Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (7 Viewers)

Aug 1, 2003
Re the black box yes they would emit for lack of a better word some sort of sonar waves or something for detection for around 30 days.

in today's press conference our acting transport minister said we are in talks with other govt such as the french on getting their assistance to detect the black box after the 30 days because only some countries would have that technology, as well as deep sea search if required.

I can only speak on behalf of my familys contact with our cousins and they seem to be as clueless as we are.


Jul 11, 2011
They are hiding they don't know anything even with billions or trillions of dollars of satellites and survelliance and communications equipment.


Sep 23, 2003
But it only sucked in one plane so far, so not too bad.
We can rule out Manchester United as a possible cause too. Because as much as they suck as well, they also blow.

dad spoke to his cousin who's the father in law of one of the passengers and her family on board, and it seems they have been called up to Putrajaya (our equivalent of Canberra) in light of the new discovery of the satellite imagery by Australia. Probably more waiting for them - when first news broke out of the missing plane think all the families were just waiting and staying at the nearby hotel for a week or so.

I understand it's easy to joke about these things - I would too if it happened to someone else completely abstract or is not related to my own country - but I think the wound is still very, very fresh for us here.
Not to be totally insensitive, but black humor is a normal human coping mechanism too. The things doctors need to joke about when dealing with patients in life-threatening situations...

You do know the tragic story of 9/11 and Todd & Timmy, yes?

ßöмßäяðîëя;4484216 said:
Chinese have top equipment? Hmmmm...
Reminds me of the first time I went to Beijing in 2001. I looked around at all the skyscrapers and said, "Would be kind of nice if every building didn't look like it had 'Made in China' written on it."

They are hiding they don't know anything even with billions or trillions of dollars of satellites and survelliance and communications equipment.
...which is all focused on looking for detailed threats in the middle of the South India ocean, four hours of flying from any notable land.


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2009
Crazy stuff. I heard the area they are searching off of Australia takes 4 hours to get there and aircrafts only have a couple hours of fuel left to search before needing to head back to base. These are some of the most treacherous waters in the world as well. If that is indeed the missing plane, its going to be hard as shit to get down there and retrieve the plane.

- - - Updated - - -

I think it's because of batteries, it can last for 28 days or so.
ßöмßäяðîëя;4484392 said:
But I thought they were stored for even longer than that for some reason. I thought there was a digital and analog copy for some reason. I did not think it ever "ran out" of batteries.
The Black Box emits a beacon for 30 days. It automatically sends out a beacon when it comes into contact with water however you need to be somewhat close to retrieve those pings I believe.

The information stored on the black box can be stored for incredible amounts of time. When Air France crashed in the water, it took 2 years to retrieve the plane because of the depths of the waters, and when they found the black box all the information was still there - intact.


Sep 23, 2003
Trouble is the black box has only the two last hours of recordings, which it continually overwrites. If the plane was flying on autopilot for 7 hours after an incident, it may not offer much useful information.


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2009
Trouble is the black box has only the two last hours of recordings, which it continually overwrites. If the plane was flying on autopilot for 7 hours after an incident, it may not offer much useful information.
Ah, did not know that. :tup:

Well that sucks, if it was indeed an mechanical error or electrical fire as some suggested.

- - - Updated - - -

Although I still believe the pilot(s) were responsible for this. Either pilot suicide, failed hijacking or successful hijacking - I think it was one of the pilots.


Sep 23, 2003
Interesting. Psychics have generally stayed away from this as too dangerous, as their claims of where the plane might be found could be refuted most embarrassingly in a heartbeat. Looks like some psychics are breaking ranks and taking the cash despite the risks.

What I want now are conspiracy theorists who will start suggesting that MH 370 never existed. Like Holocaust deniers and 9/11 conspiracy theorists, somebody has to start coming out saying that there's no evidence of any plane and thus this whole thing is just a hoax perpetrated by the new president of Malaysia or something. That the grieving Chinese families are paid actors, etc.

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