Miguel Veloso (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Jan 5, 2008
they say that sporting value him at 15 mil but the genuis Secco are offering 12+ Tiago which equals atleast 17 ?!?!?!!
:disagree: thats more like 22 mil euro. 12 +tiago (who cost us 13 mil last season but am assuming he's price went down to 10 mil) then thats 22 mil euros.....I won't be suprised if that happen or even if we paid more.....


In Love with a Feelin'
Mar 4, 2008
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the price on these articles as Veloso was first 10 mill then ManU was interested and his price was 30 mill so they just say what comes to mind.


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
I'm interested in what Veloso thinks of us, we all know he's got a fetish for Milan, but it'd be interesting to see whether he would in fact want to move to us.. Providing we throw the cash at him I doubt he'll care though


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
He doesnt have a fetish for Milan, they were just the flavour of the day in a team he was pimped out to. Last year it was Real Madrid, and before that it was Man U, just the typical stuff.

And Veloso is quality talent, but not really a quality player yet in consistency. He is bit too raw still. Would like him if the price was reasonable, but it hardly will be with his hype. From Sporting, I rather get Moutinho.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2007
Abola.pt July 1, 2008
Juventus afasta-se de Miguel Veloso

«Miguel Veloso já não interessa mais.» As palavras, tão suscitas como claras, pertencem ao presidente da Juventus, Giovanni Cobolli Gigli, deixando antever que o clube de Turim deixou de ser hipótese para o médio do Sporting.

Falando esta manhã aos jornalistas presentes nas instalações da Liga italiana, Cobolli Gigli foi bem claro quando confrontado com o nome do jovem internacional português.

Deixou perceber, no entanto, que o clube de Turim esteve interessado na contratação do jogador, tendo inclusivamente iniciado negociações com o Sporting, mas o alto valor pretendido pelos «leões» terá ditado este afastamento da vecchia signora.


Basically saying.. Giovanni Cobolli Gigli: "Miguel Veloso no longer interests us." According to Abola.pt, those were the exact words of Gigli.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2007
gigli is still a fagit though, he never keeps his cards close to his chest, if xabi didnt come and we went back for veloso he would most probably reject is because we publicly rejected him.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2007
he might not have. But gigli is always the guy who denies intrest in other players, I would'nt be surprised though if he did say this.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
No, but I notice you posting posts that claws for reasons to criticise Gigli&co, to the point of having no qualms with inventing reasons.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2007
no reason, I am not clawing into them, im actually just stating the obvious point that options should be kept open, not having the door slammed in their face. Doing that seems pretty daft to me.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
We dont know even said that. And if he did, it may have various reasons for it. We have already captured Xabi, or playing mind games with Sporting to lower demands or just putting pressure on them etc. Or just likely may be being upfront in not considering Veloso (as previously said, for finishing up another option).

But either way, these things should first and foremost questionned if they even said it (media is manipulative biz), and secondly analyze what the purpose of that statement may be. If its Galliani-esque of just to bullshit to play mind games (one week Ronaldinho is signed, next he was never considered etc). Things are rarely closed even if you say we will never sign that player. They say alot of fluffy bullshit that may mean shit. Not allways worth taking face value on.
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