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The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Bozi, I've got a little advice for you.

Shut the fack up.

The majority of the forum has been trying to shut up those who don't think Juventus are on the right path. Jack is a good guy, but he ridicules those who have opinions and express them on this forum. If he's upset about the expression of opinion, too bad. Perhaps he shouldn't be here. And perhaps you shouldn't be here either.
yup,you two are like peas in a pod
except at least Jack at least attempts to use a little humour to ridicule people

you just shout loud and get in your "bro's"

The funny thing is, I never said that you couldn't be optimistic about the season. What I've always said is that you need to provide FACTS to support your view.

But nobody ever does. And if you don't think that is acceptable, you're called a whiner or something of the sort. That's what the MAJORITY called folks like me and Vinni over the past few months, yet we're the bad guys for expressing our opinion? A guy like Bozi comes in here and tries to rearrange facts?

Yeah, right. Typical of that dude.
actually Andy i don't really give a fuck about your views and nobody on here really takes your views that seriously either...well apart from you,you take your own views very seriously,you take everything you say and repeat it until somebody else follows and then i bet you masturbate yourself into a frenzy because you proved that you are the most wonderful man alive.

i never called anyone a whiner,i just wonder at WHAT POINT you will be happy. because seriously,if you will bicth and moan until we are CL winners again then its probably for the best that you go support another team.

we are not as good as we were post-calciopoli,in fact i seriously doubt we will see a Juventus that strong again. i don't want to "settle for mediocrity" but we have to evaluate the squad for what they are,a team of decent players,playing a new system,for a new coach...instead of a team full of superstars,playing in a settled formation,with a world class coach...oh wait...you weren't happy then either were you?

i don't want to lower my expectations of Juventus,but right now,we need to back a team in transition and look for any bright spots on the horizon because we are in this for the long haul!

We have the potential to satisfy women all over the world. Lebanese are known for their tremendous stamina. Scottish don't. After couple of positions, they're dead.

bullshit,we aren't dead....just comatose from alchohol poisoning

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