Miguel (1 Viewer)


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Aug 12, 2004
Juve, mani su Miguel
17 01 2005

Miguel, 25 anni Grazia Neri
Dal Portogallo arriva un' indiscrezione di mercato importante che riguarda la Juventus. Secondo la stampa lusitana i dirigenti bianconeri avrebbero sondato il terreno per l'esterno destro del Benfica, Miguel.

Il sondaggio è stato fatto col club allenato da Giovanni Trapattoni dopo che i dirigenti portoghesi si erano fatti avanti per Igor Tudor.

Il centrale croato interessa molto al tecnico italiano per rafforzare il reparto difensivo in vista della partenza di Luizao.

Nell'ambito di questa operazione la Juve avrebbe chiesto, come contropartita tecnica, il nazionale portoghese grande protagonista con la maglia del Portogallo nell'ultimo Europeo.

Miguel ha 25 anni e sarebbe un ottimo investimento per la Juve che sulla fascia destra cerca un ricambio importante per Zebina anche se il giocatore del Benfica è portato più alla fase offensiva che a quella difensiva rispetto all'ex giallorosso.

Miguel, contattato nei giorni scorsi, aveva detto: "So dell'interessamento da parte loro anche se ero più possibilista per un eventuale trasferimento prima dell'Europeo. Comunque una soluzione juventina non potrei che vederla di buon occhio".

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Aug 12, 2004
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    English Translation

    Juve, hands on Miguel
    17 01 2005
    Miguel, 25 Black years Grace
    From the Portugal an indiscretion of important market arrives
    that it regards the Juventus. According to the Lusitanian press the bianconeri leaders sondato the
    land for the skillful outside of the Benfica, Miguel.
    The survey has been made with the club trained from Giovanni
    Trapattoni after that the portuguese leaders had made themselves ahead
    for Igor Tudor.
    They centers Croatian very interests the Italian technician in order
    to strengthen the defensive unit in sight of the departure of Luizao.
    In the within of this operation the Juve would have asked, like contropartita technical, the national Portuguese great protagonist with the mesh of the last
    Portugal in the European.
    Miguel has 25 years and would be an optimal investment for the Juve
    that on wraps right tries a reciprocation important for Zebina even if
    the player of the Benfica is carried more to the offensive phase that
    to that defensive regarding the former ones giallorosso.
    Miguel, contacted some days before, it had said: "I know of the interest from part they even if was more possibilist
    for an eventual transfer before the European. However a solution juventina I could not that to see it of good eye ".


    Junior Member
    Aug 1, 2002
    Miguel is worldclass, the man to get to have the job done at RB, a real upgrade over Zebina. I'd insert Tudor in the enveloppe in a heartbeat if it can help seal a deal.

    Is the media that brought the news dependable? No idea.


    Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
    Oct 27, 2004





    = Kill me softly! the greatest team!!!!!! omg this would be a dream. Get Valeron or Vicente as Neddys heir too :D

    I hope this deal falls thrU! C'mon Trappattoni, convice the portugese fella to join grande Juve!!


    Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
    Oct 27, 2004
    its good to see that we are linked with many players ;) I just hope Moggi buy some new defenders and then Pizarro and we will be back on track!


    Senior Member
    Mar 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++





    = Kill me softly! the greatest team!!!!!! omg this would be a dream. Get Valeron or Vicente as Neddys heir too :D

    I hope this deal falls thrU! C'mon Trappattoni, convice the portugese fella to join grande Juve!!
    valeron is the same age of nedved -__________-''


    Senior Member
    Mar 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Holdon ] ++
    I've f*cking had it the walking f*ck up, Zebina. We need a class right back.
    i wonder why ppl say zebina is good in beginnin of the season .. he is never juve material and thats y ROMA let him leave for nth


    Sep 23, 2003
    Miguel would be a nice addition and good reason to put Zebina on the bench for a while and dwell on his mistakes. He's very consistent, and he can be a great contributor to attacks when needed.

    I wouldn't entirely go so far as to say he is world class per se -- though he did earn the right to sub out Chelsea's 30MM Euro man in Paulo Ferreira for Portugal NT in Euro 2004 -- and has been rock solid ever since in that NT role. But his stability is something I would kill for given Juve's recent tendency to blow late leads. If he can be a personality fit for the team (hopefully he can mesh well with Emerson in Portuguese, etc.), sounds like a great potential addition. :thumb: I heartily endorse this idea.


    Senior Member
    Nov 10, 2003
    Miguel would be nice. although I dont think thats necessary since Chiellini is coming back and we can move zambro to right back

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