Mavuba, il nuovo Davids per la Juve (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Mavuba, il nuovo Davids per la Juve
10 12 2004

Antonio Mavuba

C’è un volto nuovo nel mercato juventino: si tratta di Rio Antonio Zoba Mavuba, centrocampista del Bordeaux e della Nazionale francese.

Nato l’8 marzo del 1984 in Angola ma di passaporto francese, Mavuba è una sorta di Edgar Davids transalpino: un metro e settantadue di altezza per sessantotto chili, il “Girondino” è un centrocampista ottimo nell’interdizione ma anche nel far ripartire l’azione, è esploso l’anno scorso con la maglia del Bordeaux, ripetendosi anche in questa stagione ad alti livelli.

La definitiva esplosione del giocatore è stata confermata dalla chiamata in Nazionale, con il ct dei Galletti, Raymond Domenech, che lo ha fatto esordire lo scorso agosto contro la Bosnia per poi utilizzarlo anche contro l’Eire.

Il giocatore è così entrato nel mirino della Juve, da sempre attenta al campionato francese, dove si possono acquistare giovani talenti senza dover spendere troppi soldi: anzi, pare che da Corso Galileo Ferraris sia partita anche qualche telefonata a Michel Platini per chiedere ulteriori referenze sul centrocampista.

Referenze che sono state positive e così la Juve ha già iniziato a intavolare una trattavia con il Bordeaux: domenica scorsa emissari della Vecchia Signora si sono recati allo stadio Abbe Deschamps per visionare Mavuba in Auxerre-Bordeaux e iniziare a imbastire la trattativa.

Dal canto loro i Girondins hanno fatto subito sapere di essere disposti a privarsi del loro gioiello, sotto contratto fino al 2009, per una cifra intorno ai 4-5 milioni di euro, cifra assolutamente abbordabile per la Juventus.

Anche perché il club bianconero incasserà a breve una somma di denaro simile grazie alla cessione di Tacchinardi al Barcellona: con Obodo che pare ormai destinato a restare a Firenze pure nella prossima stagione, a giugno potrebbe essere proprio Mavouba a prendere il posto di Alessio nel centrocampo juventino.

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Junior Member
Aug 1, 2002
Rio Mavuba, good player! :)

But I'm afraid it's all going too fast for him having been called up for international duty by Domenech after as few games as 30 in the French first division. He's not even mastering his subject at Bordeaux, how could he be even remotely useful to us? He still has loads to learn at the inferior level. Moving to an elite club is obviously way too premature a talk. The potential is there and undisputed though.

Had you told me Mikaël Essien of Lyon, would've been a different story...


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
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    ++ [ originally posted by Stephañho! ] ++
    Rio Mavuba, good player! :)

    But I'm afraid it's all going too fast for him having been called up for international duty by Domenech after as few games as 30 in the French first division. He's not even mastering his subject at Bordeaux, how could he be even remotely useful to us? He still has loads to learn at the inferior level. Moving to an elite club is obviously way too premature a talk. The potential is there and undisputed though.

    Had you told me Mikaël Essien of Lyon, would've been a different story...
    aha you know him, I did not hear about him until now... may be he is going to be ready in couple of years..


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Essien looks like a fantastic player, one who can tackle and score a bunch of goals too. One of the best midfielders in the Champions League thus far.


    New Member
    Feb 4, 2004
    Yeah Essien is tha man!!!Great bpth defensively and offensively far better than already good Appiah IMO. But he would be quite expensive I think cause he is a star in Lyon the one who plays every single game. As for Mavuba I have seen him couple of times and he didn't impress me much, but I think that guy has a potential and could be usefull but not this or next season. Our internetional player Jacek Bak who plays in france for a while, said before our fiendly agains France a month ago that his coleuges in Lyon laughed about when they heard that he is recalled to the french side so he is definetely not ready for Juve...


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Stephañho! ] ++
    Rio Mavuba, good player! :)

    But I'm afraid it's all going too fast for him having been called up for international duty by Domenech after as few games as 30 in the French first division. He's not even mastering his subject at Bordeaux, how could he be even remotely useful to us? He still has loads to learn at the inferior level. Moving to an elite club is obviously way too premature a talk. The potential is there and undisputed though.

    Had you told me Mikaël Essien of Lyon, would've been a different story...
    Actually, we were linked to him as well.

    Anyways, I remember a time when we bought Sergio de Windt as the new Davids.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I had high hopes for him, but I knew of course that most of these hyped up young players, destined to be the new Davids, or Blanc, or Romario, or Maradona... will never make it.


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2004
    Mavuba is a great player to come, but as Stephañho said, it's too early for him to join a club like Juve. Plus we don't need him.
    Let him mature like good wine in Bordeaux, let him play matches for the NT, and in a year, or maybe two, he'll be ready for the big step, or for the trash can....

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