Lunix question (2 Viewers)

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
I am looking to buy a dell laptop. the priority in terms of usage are:

1. music production/sequencing
2. computer graphics/animation
3. internet
4. games

the problem I have is that i do not wish to use windows, but i am forced to as my preferred music tool is windows only software.

someone told me that i can run linux with this thing called an "emulator" which enables me to run programs from other OS's.

for example, i can use linux, run the emulator and successfully run my windows only program. is this possible? is it a good idea for someone whos never used linux before? any other options?

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
It's definitely a bad idea to run Linux to emulate Windows. If you depend on Windows software then you have no choice. Also for games, Windows is THE platform.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
There's Lindows, but i haven't tried it so i don't know much about the compatibility of it.

Anyway there's no harm in trying, especially if it's a new machine and you haven't got anything valuable that you'll lose if you just format the bastard


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Good point by Graham, if you wanna test it, do that as the first thing cause then there's nothing to break on the computer.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Dual-booting is very common, i'm surprised you haven't encountered it before

Then again i'm a geek :geek:


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
whats it good for?
A lot of things, it's a general purpose operating system. The most limiting factor is the lack of software in certain genres, such as those you mentioned. For a lot of other things it works fine however.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++

A lot of things, it's a general purpose operating system. The most limiting factor is the lack of software in certain genres, such as those you mentioned. For a lot of other things it works fine however.
One thing you could do is use Linux as your primary OS, then when you want to play games or whatnot, just fire up Windows. Sure, there's extra effort involved, but it's worth it if u want a better OS to use as your #1

Speaking of which, maybe I should give it a try when I have the time. I'm surprised i haven't already switched over.

I think I'll go nuts if i change, having something new to post every few seconds whenever I find something awesome about it :) So maybe I should wait till i'm on holidays

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