Mel speaks out (2 Viewers)

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Crusader of Justice
Jul 28, 2005
Anyone heard about that stupid incident. They covered it a little on Fox News( the most powerful name in news:D ) I heard some stuff but you never really know if its true. They didn't really confirm if Gibson really made anti-semitic comments. Anyone know more about this

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Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
scorpion10 said:
Anyone heard about that stupid incident. They covered it a little on Fox News( the most powerful name in news:D ) I heard some stuff but you never really know if its true. They didn't really confirm if Gibson really made anti-semitic comments. Anyone know more about this
:D thats a good avatar.

I dont know what he said but it certainly aint suprising fox news blowing this out of proportion as have the rest of the news agencies. They may stop him from saying "anti semitic" stuff but they can never take away this bravehearts freeeedom, hmm then again...
Apr 12, 2004
Agree with Morra, i have Jewish ancestory, and I think that Mel is an asshole. I heard that "The Passion..." was a little anti-semetic, so i refused to see it, and all that shit. But anyway, anyone who is crazy into religion like that has to be screwed up somewhere along the thought path.

I read or heard from some place that he actually called his wife a sinner and said that she was going to hell because she was not a Catholic. (she is protestant or baptist or some other Christian denom.)

But I think that it will have a great impact on his career, don't look for big Stevey Spielberg to be hookin him up with any roles anytime soon.


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Yeah heard about it on CNN & they are playing it non stop.Just goes to show what a huge impact the jewish community has worldwide.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
ßömßärdîër said:
Agree with Morra, i have Jewish ancestory, and I think that Mel is an asshole. I heard that "The Passion..." was a little anti-semetic, so i refused to see it, and all that shit. But anyway, anyone who is crazy into religion like that has to be screwed up somewhere along the thought path.

I read or heard from some place that he actually called his wife a sinner and said that she was going to hell because she was not a Catholic. (she is protestant or baptist or some other Christian denom.)

But I think that it will have a great impact on his career, don't look for big Stevey Spielberg to be hookin him up with any roles anytime soon.
I aint kidding but thats the most i have ever seen you type :D


Junior Member
Apr 14, 2006
I believe Mel Gibson has allegedly said:

“Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,”

Well, theyre kinda responsible for at least one!!! He may be a douche bag but i think there is a lot of high feelings about whats going on in Lebenon at the moment.
Apr 12, 2004
Guzzler said:
I believe Mel Gibson has allegedly said:

“Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,”

Well, theyre kinda responsible for at least one!!! He may be a douche bag but i think there is a lot of high feelings about whats going on in Lebenon at the moment.

Yea I heard it went like this:

Officer: License reg, blah blah

Mel: Fucking Jews, they are the cause of this, they are the cause of all the wars in the world.

Too bad I might say that next time I get pulled.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2005
i didn't hear him say anything, but just that he was caught driving while being drunk :D :D reminds :pint: me of the south park episode, they really trashed him :cool: it's a shame because when I was young I thought lethal weapon movies were really cool , he was a nice actor . Something finally must have snapped in his brain though.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Guzzler said:
I believe Mel Gibson has allegedly said:

“Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,”
Well call me an anti semitic but I think he may have a point, although I wont get all stereotypical and say all jews, afterall theres the good, the bad and the ugly jews all over the continent.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2005
true, there are also the good (blackadder), the bad (melchett) and the ugly (baldrick) english. Seriously, how many wars did the english start ? I seem to remember half of the world was yours at some point. :)


Junior Member
Apr 14, 2006
mnementh said:
true, there are also the good (blackadder), the bad (melchett) and the ugly (baldrick) english. Seriously, how many wars did the english start ? I seem to remember half of the world was yours at some point. :)
Thats quite true. But there is an old irish saying, "People in glass houses shouldnt throw bricks"

Imperialistic nations, it will always come back to haunt you!!


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2005
Guzzler, in Israel we maintain (well , most of us ) that we didn't start any war. There were a couple of preemptive campaigns though. If we're an imperialistic nation though we're doing a very lousy job (0.23% of the middle east is ours).
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