Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (2 Viewers)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
I forgot that it took 'em 2 years to find the wreckage of the Air France that went missing a few years back. This may take more as we don't even know what flight path it was on.


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2009
I forgot that it took 'em 2 years to find the wreckage of the Air France that went missing a few years back. This may take more as we don't even know what flight path it was on.
Air France was easier because they knew exactly where it made impact in the water. They knew where the plane was but it was in such great depths below the water it was very difficult to salvage the plane.
Aug 1, 2003
sad news - seems they're confident enough the plane 'ended' in the indian ocean and very unlikely to have any survivors. whether this is truly based on the satellite data or frankly the search costs are too high for us to bear as some have suggested, I don't really care - frankly going on for this long I personally do not think there would be any survivors anyway.

I hope the families will have some form of closure. More details will be released at tomorrow's PC.

Deep C

Senior Member
Apr 8, 2012
Pretty spooky that I saw some nerd on the internet a week and a half ago present the theory that it was pilot suicide and that the nigga went down to the southern Indian Ocean to ditch it in the deepest part possible. This was even before the Aussies stated that they'd concentrate in that area.

Freeky shit. Must've sucked major balls being on that plane.

I also have to leave this here ya heard



Sep 23, 2003
Pretty spooky that I saw some nerd on the internet a week and a half ago present the theory that it was pilot suicide and that the nigga went down to the southern Indian Ocean to ditch it in the deepest part possible. This was even before the Aussies stated that they'd concentrate in that area.

Freeky shit. Must've sucked major balls being on that plane.

I also have to leave this here ya heard

It's not spooky at all. Hindsight is always perfect. Everybody had a theory, and it's easy to choose the correct ones after the fact and call them soothsayers and psychics.

We may yet find that this wasn't even close to a pilot suicide but rather the pilots were incapacitated for hours.

A tweet maybe. But in truth there must be a more personal way, like in person maybe or at least a call?
So the close family members of 239 people -- we're talking well over 1,000 people most likely -- get a call in an attempt to inform them before the news is leaked through other means and it gets out in the public?

Not too practical, unfortunately. I understand it would ideally have been more personal. But logistically, I understand why they had to resort to SMSes.


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
It must have been hell for the relatives & friends of those aboard that plane; - waiting all this time; not knowing for days, what has happened, only to find out that no-ome survived.

My condolences to them! May the 'victims' of this trajedy R.I.P.
Aug 1, 2003
It should be in the wtf news thread but did they really sent the victims realativs the announcement in a SMS? Wtf?
I'm not sure how true that is as my family did not speak to our cousins when the news broke out to just let them recuperate. However, as my dad has been keeping in touch with them throughout the ordeal, they seem to be well informed, no complaints we are aware of. They were called upon by MAS for a private briefing when there's some form of information or breakthrough, i.e. when Australia announced those satellite images, so I am quite certain the same would be done last night for this announcement as well. They were also put up in a hotel in the first week close to the airport where all the PCs were taking place, probably in case any news broke out before it became apparent the search will be more difficult than expected.

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