Luis Suarez - Forward - Liverpool (38 Viewers)

If possible, would you sign Luis Suárez?

  • Yes, he's a great player

  • Yes, but only if the price is right

  • Begrudgingly, his talent outweighs the negatives

  • No, his character doesn't reflect well on Juventus

  • No, he is almost subhuman

  • Kill it, kill it with fire!

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Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
I don't see how this is going to make him any cheaper. More likely to be sold, maybe, but he's still going to come at a price, because bite or not he's scored 30 goals this season.
Jul 20, 2012
Look if Liverpool do intend on selling him because of this incident it doesnt mean that we will get him. There are other teams out there and what if Bayern for real are after him?? On another hand remember Marotta saying he doesnt want any trouble makers? What is Suarez consider than? 'Honestly id love him here, he would destory in cl and in serie a but do you think Marotta would be williing to spend close to 40m+ on ONE player and pay 6m+ in wages?


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
He doesn't want trouble makers. He doesn't want to spend. He wants to buy on our terms. I don't even know if we are going to be in the market for a footballer, let alone a striker. :D


Nov 26, 2006
Its official, biting is worse then racism (and career threatening vicious tackles).
I've no issue with him getting this ban (though I think I'd have given him eight games), but I'd also be giving out much longer bans for reckless/malicious tackles. I find it hard to put a figure on the racism stuff, because someone saying something unpleasant just isn't that big a deal to me (I know full well I'm not in a position to really understand what it's like to be on the receiving end of racism, though).

I'm quite tempted to start a thread to see what people think would be appropriate bans for certain offences.


Sep 3, 2006
Has there been any confirmed news that we are interested in him? Or just fantasy talk between fans? This 10 game ban could be extremely helpful in our pursuit to sign him if Marotta and Conte are serious.
that Honigstein dude said a few months back that Juve met his people.

also there was news in the last intl break that Conte himself had spoken to him.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Ten games? That's excessive.

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Ten games? That's excessive.

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I've no issue with him getting this ban (though I think I'd have given him eight games), but I'd also be giving out much longer bans for reckless/malicious tackles. I find it hard to put a figure on the racism stuff, because someone saying something unpleasant just isn't that big a deal to me (I know full well I'm not in a position to really understand what it's like to be on the receiving end of racism, though).

I'm quite tempted to start a thread to see what people think would be appropriate bans for certain offences.
What did you think of the Aguero tackle a few weeks back?


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I've no issue with him getting this ban (though I think I'd have given him eight games), but I'd also be giving out much longer bans for reckless/malicious tackles. I find it hard to put a figure on the racism stuff, because someone saying something unpleasant just isn't that big a deal to me (I know full well I'm not in a position to really understand what it's like to be on the receiving end of racism, though).

I'm quite tempted to start a thread to see what people think would be appropriate bans for certain offences.
I agree with you mostly, but I said that clearly because the biting, or anything Suarez does (which is alot since the fucker is a moron, being banned in NT too for punching right now) is sooooooo overexposed and magnified in media circus that it has a life of its own, and that IMO almost entirely leads to the severity of the punishments. And media more so to do this kind of hoopla on foreign players (remember how they used to insanely scrutinize Cristiano's dives while every brit player got a pass). You dont see PMs, random mothers, celebs and such condemned career threatening injuries like the one from two weeks ago, just ignore it or gloss it over. Or like it was with Shawcross some years ago, actually defend the shit in the media. So in a nutshell, little media attention = FA caring little for doing much against whatever offense it is (like the Aguero tackle for example, even if that had the excuse of "the ref saw it and did nothing so our hands are tied").

I'm fine with the punishment in a way too, but not as fine with so much else that gets a pass.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Juve should get him, he is a badass but all in all a class striker with skill
I agree with you mostly, but I said that clearly because the biting, or anything Suarez does (which is alot since the fucker is a moron, being banned in NT too for punching right now) is sooooooo overexposed and magnified in media circus that it has a life of its own, and that IMO almost entirely leads to the severity of the punishments. And media more so to do this kind of hoopla on foreign players (remember how they used to insanely scrutinize Cristiano's dives while every brit player got a pass). You dont see PMs, random mothers, celebs and such condemned career threatening injuries like the one from two weeks ago, just ignore it or gloss it over. Or like it was with Shawcross some years ago, actually defend the shit in the media.

I'm fine with the punishment in a way too, but not as fine with so much else that gets a pass.
If it was Rooney, the FA would have given him a 3 match ban and then lobbied itself to make it a 1 match ban.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Indeed, Rooney is a perfect example, only time I thought he felt "hard done" was saying fuck while celebrating a goal and getting banned for it. Otherwise he is perfect example of a media/FA cuddled english player.

It was so hilarious going to the West Ham - Man U game last week, see him have absolute shit game, and then sulk when West Ham fans sing fat bastard, the moron was so effected by the chant too, not wanting to take a throw-in near the singing hammer fans, only lead them to sing "you scared fat granny shagger" until he was subbed out :D


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Indeed, Rooney is a perfect example, only time I thought he felt "hard done" was saying fuck while celebrating a goal and getting banned for it. Otherwise he is perfect example of a media/FA cuddled english player.

