Mario Balotelli (39 Viewers)


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Not at all. Global temperatures haven't risen since 1998, which means that CO2 is not the main driver of climate, which is not a surprise since it never has been throughout history.

It is well established that if you increase CO2 emissions, you will get some warming due to the greenhouse gas effect. However, the warming our increasing CO2 emissions are causing is nowhere near what the IPCC and the media claim, as proven by the fact that emissions have continued to rise since 1998 while global temperatures have stalled.

The main drivers of climate are the sun (sunspots, intensification of the sun), maritime currents like El Niño, etc.

As the number of sunspots appears to diminish, we'll probably experience a cooling period for the next 30 years.

The ignorance is to believe such nonsense as propagandized by the mainstream without looking at the actual data. The mainstream belief that the majority of the warming since the 1950s was caused by man is absolute drivel.
God I love you.


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
Being a theory is as certain as any scientific explanation can ever become, per definition

The trouble and confusion here often stems from the term theory, as a we normally use it in our everyday language, meaning something else entirely, and actually having more in common with a scientific hypothesis, a sort-of "prestage" to a theory.

Even if we were to invent a time machine, travel back in time and observe evolution as it happens, it still would not be "more" than a theory. Plate tectonics, for example, is "just" a theory as well.


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
so, unable to comprehend it is :p

yes he did. What he told you was that in scientific lingo the word "theory" is equivalent to the word "fact". That was the part you needed to extract from Ocelot's post And considering how you stated your earlier and subsequent questions, you were not aware of that, hence his response.

To paraphrase Ocelot's post without actually adding anything to it - A scientific theory is a broadly encompassing (unlike a "law" which is very specific e.g. a single formula) set of explanations of related phenomena that has been subjected to and confirmed by rigorous testing thru observation (facts) and experiment (facts) for many years on end, usually centuries, actually.
The reason why scientists use the word 'theory" instead of "fact" or "law" is because a scientific theory goes beyond the scope of a singular observable event or phenomenon e.g. quantum theory explains the workings of the sun as well as the Auroras and many other things in between; the scope of the theory is not restricted solely to explaining one thing and one thing only.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
so, unable to comprehend it is :p

yes he did. What he told you was that in scientific lingo the word "theory" is equivalent to the word "fact". That was the part you needed to extract from Ocelot's post And considering how you stated your earlier and subsequent questions, you were not aware of that, hence his response.

To paraphrase Ocelot's post without actually adding anything to it - A scientific theory is a broadly encompassing (unlike a "law" which is very specific e.g. a single formula) set of explanations of a phenomenon that has been subjected to and confirmed by rigorous testing thru observation (facts) and experiment (facts) for many years on end, usually centuries, actually.
The reason why scientists use the word 'theory" instead of "fact" is because a scientific theory, once confirmed, goes beyond the scope of a singular observable event or phenomenon e.g. quantum theory explains the workings of the sun as well as the Auroras and many other things in between; the scope of the theory is not restricted solely to explaining one thing and one thing only.
but all this still doesent prove evolution. all i see is scientists these, scientists that. what is the actual proof of evolution. where is the bolded part for the evolution theory.


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
but all this still doesent prove evolution. all i see is scientists these, scientists that. what is the actual proof of evolution. where is the bolded part for the evolution theory.
well, if you choose to not trust the scientific method, how do you expect that method to bring you a proof? You can always just decide to refuse a proof for being one and then one has to wonder what constitutes a proof to you? Only what you would like/need to hear? Only what sounds comfortable and easy to reconcile with? For that sort of proof, you should consult a certain book or two, not the scientific method.

you also need to have reasonable expectations. What I mean by that - if the only way for you to believe evolution is fact and not fiction would be for you to observe a monkey giving birth to a human baby, then you are out of luck. Evolution is a long, everlasting process, not an event.

Once you figure that out, if you still chose to trust science and are interested in evolution, you will realize that the proof is already in the making if not done for good - go read up on genetics, for example. Evolution has been for all practical purposes scientifically proven for years now thanks to genetics. Before that it was mostly evolutionary biologists, anthropologists, anatomists you name having to draw conclusions based on observations on fossil records and such (but not only e.g. embryonic commonalities etc) and trace out common traits among species. Those in themselves represented strong support for the theory of evolution but since genetics has come into the picture, it has done nothing but put it all in black and white - genetic commonalities among species to explain the common anatomic features, universal genetic code, the role of genes in a species' ability to adapt to different environment to the point where the adaptation is so strong and deep that it branches into a new species altogether, etc, etc, etc.

