Lippi to quit Italy? (10 Viewers)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
snoop said:
you need to relax :disagree:

Don't tell me that Media is not against Juve, I hope u don't believe that bullshit. Ofcourse they are, and ofcourse they are abusing this Juve situation, to make it worse. Juve is not innocent ofcourse, but this is more about Moggi, ofcourse Juventus is guilty to hire a person like him, and keep him all these years. but wasn't he famouse for his ugly works too before Juve? Juventus is as much as guilty as the other clubs like Fiorentina Milan and Lazio, that they knew what Moggi was, yet they did there ugly business with him too.

what this stupidity to turn 180 degrees against your own fucking club? at least wait and see what the court say, everyone in here is disgusted as what's going on here, and I don't think anyone isn't aware that most of these are real.

and Don't tell me that turning against Lippi is not a stupidity, it is the dumbest thing to do, I don't know what is going on with these Media, are they that blind to not see that they are hurting their own fucking football!!?
I need to relax as you have to take a reality check. The post is a crticism of all the bile i have read on here about media been after Juventus. ZAF said the reason they are after lippi is because he is associated with Juventus and tell me thats not nonsense. You are making sound like Moggi is not or was not the main man in Juventus. Who cares if Milan et all are involved, the fact of the matter is we are guilty as sin. Too much muck has been thrown our way, illegal drugs and now match fixing allegations, all of it is true if the evidence is to be believed at face value.
Media all over the world always seem to disrupt the country's preparations for any wc so its not just Italy. What i find really annoying about Zaf and all the rubbish been said in team talk is they are making out Juventus to be innocent lamb been attacked by big bad wolf. You think because you come on here and support the guilty, you are actually a true fan. No man, you and all the guys who keep on coming here have not proved anything by saying forza Juve. You are just taking the whole thing personally cos probably you guys know that if we get relegated , your affiliation with the cub will be over and no more glory football for you guys
I go 180 as you call it against cheats, be it my brother or whomsoever, i will totally berate them for wrongdoing, not blame those who are basking in their misery. What Moggi has done is very wrong and a huge slap to football, whether he is the only one is totally immaterial at this point.
Try and clear the mess in your own house before you start throwing mud at others.
I am not a Lazio or Milan or Inter supporter so why should i care if they are being accused if the team that i have spent good money on are being branded cheats? Forget about our innocence cos we are not, i hate to think how many people knew about it, just be grateful that uptil now only Moggi is implicated.
Ps enough with your patronising attitude, i dont really give a shit if you are a moderator, stop telling me to relax or any of your annoying platitudes just because you do not agree with what i am writing.

The Lippi issue affects the whole of Italy and for you guys to make it out to be a Juventus problem is very annoying, you do not think player morale will be low? If the post had started off by saying the media are even affecting the Nt, i would not have had a problem with it, but it goes to say this is another way the media are trying to get at Juventus like we have done nothing wrong and they are just coming from all corners to harm us because of our success which Milan are jealous of, despite them winning cl, league and Italian cup in the last 4 seasons

Buy on


Dec 16, 2003
Players stand by Lippi
Tuesday 23 May, 2006
Luca Toni and Daniele De Rossi are delighted that the Italian Football Federation have backed boss Marcello Lippi.

The tactician was given a vote of confidence by FIGC commissioner Guido Rossi on Monday despite being embroiled in the telephone interception scandal.

And both Azzurri stars have breathed a huge sigh of relief after the Coach was confirmed in his place for Germany 2006.

“We are all with our Coach, starting from me,” said the Fiorentina striker. “He brought me into the national side and I owe him a lot.

“Lippi has proven himself to be a good and prepared tactician and I don’t see any reason why there should be a problem with him being here.

“He’s done very well up to this point and it is only right that he is the one who leads us in Germany,” added Toni.

“The strength of this group is the team spirit that we have and that was transmitted to the players by Lippi himself.”

Some sections of the media at the weekend had called for the former Juventus man to quit, with Giovanni Trapattoni, Claudio Gentile and Carlo Ancelotti all suggested as possible emergency appointments for the World Cup.

However, Roma midfielder De Rossi insists that he didn’t think that the Azzurri would have to deal with such a situation.

“I never thought that there was a possibility that Lippi would quit,” said the former Under-21 international.

“To change now would have been a damaging factor. It was pleasing that Guido Rossi stood by Lippi’s side.”

One of the main allegations hanging over Lippi at the moment is the claim that he was pressured into selecting certain players by former Juve director general Luciano Moggi.

The tactician himself again denied that suggestion yesterday and De Rossi doesn’t doubt him for a minute.

“There are no players in this squad sent by others,” he noted. “I think that those here deserve it.”


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
denco said:
I need to relax as you have to take a reality check. The post is a crticism of all the bile i have read on here about media been after Juventus. ZAF said the reason they are after lippi is because he is associated with Juventus and tell me thats not nonsense. You are making sound like Moggi is not or was not the main man in Juventus. Who cares if Milan et all are involved, the fact of the matter is we are guilty as sin. Too much muck has been thrown our way, illegal drugs and now match fixing allegations, all of it is true if the evidence is to be believed at face value.
Media all over the world always seem to disrupt the country's preparations for any wc so its not just Italy. What i find really annoying about Zaf and all the rubbish been said in team talk is they are making out Juventus to be innocent lamb been attacked by big bad wolf. You think because you come on here and support the guilty, you are actually a true fan. No man, you and all the guys who keep on coming here have not proved anything by saying forza Juve. You are just taking the whole thing personally cos probably you guys know that if we get relegated , your affiliation with the cub will be over and no more glory football for you guys
I go 180 as you call it against cheats, be it my brother or whomsoever, i will totally berate them for wrongdoing, not blame those who are basking in their misery. What Moggi has done is very wrong and a huge slap to football, whether he is the only one is totally immaterial at this point.
Try and clear the mess in your own house before you start throwing mud at others.
I am not a Lazio or Milan or Inter supporter so why should i care if they are being accused if the team that i have spent good money on are being branded cheats? Forget about our innocence cos we are not, i hate to think how many people knew about it, just be grateful that uptil now only Moggi is implicated.
Ps enough with your patronising attitude, i dont really give a shit if you are a moderator, stop telling me to relax or any of your annoying platitudes just because you do not agree with what i am writing.

