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Ho visto Del Piero
Aug 26, 2008
TJ: Bonucci was chased & stopped by police for driving his Ferrari recklessly through Turin's streets. He was let go after the cops verified his documentation. No sanctions or punishment of any kind.


Jul 11, 2011
Bonucci is definitely main character

In October 2012, Leonardo Bonucci was emerging from a Ferrari dealership with his wife and three-month old son when he was accosted by a mugger – who reportedly pointed a gun at the player's face while demanding that he hand over his watch. According to published accounts, Bonucci's wife, carrying their son, dived immediately into their car, but the player himself froze. Then, as the mugger reached out his spare hand to grab the timepiece, Bonucci punched him – first in the arm and then the face, causing him to fall to the ground. The defender then proceeded to chase his would-be aggressor down the street. The mugger jumped on the bike of a waiting accomplice, though even here Bonucci briefly attempted to block their escape.

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