Michele Pazienza (21 Viewers)


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
at best, he has some dog of war potentiall, and is able to pass in a straight line. For free, on low wages, in place of a departing Momo, would be a decent move. We lack bite the team over. Ites been a worsening, unaddressed problem, for many years now. And it ties in with some of Tachinardi's recent words in an interview. I take most thing he said with a handful of salt, but still, he was spot-on when referring to the arrogance, the embracing of been despised, of his former Juve from his playing days.

Those players felt above all other teams, on an equal playing field to only the leading clubs from england, spain or germany. they oozed well earned pride. And there was a defiance in their single spirit, pulsing as one, in the face of any hint of defeat. THAT was what solidified my larval love for the club in the 90s. And its been ebbing away since 2006. slowly but surely.

We lack players of that station. Its something that costs huge to purchase, and is equally expensive, in terms of time, to fashion out of those with potential. for now, we need more heart, quality, passion and awareness of what the shirt means. Pepe is a layer who always gives his all, but in the positions he plays, thats rarely enough to make him competent. Pazienza, is a player who seems to give his all, regularly enough to make him competent in the position he plays. Momo is finished with us. Perhaps he can prosper elsewhere, i hope so, as i like his style...pure beast. often taking out his own players with a tackle that also crunches two opponents, yet wins the ball...only to then overhit a 5 yard pass, by 50 yards to the left...


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
Because we can. It's the Marotta philosophy. Buy anyone that's free, even if they are shit. After all, there is a reason why their clubs didn't renew their contracts.
I am glad I am stoned enough to be able to read such words, know that you mean them, and that there is a horrible chance that it could well be Marotta's weird philosophy...and still be able to chuckle. It makes o' Beppe seem not just incompetent, but somehow a lunatic. The ONLY way he can redeem himself in my eyes and likely many others, is if he re-signs for the club, both Andreas Moller and Jurgen Kohler...they are the kind of players we need. Arrogant and supremely confident, also nazis. Moller had such an ugly, magnificent sense of self worth and self belief, that the team lifted whenever the ball went to him, as did the crowd. Kohler...since him, only Montero has been of the same breed. A certain quiet fierceness. You would think twice before going in for a 50/50 with Kohler or Montero, outside the box...but who would think twice before going into a 50/50 with any of our defenders other than chiellini??? and even king giorgio lacks that killer glare, that understated but obvious enjoyment of crunching other players. We lack both the Ballack/Moller arrogance on the ball, in areas where we need someone that horridly nazi majestic, or just plain quality, like alonso...and in defence we lack a killer. a player to instill any hint of fear of the physical confrontation in the minds of the opposition. I can think of only Melo, who sometimes goes into a tackle very clearly wanting to hurt another player, perhaps more than he wants the ball. Motta could end up killing you, in a tackle, but not intentionally, so he doesn't count...so only melo.

I like inler, he has bite as well as technique. And i hope hugely that there is a possibility of an inler, pirlo, melo midfield.

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