Genetics has made it possible to start mapping genomes of different species and observe the process of evolution at the finest grain possible yet. It has shown that the main difference in the genetic code of a human and that of a chimp is the fusion of two chromosomes into one (monkey -> human) resulting in monkeys having 1 more unique chromosome than humans, everything else being 99% identical. There are so many confirmations that genetics has made in support of evolutionary theory that it's virtually impossible to enumerate them all. Not a single discovery has been made that disproves evolution.

At the same time this is so out of the scope of most people's scientific education, for now, that it's difficult not to say impossible to convince them that all this is a scientific fact, that is out there and not just science fiction pulled out of Start Trek movie or whatever. And it's not an easy field to comprehend, in general, especially considering it's still very much developing.

One doesn't have to be a geneticist, however, to appreciate what the field has achieved so far, and confirmations of evolution at the smallest scale is just scratching the surface. That's why it is up to you to go out there and figure things out for yourself instead of waiting on knowledge to fall into your lap. The information, what's been found/confirmed, already is out there literally available at your fingertips courtesy of a google search. Ignorance until mere 50 years ago was an understandable excuse, today it is a choice.

If you still prefer to disregard and brush aside the libraries and exabytes of ever-mounting scientific evidence, well there is always the funny books to fall back on.


Oct 28, 2010
But it's still a theory tho. I've seen miracles with my own eyes and plenty of other people have. No person has seen evolution with their eyes.

How do you explain that? Or is there another theory about it?


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
I feel black, just looking at him.

Please sign.

Then you'll get Hillary Clinton :lol2:

You guys are fucked.
Kill her too.

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We should save them and annex their country.
So ungrateful, the man is cooool as ice. Likes a pint of the black stuff too :tup:

No thanks, we'd get poorer. Canada is quickly surpassing America in terms of wealth, our middle class is already richer than theirs.

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He might be a nice guy but he's a terrible, terrible president.
He's probably got a huge schlong, so he wins
Fair, but the reality is that we are US' bitch, and if someone was gonna annex someone it would be the american snatching Alberta or some shit.

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You think he banged Hilary Clinton? I think he did.
The guy is killing everything about this nation. Sigh. Not the biggest fan of bush don't get me wrong, but this guy has to be the absolute worst in our history.

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What we need to do is do a temporary annex of Canada (minus Lion) and address the southern immigration issue we have right now. Fix that, you can go back to having a healthier middle class :D

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I'd rather team up with Russia. Canada should work on their relationship with Russia. The US is fucking Canada baad, making them re-buy their own oil, extending canals so you fools can get water, legalizing weed before us and busting our balls for it, and took our 4th territory away, Alaska. Russia would never do that.
Yeah, what the fuck is Obama doing with the keystone pipeline, he's pandering to the environmental extremists of the democrats :sergio:

He should have accepted the deal years ago.
Yea.......and we should boycott the living shit out of it!!
Win win situation for both nations but the Dem party will frustrate the psycho tree huggers.
"I have a Long John but no Silver, no gold or plat"
Boycott the pipeline?

Fuck no.
Fuck yea!! You think we're gonna get a fair share of the cake? Not only that the damage on our nature! Holy shit! You are in Quebec, I saw first hand how awful the oil fields are now you want to make it cross the continent?! That's INSANE!!
We are more than capable than finding a different energy source, all of this is to empower the American petrodollar which ain't worth shit but threats!

But the liberals say that global warming (now re-branded as climate change for propaganda) will kill us all.

Guess what, the earth hasn't warmed since 1998. Yes, global warming stopped 16 years ago.

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Forget climate change and all that bullshit!

Regardless, what will happen will happen and my opinion won't change shit. One thing for sure is that, the ones that managed to ravage an entire set of people off the continent would have no problems, shaving off the residues.

I personally, couldn't care less at this point. Africa is what I care about. Once as many countries nationalise their ressources, and make a single currency used througout the continent, I want to close of the rest of the goddamn world.

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K maybe not the whole world. We'd still fuck with South America.
Wut? I stated my position on things. And that's that. I didn't talk about global disruption nor did I use such a term.

Africa Unite

What?! :lol:
Africa can be self-sufficient, if left alone or treated fairly, and at this point I think no other method but military movement would make a change. And I'm dead serious!

