Luca Marrone (5 Viewers)


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
I just spoke to him on facebook :D

I told him(in italian), great pass yesterday to Amauri, congrats; and he replied: thanks ;)


The Curr

Senior Member
Feb 3, 2007
Pfft. I've spoken face to face lots of time with someone who's now a Premiership player.

Edit: also, another player who's an ex-international.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #52
    I'm really happy for Marrone.He has already two appearences in Serie A under his belt after 4 games.

    He looks like someone who could make it one day.Most of our youngsters are pretty weak physically,he's not.

    Forza Marrone.
    May 22, 2007
    He doesn't look nervous at all either, just ready to play. Good squad player to have to see if he can establish himself as a first team player in the next few years.


    Sabet is a nasty virgin
    Oct 2, 2001
    I am not that impressed yet, from what I have seen ( which is a very very short time to judge a player), he only tries to get the ball and win a foul, which is very annoying..


    Senior Member
    May 29, 2005
    I am not that impressed yet, from what I have seen ( which is a very very short time to judge a player), he only tries to get the ball and win a foul, which is very annoying..
    You sound like Andy towards Marchisio....


    It's ironic I use your own smiley against you.... :analcanon:


    نحن الروبوتات
    May 27, 2009
    Interviewed on Tuttosport. Don't know if someone can translate because Google didn't helped much.

    Tutt’Italia vi guarderà sta sera: contro l’Ungheria se non si vince, si torna a ca sa. Eppoi c’è Balotelli che attrae l’attenzione.
    « E’ una serata importante per me perché importante per la squadra: siamo indie tro in classifica, non è facile, ma a me fa piacere tanta at tenzione: non voglio delude re ».

    I tifosi hanno una passione speciale per voi della Pri mavera, in annate storte si pensa che sia giusto lan*ciarvi: lei, Immobile?
    «I tifosi ce lo dicono quando ci incontrano, quando ven gono a vederci con la Prima vera, dopo il Viareggio: io mi sento pronto, ora. Zac lo sa: gli do il massimo e aspetto l’occasione. E’ difficile gioca re in una squadra come la Juve, ma io ci provo. Mi so no già tolto una bella soddi sfazione ad essere inserito in pianta stabile nel gruppo, la convocazione nell’Under, il ritiro da protagonista. L’anno è lungo e da qui a giugno capiterà il mio mo mento. Sono stato anche un po’ sfortunato: senza infor tunio, avrei giocato di più. E non perdo d’occhio lo slam con la Primavera: il secondo Viareggio l’abbiamo vinto, ma ci sono coppa Italia e Scudetto da centrare»

    Alla Juve servirebbe un regista?
    « Io studio da regista: mi ispiro a De Rossi, anzi Yayà Toure, quello del Barça. Ma lo capisco anche io che quando giochi con tipi come Pizarro e Liverani, gente che ad un tocco o due ti manda fuori giri tutto viene più facile. Fabio è uno incre dibile: l’altra sera aveva gli occhi anche dietro la testa? Il mio ruolo è di centrale da vanti alla difesa: faccio il la voro fisico, provo a imposta re. Devo imparare a sfrutta re la mia castagna da fuori e a inserirmi, come fa De Rossi, maestro nel genere: devo fare più gol. E se mi chiedete dove amo giocare, dico: uno dei due lì in mez zo ».

    Marchisio è un esempio.
    «E un consigliere: mi parla sempre, traccia la via. E io mi metto in scia: lui ha fat to una grande esperienza a Empoli in A ed è tornato più forte. Io vorrei crescere nel la Juve: a fine anno decide remo cosa fare, di certo avrò bisogno di giocare con fre quenza per capire quanto valgo. Certo crescere alla Juve sarebbe bellissimo».


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
    Looking towards the Italy U21's crucial match. Knows the fans love Primavera players coming through but he is biding his time as he knows it is tough to play, looking at the Primavera competitions for now but also ready to play if needed. Sees himself in the 'regista' role and admires De Rossi, Yaya, but also players with great vision, Liverani, Pizarro. Thinks his role is to help the defence first but would also like to score more, like De Rossi. Sees Marchisio as a role model and example, a guy who came back from Empoli stronger, he would like to improve at Juve but they'll decide at the end of the season where he will be next year.


    Grazie Ale
    Nov 9, 2006
    yahoo dictionary :

    Tutt'Italia will watch to you is evening: against Hungary if it is not gained, it is returned to ca knows. Eppoi is Balotelli that attracts the attention. “It is an important evening for me because important for the square: we are Indian tro in classifies, is not easy, but to me ago it appeal to a lot at tenzione: I do not want disappoints king”. The tifosi have a special passion for you of the mavera Pri, in vintage years retorts are believed that or just lan*ciarvi: she, Immovable? “The tifosi say to us when they meet to us, when ven gono to see to us with the First true one, after the Viareggio: I feel myself ready, now. He knows it to Zac: I give to the maximum and aspect the occasion. It is difficult plays king in a square like the Juve, but I try to us. I know myself not already removed beautiful soddi a sfazione to being inserted in stable plant in the group, the convocazione in the Under, the withdrawal from protagonist. The year is along and from to june it will happen mine here mo I lie. They have been also a little ill-fated: without infor tunio, I would have played more. And I do not lose of eye the slam with the Spring: according to we have gained it to Viareggio, but there are Italy goblet and Scudetto to center” To the Juve would serve a director? “I study from director: I inspire to De Rossi, indeed Yayà Toure, that one of the Barça. But I to it understand also that when you play with types like Pizarro and Liverani, people that to a touch or two it outside sends to you turns all come easier. Fabio is a incre dibile: the other evening had the eyes also behind the head? My role is of centers them from virtues to the defense: I make voro the physicist, I try to tax king. I must learn to takes advantage of king my chestnut from outside and inserting to me, like ago De Rossi, master in the kind: I must make more goal. And if you ask to me where I love to play, I say: one of the two there in mez zo”. Marchisio is an example. “And a councilman: he always speaks to me, trace the way. And I put myself in wake: it has fat to a great experience to Empoli in To and is returned more fort. I would want to grow in the Juve: to year-end what decides addle to make, certainly will have need to play with fre quenza in order to understand how much is worth. Certainly to grow to the Juve would be beautifulst”.

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