Miloš Krasić (7 Viewers)

Mar 28, 2007

Milos Krasic a Torino
Milos Krasic è a Torino. Il giocatore serbo nel primo pomeriggio si è sottoposto a una serie di esami presso la clinica Fornaca di Sessant. Le visite mediche si concluderanno nella giornata di domani, quando è previsto anche un incontro con la dirigenza bianconera per discutere gli aspetti contrattuali.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2007
I'm glad we signed him.

I hope he will at least be half the Pavel Nedved we had and I'll be more than satisfied.

All the best Milos.
Well, I'm hoping Milos will be his own man, I just want him to succeed :tup:
Oh and Rab, your sig should totally be 'or the del piero way' :D


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2007
One heartbreaking story, will learn us to appreciate him even more...

Belgrade, 04.01.2010

INTERVIEW, Milos Krasic, the best Serbian footballer in 2009

Milos Krasic: My parents will never leave Kosovo!

The best Serbian player in 2009. year Milos Krasic says that his parents will never leave Kosovo and Metohija!

"Jackson" from Kosovska Mitrovica, said that the "millions" of times attempting to father and mother moved to Belgrade and Moscow, but that they did not want to hear about it, remaining persistent in order to continue to be in the centuries-old homes.

CSKA midfield in the interview for Frankfurt news paid the courage for Serbian population that still exists in the southern province, saying that these people are for him a symbol of courage and loyalty to the homeland. After arrival to Vojvodina in 1999, he even thought to go back to Kosovska Mitrovica, because he could not endure life without parents, but in his days of crisis he had support from older brother Bojan, who now plays for FK Proleter.

It is known that you're born in Kosovska Mitrovica, have you ever tried to convince your parents to follow you and get rid of them living in difficult conditions?

-There are no chances of any change. At least a million times I tried to convince them to move, to live more beautiful, comfortable, quiet. No way. My mother recently had surgery in Kosovo, in a situation when you do not know if there will be electricity, water, anything from drugs, will be equipment in the hospital ... She refused all my attempts to do this in Belgrade. Thank God, she's good, she's recovering.

You left Kosovo during the NATO aggression, how did you beat the first rush of nostalgia, especially since in this period was the life of your loved ones in danger?

-Probably would have returned to Kosovo if there wasn't Bojan. He had a key role. I was just a kid, away from their parents would hardly withstand long. Thus, to keep him, pushed each stroke of sadness, nostalgia, I thought only and only on football. Over time I gained friends in Novi Sad. Now, behold, this is my second city.

What Kosovo means to you?

-I still can't hardly wait for every opportunity to go down. So it will be for life. That's my house! Yes, there are many problems and every honor the people who stay down, bravo for the courage, loyalty to the homeland. I know many who would never have left Kosovo ... Kosovo has become a symbol of the torment of the NATO bombing. I would not be returning more to it. It is what it was. But, my childhood was really nice. In his hometown, with his most love, with football, training, playing in the school yard, all that kid makes joyous.

He deserves to be happy.

Milose, good luck to you and your family

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