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It's me. :D
There's a larger chance of a global communist utopia becoming reality than there is for Africa to be united.
United as a state yes, but get at least a currency. Gaddafi was working on it, but why stop cause he died? Where's the initiative, fuck I'm getting depressed. We need more men like Thomas Sankara or Garvey none of these flacid old lazy greedy fucks.

Once the currency is made, I believe there will be hope for a united Africa. And also they must absolutely must shed off their colonial languages, no more french/english/jibberish bullshit! Did you know the only reason that the French language is so prominent it's because of Africa? Or else it would've been as relevent as Danish.

Read up on Sankara, you'll like him.
I've read all that and it will never happen. The currency thing sounds good in theory, but it really doesn't matter as some sort of exchange rate mechanism is necessary and the continent will keep on being exploited. Look at it this way: It's in no ones interest (at least no one relevant) to fix Africa. International firms want to keep maximizing profit, the established capitalist class in Africa want to further enrich themselves, the EU and US will keep up the protectionism which will make it impossible to sell African products on those markets.

The only one who cares are the people who are already suffering - and no one really gives a shit about them.
Soon akhee, soon. That's why personally I believe, nothing will change without military action. We starving anyways, now chase them crazy baldheads out of town!
And you should really watch out for what words you're using when you're discussing this. You are neither starving nor in need of military action.

And if there is one thing that most definitely isn't the cure to Africa's problems it is more guns.
You're 100% right.

But man, what other solution can you think of other than military, I can't think of none.
It would require a sudden Western interest in developing the continent rather than just exploiting it - which is why it won't happen. The Chinese are taking a slightly different route (although they're still corrupt as fuck), at least the Chinese are building roads, harbors and production capacities in Africa.

You see - stuff like this goes on every day in Eastern, Sub-Saharan, Western and Central Africa.

Now you tell me that there is a hope in hell for it to change, when firms can act like this without repercussions.
I really don't know....
First of all Hillary would be a baller president :D

Second of all, I'm all about preserving the environment. It's a slippery slope when you start mining for resources everywhere without thinking about the future consequences.
Yeah, and not believing in climate change at this point is almost as ignorant as dismissing evolution.
evolution exists only in Pokemon
Is the name really so important?
It was originally named global warming due to its most prominent effect - the rise in global temperatures. Then morons started saying after every unusually cold day that global warming was bullshit, and tbh dumming it down to just the warming is wrong and an oversimplification anyways, thus the term climate change. Climate disruption is something I first saw in this thread and have never heard anywhere before, but then again I don't live in an englishspeaking country.

And still, I don't get why the name is such a big issue.
Belgium and their creatine rage :lol:
About private militia's, i found "lord of war" with nicolas cage a pretty good example. Just replace the role of cage by the west in general.

Pretty much sums up the rather cynical viewpoint i have of africa aswel. It allways strikes me people talk about uniting, whilst nearly every country has several rebel groups deviding the place. In the most brutal ways usually.

The way we "aid" africa, is even worse. We send money or food. Thats idiotic. The money goes into the pockets of corrupt officials and the established capitalist class, or to private militia's. Giving them food, means you destroy the market for the local farmers.
Mandela for example, was a great man. Unfortunatly, nearly everyone that rose with him, is corrupt as fuck. South africa (and entire africa basically) deserves better).

Meanwhile, we keep giving money, and make ourselves feel good.No. We should look in how we could actually improve africa. DO NOT send them stuff they can produce themselves. DO not send money that can be used to buy arms.
Send them technology and materials wich can be used to boost the local economy. Build schools, build powerplants, build wastewater threatment, send materials that enhance the agriculture.
Look at their economy. What can they specialise in ? Help them with knowledge and technology so that the can do these things.

But you know what ? We wont. Because its so damn easy, to abuse. Dumb electronic waste at their coasts and have adults and children get the different metals out of them. Why care about heavy metal posioning when you can turn a bigger profit right ?

I really hope you arent serious about this.

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Actually, that idiot came from the UK ;)
seriously, i dont care if its true or not.

however, i refuse to believe that my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-greatx1000000000 grandfather/mother looked like this

Not at all. Global temperatures haven't risen since 1998, which means that CO2 is not the main driver of climate, which is not a surprise since it never has been throughout history.

