesman. in any case, that wasnt a penalty.

    how many cards they deserved? dont know, didnt see all of their matches, but mexes deserved a red against kiev.
    You might want to know your facts when you start to ridicule others. It were two goals against Croatia (Vieri, Inzaghi), two against Mexico (Inzaghi, Montella) and one against Corea (Tomassi).

    No, perhaps it wasn't a penalty. But it wasn't a yellow card for diving either. Anyway, if it was something it was a penalty.

    And you're not very strong on the Roma-issue either. You can't base your opinion on their red cards on one you accidentally saw and that was deserved. You should have at least seen all of them.
    Sep 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++
    But you may believe whatever you want to. If you chose to close your eyes and go along in this illusion, that's fine by me.
    But you may believe whatever you want to. If you chose to close your eyes and go along in this illusion, that's fine by me.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    I agree with Seven to a certain extent. The tie between Denmark and Sweden is a bit weak, but the goals disallowed for Italy was quite appalling. It seems as if the refereeing always turns horrendous whenever Italy takes the field.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    I agree with Seven to a certain extent. The tie between Denmark and Sweden is a bit weak, but the goals disallowed for Italy was quite appalling. It seems as if the refereeing always turns horrendous whenever Italy takes the field.
    Exactly. And you can't say it's a case of human incompetence every time. By the way it's hardly fair to call Italians bad losers when they complain, because I think they have every right to do so.

    I just don't understand five legal goals were disallowed and everyone acts like nothing happened. And then when Italian players say "5 legal goals were disallowed, doesn't it look suspicious to you?" everyone starts bashing Italian football.

    Why yes, I AM a conspiracy theorist. But because it's only logical to assume deals are being made. Do you really believe Corea would reach the semis again? Did they really beat Spain in your eyes? Were Spanish players being bad losers when they complained about the refereeing? Weren't Spain robbed?

    And as Andy said, the refereeing always turns horrendous whenever Italy takes the field. I'd buy it two times, I'd buy it three times, but I'm not going to buy it every ****ing time.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #20
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++

    But you may believe whatever you want to. If you chose to close your eyes and go along in this illusion, that's fine by me.
    You know Fliakis, you haven't actually put forward an argument. You've tried to ridicule me, which is appreciated by a lot of members I guess, but in terms of actually contributing to the conversation you're pretty useless.

    You probably can't be bothered to answer because "come on, only 2 goals were disallowed and Mexes' red card was justified and if I missed a couple of things they don't count."

    You might be a Lithuanian sex god, but I doubt a sex god would spend so much time on this forum.

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