Mauro Camoranesi (32 Viewers)


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2006
What happen between Camo and Ranieri yesterday?

Ive heard rumours that DP and him had a big fight with Ranieri, that ended with Buffon´s frustration during the game.

I dont know if you have any information


Apr 17, 2009
I wouldn't be surprised and tbh I think that's probably what happened. DP had a bust up with CR at the beginning of the season if you recall. I wouldn't be surprised if these issues came back to a head during this extreme slump of form. Especially after learning about themselves being subbed and the formation changes at half time. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole old guard told him where to go and what to do when he gets there.

He plays you out of position, then subs you for not playing well, then changes the formation to suit you. Once you're on the bench. :lol:

Joke coach is a joke.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Agente Camoranesi attacca Ranieri: "Ci vuole più rispetto"

Sergio Fortunato commenta il litigio tra l'argentino e il tecnico nell'intervallo di Juventus-Lecce.

"Ci vuole più rispetto per giocatori di un certo spessore, dopo otto anni di militanza alla Juventus". Sergio Fortunato, il procuratore di Mauro Camoranesi, lo dice a "Radio Radio", commentando il litigio tra l'argentino e Claudio Ranieri nell'intervallo di Juventus-Lecce.

"Per Camoranesi non ci saranno strascichi - assicura Fortunato - ma lo si deve capire. Mauro è da tanti anni alla Juve, ha un contratto fino al 2011. Non ha mai avuto problemi con un allenatore, è sceso in Serie B con la Juve e ha giocato un ottimo campionato".

"Con il Lecce ha giocato in una posizione che non è la sua - aggiunge il procuratore -. Lui è un esterno destro ed è stato schierato come uno dei 3 centrocampisti. Nel secondo tempo la Juve è tornata a giocare con un 4-4-2 e Camoranesi avrebbe potuto essere utilizzato nel suo ruolo. I bianconeri sono abituati a vincere, ora stanno vivendo un momento difficile ed è normale che ci sia

Translation anyone?


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2005
Agent cools Camo talk

Monday 4 May, 2009

Mauro Camoranesi was visibly angry at being substituted against Lecce, but his agent has dismissed any rift with Juventus.

The Argentine-born winger reportedly had an angry confrontation with Coach Claudio Ranieri at half-time of the Old Lady's costly 2-2 draw with Lecce.

There have been rumours that Camo could quit the club this summer, but his representative has cooled such talk.

“Camoranesi has a contract until 2011 and has never had problems with Coaches,” Sergio Fortunato said on Radio Radio TV.

“He has character and he is accustomed to winning. He readily agreed to make the drop to Serie B even as a world champion.

“There will be no further problems relating to the situation. You must understand that Mauro was in a role he wasn't used too and there was a tension within the team after their slip to third place.”

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