It is well established that if you increase CO2 emissions, you will get some warming due to the greenhouse gas effect. However, the warming our increasing CO2 emissions are causing is nowhere near what the IPCC and the media claim, as proven by the fact that emissions have continued to rise since 1998 while global temperatures have stalled.

The main drivers of climate are the sun (sunspots, intensification of the sun), maritime currents like El Niño, etc.

As the number of sunspots appears to diminish, we'll probably experience a cooling period for the next 30 years.

The ignorance is to believe such nonsense as propagandized by the mainstream without looking at the actual data. The mainstream belief that the majority of the warming since the 1950s was caused by man is absolute drivel.
I'm not blaming you, a university course of Biology could do wonders for you

Many people without the neccecary knowledge, dont understand things, and reject them, untill they obtain that knowledge

Its a dangerous thing you mention there tbh. Because its not that easy.

First of all, CO2 is a pretty strong greenhouse gas. Not as strong as methane, but pretty strong on its own.
Emissions per year are a wrong measurement, you need to look at assimilation.

Each year, a certain amount of CO2 is produced by burning fossil enerergy, on top of other CO2 producing reactions such as daytime respiration for Eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
Each year, a certain amount of CO2 is assimilated by eukaryotes and a variety of bacteria, for growth and energyproduction.

As long as all the produced CO2 is assimilated, there is not a problem. However, since the start of the industrial revolution, there has been excess.
Because of excess, this CO2 is allowed to build up,wich increases the athmosphetic concentration. This can be seen in the followign image:

What we learn from this image, is that the increased emissions per year, are speeding up the concentration increase.

Now, global temperature is not a good measurement in this case. Global warming is something to be extrapolated over centuries. A timeperiod as short as 16 years is far to small, because of the great many buffers the earth has. However, as you mention, solar activity has a direct impact, and this gives the very dangerous wrong implementation of the facts you just made.

The ice caps, buffer water temperature, and they directly influence the jet streams, wich is the true factor for climate. El Nino is a phenomenon caused by jet streams. And in the recent decades its occuring more often.
Thanks to the gigantic capacity of water to retain temperature, a period as short as 2 decades, could show a relative halt in increasing temperature. It will be counteracted by a speedup of the melting of icecaps and slight changes in jet streams. But slight changes, can have greater results.


As can be seen here, a clear speed up of the melting, in the same time period where you said that the temperature stopped rising.

But are the enviromentalists right ? Nope. They mostly try to shock people with extreme scenario's, usually not academically underbuild.
Are the "anti enviromental lobby" right ? Nope. They are the ones who use blatant propaganda, and ignore the issue because of profit maximalisation.

Who is right ? the academics.
Academic studies have a clear list of the consequences for each 0.5 degree celcuis rise of global temperature.
They have made the models that link global warming to greenhouse gas effect, the buffers , and the importance of ice caps.
Before the ice caps melt, we'll see mostly nothing. Perhaps some bad harvests and rainseasons. Most cynical model shows the caps to have melted at 2040.

But why is all this so very important ? Because it only goes one way. And this is very critical.
We can do what we do, and accumulate greenhouse gasses in the athmosphere and have the place warm up. But we cannot reverse this. There is no way we can get rid of these greenhouse gasses. There is no way we can revert global warming.
the most disturbing, is that there is a point of no return. This point means if the temperature rises above that given point, it will keep accelerating and there is nothing we can do anymore.

Sources : University courses of "sustainable technology" and "enviromental remediation", and lectures of various profs at the kekule cyclus of 2012 and 2014 at University of Antwerp.
Zizinho dropping knowledge on you niggas all over the place. And no zizi, your great-great-great x 1000 grandmother/father didn't look like that. You came from a different planet.
This thread finally has purpose. Screw Jamal and Balol.
:tup: thanks brother
This stuff is so much more interesting then complex fourier rows, and laplace transformation of differential equations
I click on Balo thread and up learning something valuable, first time for everything.
Earlyer this year in May, first "doomsday" reports came up, that the melting of the antartic icecaps would have gone past its return point.
Aka they will melt, we cannot reverse it even entire humanity and its emissions suddenly vanished.

Probably a rapport that calculates with worst case scenario's everywhere, but good for enviromentalists nontheless.

Because the issue, is middle ground. The more effort goes into the lobby against the enviroment, the more fuel enviromentalists need to counter it, so that the public opinion is around the middle of that, wich is exactly where academics are.
OK, youre a smart person, you have been on these courses, convince me. with facts. not with theories...