It was so hilarious going to the West Ham - Man U game last week, see him have absolute shit game, and then sulk when West Ham fans sing fat bastard, the moron was so effected by the chant too, not wanting to take a throw-in near the singing hammer fans, only lead them to sing "you scared fat granny shagger" until he was subbed out :D
I was referring to before the Euros when Wayney tried to take out the Macedonian player and the FA begging UEFA to take his 4 match ban to 2.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
Lopan, seriously, wtf

handball in the box has a punishment : penalty and red card. if the ghana player is to bad to convert it, wel his fault!

Cassano vs suarez ? oh cmon, cassano creates trouble, suarez just ventilates his anger on the field in an odd way. he doesnt cause turmoil in the dressing room.

Biting > elbowing a fractured jaw or breaking a leg, or tearing tendons
The problem with your argument there, Zach, is that a fractured jaw or broken leg or torn tendons can happen from sheer misfortune when a strong tackle is made and two players are in motion, both going for the ball. Its nonsense to suggest that a bite can happen as part of the game, as its nonsense to suggest that any injuries caused by strong tackles mixed with misfortune are in the same league as a bite. The impish moron looked like Blanka from streetfighter 2...

To bite another player is nothing to do with anything but vicious spite. It cannot happen part and parcel of an attempt at a legitimate tackle. It is spiteful and vicious, plain and simple.

Some supporters retain a long-held affection for and pride in Lo Stile Juve. Perhaps you do not. As many fans do not. Regardless its part of the DNA of the club. Its part of our global prestige and history. And its something I admire and enjoy and wish to see and feel remain part of the club. In the cut-throat modern world of football, its important for clubs to retain their integrity, their values, their dignity. We have dragged through the shitswamp by the media, the FIGC, enough mud has been thrown at us to make some stick for many supporters...the last thing we need, just as we are moving in the Right direction, is to sign a racist, spiteful, moron.

Can you see Marchisio sharing a joke with Suarez at half time...after the spiteful moron has helped to get Balotelli sent off in a grudge match against Milan.
"well done, Luis...that was brilliant mate...what did you say to him to make him spit in your face and try to throttle you??" Claudio quips with glee as he pats the uruguayan on the shoulders...
Smiling that winning smile, Luis responds...
"I told him his mother was born in the jungle and he was a black bastard so I will kick him and didnt want to speak with him cos i dont speak to blacks!!!"
Claudio, welling up with appreciation, respect, reverence...
"truly, Luis, you are going to join the Juve hall of fame...your picture will be on the wall along side Tardelli...and Zoff..and Vialli...and amazing...what do you have planned for the second half..." with excited, eager to learn more eyes...
shrugging his shoulders, as if to suggest that such brilliance comes naturally to him, Luis ponders a few options then clicks his fingers and lays out his winning hand of aces..
"Well...there arent any blacks left in the Milan side on field, so I must improvise...I'm thinking I will bite Flamini, get sent off then take a bow towards buerlesconi and galliani as I leave the field clapping and the fans roaring my name"
now blushing, like a bashful teenager...claudio cannot contain himself.
"Oh luis!!!!! thats amazing..let me tell Buffon and Conte and Pirlo...they will love this!!!!".

That kind of scene wouldn't happen.

I also don't see any of our players making that handball against Ghana...other than perhaps Vidal. Who I suspect would understand that it was unsporting. And be strongly reprimanded by Conte, told NEVER to do such a thing in our colours and to never do such a thing for his country again for he brings shame to our club.

I wonder...with some of the comments and strong support I see for signing Suarez if many of you know the club's history. If you know Conte as a player, as a man, as a manager. He is so incredibly focused on Honour and Dignity. He epitomizes Righteousness.

For me it comes to Class. And my own perceptions of the huge differences between Montero going in for a challenge strongly and aggressively, winning the ball but hurting the player...and Suarez biting another player. One is part of the game. One is the spiteful actions of a moron who can't control himself.

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Certain moves which are nothing to do with football, not ever remotely a challenge, by any stretch of the imagination, deserve far more severe punishment than anything remotely perceivable as part of the game.

Cantona kicking that idiot in the chest 8 months???...Di Canio pushing the ref over...11 matches??...Duncan Ferguson headbutt...Jail sentence!

And liverpool have the nerve, the say they are shocked at a 10 game ban for biting an opponent.

I read off Rooney above. I don't think he has ever bitten another player. Lashed out a few times when younger, but they were small fry compared to a bite and the other bullshit Suarez has muddying his past. Petulance is different from moronic spite. Robben was the same when we played Munich...for me, and probably some others, the differences between headbutts and bites on one hand, kicks and hacks on the other, are clear and obvious. To others...not so clear. Which is fair enough.

I just would be disgusted with Juve if they behaved as Liverpool did during the racism charge, and again now...a lack of class all round.

Conte would never play such a player again. He'd be gone in the next transfer window. Precisely because Lo Stile Juve means something to Conte. Its in his DNA...
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