LuisEnrique to Juve? (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Apr 11, 2004
Hi everybody...

I already readed in a spanish newspaper that capello wants to bring Luis Enrique, from Barcelona, to Juventus...

The player is a free agent this june and would come free...He already said that leaves Barcelona and was not sure about his future...

Capello said that wants him because has a winner mentality and is a strong leader in all the teams that he went...

I don't know if you know, he is a very good player but this year was not really good for him... He starts being old, but I'm sure changing team he will come again to be very good... Not for play every match, but yes sometimes...

I copy here the text for who knows spanish...

Fabio Capello quiere llevarse a Luis Enrique a Turín

Fabio Capello, nombrado el viernes nuevo entrenador de la Juventus en sustitución de Marcello Lippi, se ha fijado en Luis Enrique para reforzar la plantilla de la 'vecchia signora' de cara a la próxima temporada, en la que deberá afrontar por primera vez la tercera ronda previa de la Champions League.

El ex técnico de la Roma siempre ha tenido muy bien considerado al jugador asturiano, cuyo contrato con el FC Barcelona expira el próximo 30 de junio. Sólo hace falta remontarse a la temporada 1996-97, primera de las ocho en que el gijonés ha vestido de azulgrana. Capello se hizo cargo esa misma campaña del Real Madrid y nunca ocultó que le habría gustado contar con los servicios de 'Lucho' al no entender cómo el club blanco se había desprendido de él. Pero la realidad es que cuando el italiano aterrizó en el Santiago Bernabéu, Luis Enrique ya se había comprometido por el Barça.

Capello está encantado con el asturiano porque reúne una serie de cualidades muy importantes en el vestuario de un club de alto nivel. El carácter ganador y la mentalidad de grupo son dos virtudes muy valoradas por Fabio, quien no da por 'retirado' todavía a 'Lucho'. Aunque a sus 34 años no pueda estar a tope en todos los partidos de la temporada, Capello considera que, cuando sea necesario, Luis Enrique puede rendir a buen nivel. No sería la primera vez que el técnico italiano apuesta por un ídolo del barcelonismo. En 2002 ya se llevó a Pep Guardiola a la Roma. Pese a que no cuajó en la capital y acabó en el Brescia con Roberto Baggio, Capello le tuvo muy bien considerado

Saluton, Monma

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Oh this would be great. Lets buy a washed up player like Luis Enrique who is on his last legs. Wasn't he supposed to retire after this season? Anyways, I think this is nonsense. Why would we go after a player who is just like Conte?


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
I wouldn't do it, but if Capello knows the player well, and he needs him, I would welcome him, because he is free and when I have seen him playing, he always was good. What is not so good, is the thing, that he is 34


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
hmmm... doesnt make sense... although Capello leaves Roma and join Juventus also dont make sense just a few days ago.... but... Luis Enrique.. he is just like Conte... if Barcelona dont want their own captain, why should we take him?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i wouldn't shrug this off as easily,because the moment i read the article it reminded me of his signing of guardiola a couple seasons back.didn't think it would happen either,but it did.


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
Barca fans assumed that he would either go back to the club he played for as a kid (don't remember the name right now, could have been Sporting Gijon) or retire, kind of like Conte. Him coming here would be very surprising, and not a good solution for anybody.

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