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Being a theory is as certain as any scientific explanation can ever become, per definition

The trouble and confusion here often stems from the term theory, as a we normally use it in our everyday language, meaning something else entirely, and actually having more in common with a scientific hypothesis, a sort-of "prestage" to a theory.

Even if we were to invent a time machine, travel back in time and observe evolution as it happens, it still would not be "more" than a theory. Plate tectonics, for example, is "just" a theory as well.
OK, you explained what a theory is very well. but the fact that a "theory" is not "just a theory" :)D) still is no prove for my question...
he answered your question fully, it's you who is unwilling or unable to comprehend that.
he didnt answer anything, except that he explained a theory is not a theoty
so, unable to comprehend it is :p

yes he did. What he told you was that in scientific lingo the word "theory" is equivalent to the word "fact". That was the part you needed to extract from Ocelot's post And considering how you stated your earlier and subsequent questions, you were not aware of that, hence his response.

To paraphrase Ocelot's post without actually adding anything to it - A scientific theory is a broadly encompassing (unlike a "law" which is very specific e.g. a single formula) set of explanations of related phenomena that has been subjected to and confirmed by rigorous testing thru observation (facts) and experiment (facts) for many years on end, usually centuries, actually.
The reason why scientists use the word 'theory" instead of "fact" is because a scientific theory, once confirmed, goes beyond the scope of a singular observable event or phenomenon e.g. quantum theory explains the workings of the sun as well as the Auroras and many other things in between; the scope of the theory is not restricted solely to explaining one thing and one thing only.
but all this still doesent prove evolution. all i see is scientists these, scientists that. what is the actual proof of evolution. where is the bolded part for the evolution theory.
well, if you choose to not trust the scientific method, how do you expect that method to bring you a proof? You can always just decide to refuse a proof for being one and then one has to wonder what constitutes a proof to you? Only what you would like/need to hear? Only what sounds comfortable and easy to reconcile with? For that sort of proof, you should consult a certain book or two, not the scientific method.

you also need to have reasonable expectations. What I mean by that - if the only way for you to believe evolution is fact and not fiction would be for you to observe a monkey giving birth to a human baby, then you are out of luck. Evolution is a long, everlasting process, not an event.

Once you figure that out, if you still chose to trust science and are interested in evolution, you will realize that the proof is already in the making if not done for good - go read up on genetics, for example. Evolution has been for all practical purposes scientifically proven for years now thanks to genetics. Before that it was mostly evolutionary biologists, anthropologists, anatomists you name having to draw conclusions based on observations on fossil records and such (but not only e.g. embryonic commonalities etc) and trace out common traits among species. Those in themselves represented strong support for the theory of evolution but since genetics has come into the picture, it has done nothing but put it all in black and white - genetic commonalities among species to explain the common anatomic features, universal genetic code, the role of genes in a species' ability to adapt to different environment to the point where the adaptation is so strong and deep that it branches into a new species altogether, etc, etc, etc.

Genetics has made it possible to start mapping genomes of different species and observe the process of evolution at the finest grain possible yet. It has shown that the main difference in the genetic code of a human and that of a chimp is the fusion of two chromosomes into one (monkey -> human) resulting in monkeys having 1 more unique chromosome than humans, everything else being 99% identical. There are so many confirmations that genetics has made in support of evolutionary theory that it's virtually impossible to enumerate them all. Not a single one has gone in the direction of disproving evolution.

At the same time this is so out of the scope of most people's scientific education, for now, that it's difficult not to say impossible to convince them that all this is a scientific fact, that is out there and not just science fiction pulled out of Start Trek movie or whatever. And it's not an easy field to comprehend, in general, especially considering it's still very much developing.

One doesn't have to be a geneticist, however, to appreciate what the field has achieved so far, and confirmations of evolution at the smallest scale is just scratching the surface. That's why it is up to you to go out there and figure things out for yourself instead of waiting on knowledge to fall into your lap. The information, what's been found/confirmed, already is out there literally available at your fingertips courtesy of a google search. Ignorance until mere 50 years ago was an understandable excuse, today it is a choice.

If you still prefer to disregard and brush aside the libraries and exabytes of ever-mounting scientific evidence, well there is always the funny books to fall back on.

The only one trying to stay on topic was Jamal :lol:

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