The Lippi issue affects the whole of Italy and for you guys to make it out to be a Juventus problem is very annoying, you do not think player morale will be low? If the post had started off by saying the media are even affecting the Nt, i would not have had a problem with it, but it goes to say this is another way the media are trying to get at Juventus like we have done nothing wrong and they are just coming from all corners to harm us because of our success which Milan are jealous of, despite them winning cl, league and Italian cup in the last 4 seasons
First of all I am not a mod here, I didn't warn you , but you need to relax.
ofcourse there are a lot of bullshit in the forums, that people still believe that Juve has nothing to do with anything. Yes! we are guilty, the Italian soccer is dirty, and it is disgusting to know that. with all these scandals, I still think Juve will escape it with small fines and punishments, not that what I want. But whatever happens, yes Forza Juve, for a new and clean start..

Moggi and the likes of him, made us disgusted of football, and no one here is encouraging him for that. the other big clubs are also dirty, I want them to be punished too, because this is not an Anti Juve investigation, they should investigate the whole serie A teams,why shouldn't I ask the whole Calcio to be cleaned?

Like you said if it's your brother who cheated, would you forget him for that? and not support him? thou Juventus is more than one or two person, it's a history of hundered years. we should accept any punishement that comes, and still support the club, that's what a True fan does.

and please tell me, any reason that a wise man should want Lippi down? will that help the National team or harm it? didn't Lippi explained the phone calls he has recieved from Moggi? didn't he tell that he recieves the same calls from other clubs too, and that he made the same calls when he was a Juve manager, and advises the other National team managers then? or are you blind that believe every single thing that Media ask or want is the right thing?


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002

and please tell me, any reason that a wise man should want Lippi down? will that help the National team or harm it? didn't Lippi explained the phone calls he has recieved from Moggi? didn't he tell that he recieves the same calls from other clubs too, and that he made the same calls when he was a Juve manager, and advises the other National team managers then? or are you blind that believe every single thing that Media ask or want is the right thing?[/QUOTE]
Again you are missing the point. I was not annoyed at the post because it attacked the media for going after Lippi. i am annoyed at the post for saying they are going after lippi so as to hurt juventus.
The 1 thing that I ma baffled about an noone has actually tackled is why now? From the little that i have read, it seems everyone and his dog knew about Moggi so why is everything coming out now? This is a lot more than Juventus, yes Juventus us the biggest fish and the fact that we have been under suspicions for years now but they have not been able to prove it, until now, thats why the media is all over it. But I still do not know how it started and why are they just now taking it seriously. Something must have triggered it and some people or person might stand to gain from it, but i don't know who. I am sure its not Milan as there is nothing to gain from our demise for Milan.

About Lippi, I am still at a loss as to what all the hullaballoo is all about, I don't know any manager that the country's biggest clubs do not dictate no matter how indirectly on which players to pick.
I have read Nick's note in natw about Cannavaro being called up and not playing in a vertain match and i still do not see what the big deal is. i haveread Chiellini being called up for Nt so as to improve his selling on fee but to whose benefit? He was at Fiorentina at the time and even whilst he was a Juve player, i was not aware we wanted to see him and even if we did, so what?
Berlusconi has said way too many times how Gatusso should always play for the NT, so whats the problem. If Lippi were calling up rubbish just to please Moggi then I might have understood a bit but he has not. All those calling for his resignation are mad to be honest and i do not think they have Italy's interests at heart, they have their own agenda.
As long as lippi did not manipulate results, bribe the opposition, beat them fair and square then I do not see how he has any case to answer


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2006
Coverciano 22/05/2006

Marcello Lippi is serene but ready to put up a fight in the first day of World Cup training for the Azzurri. "I am pleased with what the extraordinary commissioner Rossi and the Coni president Petrucci said to express their respect and faith in my regards after the recent controversy surrounding me. This is the most important thing and I am sad about how a certain part of the press went against me and how they did not believe me when I spoke about what is happening in Italian football. I am happy, I am ready to work again with determination and enthusiasm. And I want to repeat the fact that any decision I made, I made autonomously".

The head coach of the national team gave absolutely no thought to the resignation hypothesis. "You can resign when you know that you're wrong, or when you cannot take it any longer, even if your conscience is clear, because you are no longer surrounded by trust - said the coach. But if your conscience is clear, then you can stand up and face a truck that is coming at you at full speed. Here I know I am surrounded by trust and I know that the work I have done up until now has been appreciated. The phone calls I have received from the managers of various clubs did not put me under any pressure - they were just the symptom of a serious and collaborative relationship with the clubs themselves".

"Starting today we have to work and think technically. I have to start preparing a team that I am confident can do some very good things - continued the coach. We have nothing to say to anyone. The only message we will give will be on the field because this team will give some great performances. I do not know where it will go but I know that this group is able to transform tension in something positive. In any case, it will be up to the federation, and not me, to isolate the team from any pressure coming from the outside. I have to deal with technical questions. But the environment is serene and the team wants to do well".

The head coach then talked about Cannavaro, the Italian captain that Lippi does not even think about degrading. "I see no reason why he shouldn't be the captain of this team in the upcoming World Cup", said Lippi.

I think that answers people's questions about lippi quiting

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