Miralem Pjanić (15 Viewers)

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Thats laughable. There is a big gap between them. One is clearly among the best mids of his generation, while the other is "just" a good player. He was fundamental both for Real during one of the most succesful periods of that club and his NT.
While underrating Modric is stupid, so is calling Eriksen "just" a good player. He was fantastic the last two seasons. Would love him here.

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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Typical Tuz to overrated their own countrymen, I'd take Eriksen over Modric anyday.
There is a big gap between them. One is clearly among the best mids of his generation, while the other is "just" a good player. He was fundamental both for Real during one of the most succesful periods of that club and his NT.
He lives in denmark. Get it?

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