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Jun 7, 2004
Again, Cronios, you do not know what the term "FACT" means.

Whether or not Bonucci plays/played good is an OPINION.
Us having one of the best defenses in Europe last season is a FACT.
Saying that Bonucci is/was the weakest link in that defense is an OPINION.
Saying that we always prefer to sign Italian players is an OPINION. *
Saying that we won the title with a team consisting mostly of Italian players is a FACT.
* Actually, this one is close to being a lie, but ok.
Again, when a team has a good defensive record, that does not makes it a fact that every single defender of that team, is a great defender!!
So it is wrong to draw conclusions about individual quality through collective statistics.
(This also stands in every line, with the same faulty logic, our attackers were the best in serie A, but acrually they are not, as we have seen that the midfielders actually made that possible.)

I agree that defense, overall was good, but not Bonucci though.
Bonucci being the worst player of our defense is smth that has been repeated by the majority of the observers who have watched Juve for 3/4 of the season.
It is not my opinion only. His performances and ratings were generally the worst. His permonances are a fact, not an opinion.
The most terrible mistakes and defensive lapses were mostly his, this is a fact and it was widely shared for a whole season.
Until Borriello arrived, Bonucci was widely considered our weakest link, based on his poor performances, not on opinions.
His poor performances are a fact that cannot be denied and should not be forgotten or ignored!
This can be verified, in articles, threads here and if you have the time you can find and re-watch Juves games throught the season.
Regarding the evaluation of his quality, his bad individual performances are more important than Juve's overall good statistics!

The transfers we made are also a fact, you can simply check our roster and starter selections.
How can this be an opinion? For 6 consecutive seasons investing only on Italians is an opinion?
Are you claiming that he wave bought Vidic and Evra and i dont know it?

And you contradict your self for the later not being a fact, by claiming that we have won, with most players being Italians, of course we did, since we favor Italians, even at the expense of performance, ex Bonucci, DC, Borriello...
For six consecutive seasons ItalJuve project was a priority and we were failing because of it!

Look, i dont know what you are trying to say, but the point is that at this moment Italy lacks great players in the defense.
It is not bad for us to have many Italians, but if we want to improve, we must start at upgrading our weakest links.
At this moment these are the finisher, a left wing back and if Bonucci goes, a CB too.

Unfortunately for the defense, there are not many good enough available solutions of Italian nationality.
So for the good of Juve, the CB starter that will come, better be a foreigner!
In rest, we have many quality Italian options that will not harm our Italian % of starters.

In the past though, we made heavy sacrifices in order to keep it as much Italian as possible in the back,
thats what i fear to see again.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2008
I dont care about the records, i ve seen the games, i ve missed at max 4-5 games and i have seen how weak our defense was at times, mostly because of Bonucci.
I have explained in great detail how our midfield helped our defense have good results and how this has nothing to do with the individual quality of some defenders like Bonucci.
So this generalisation is unvalid and says nothing if you have bothered to watch the games, statistics dont tackle or mark, defenders do, Astori, Boccheti
and early Bonucci were bad on that.
If they were at Chiellini or Barzagli level, noone would bother about their nationality.
Cronios, Juve hasn't bought Astori or Bocchetti, everything is simply rumors at the moment, relax man. Even if they are bought, it'll basically be for depth, and if they don't earn their place they will be with the club short term. They're young, they have some value around the league, it's not going to be a huge financial loss either way. Caceres will also be back in mid September, we could see a bit more of Lichtsteiner in a back three for parts of the next couple months... who knows.

I watch this club religiously, thanks to this wonderful invention called the internet, as do many others here who think differently than you do. Statistics are not everything, but they frequently do point out clear trends, and certainly the defense has been sufficient. They are not perfect, but Juve also has the best goalie in the world, and what is now a ridiculously deep midfield that is able to press the opposition and really control possession. It is a team game, our coach has integrated his philosophies well, and blended many new players nicely. I think there is a great foundation, and a bright future at the club. Whatever happens, Juventus will make it through this scandal alright; we have solid pieces in key places.

You need to take a few deep breaths.

But unfortunately they are not! And this were nationality comes in play, because their mediocrity is tolerated, ONLY because of their nationality.
If you watched closely Italy in Euro, you would observe that there was a huge defender crisis this year.
Injuries and lack of talent forced the NT to choose a CM to play in an urgent CB role?
What does this tells you???
For the ones who actually follow Italian football and NT, it is obvious, the biggest lacks of Italian talents, in the defense, of the last decades!!

This is a fact and its the Euro 2012 that actually verifies it without doubt, if Astori or Boccheti were NT level, or Juve material for the same matter, they would be chosen instead of wasting one of the best CMs...
I did watch Italy closely at Euro 2012. Please, can you tell me how much Astori and Bocchetti played during that tournament?

The problem was injuries to the CB's - especially Chiello's pre tourney and the re-aggravation - as well as the fact that the starting LWB was removed from the team pre-tournament (although Balzaretti was pretty good), and Maggio had a really tough time - then Abate got hurt. On the whole, they had a pretty good tournament, before the wheels fell of in the final. Regardless, Juventus has a better defense than the Azzurri, and if the club gets a LWB and Bonucci avoids a guilty sentence/gets a significantly reduced sentence on appeal (so short term), the defense should be pretty formidable by the time we need them to be at top gear.

Hell, Juventus could even be playing more 4-3-3. Giovinco, Isla once healthy, Pepe if he doesn't get suspended, they can all play up front, we're very suited to those tactics. So then what? With Chiello and Barzagli as our starting CB's Lucio and Masi in reserve, I guess we'd be fucking screwed?

Please, stop whining.

The results can be deceiving if you go past what really happened on the field.
The point is though that both Juve and the NT, have a great midfield, the controls the game and keeps possession, so that the opposition has lower attacking chances.
This masks the defensive issues, when faced with a superior midfield, in the final and without the best two pieces masking the true quality of Bonucci and co, the true quality of the defense was exposed and it never stopped conceding...
Spare us, man. If you watched that game, you know that there were quite a few factors at play. Italy didn't play the 3-5-2 that held Spain in the opening match, Chiello wasn't 100%, got smoked on the Silva goal, went off injured. Cassano wasn't right, went off early cause he was too tired after a long tournament. For some totally bizarre reason Prandelli then brought on Motta later in the game, rather then an attacker, after he had missed multiple games - he went off injured again 5 minutes later... Italy had to play for a solid chunk of time at 10 men. There were many reasons that game ended 4-0... the primary one being that Spain is the better team, and Italy overachieved in spite of their ATTACK, and thanks to their defense.

Anyway, Juve plays a system that focuses on supporting the ball well, we've added quality and depth to the midfield and defense, these players will have an excellent opportunity to continue to gel and improve their cohesiveness.

Give them a chance, they've earned it. If changes need to be made, they will be made.

Now, it is on our interest to become as better as we can, we dont want only our issues to be masked, but to be removed.
We need to treat the cause, not just the symptoms, in order to be as strong and as healthy as we can.
The most efficient way to do that, is by upgrading the weakest link, not just fine tuning what already is working.
Conte's brilliance masked our defensive issues, that was a priority and he did great, actually nearly perfect with the material at hand, but we can make the appropriate upgrades and perma fixes, real fixes, so we can face any foe and never crumble!

Bonucci is likely to get a big ban, we are looking for a CB because of that and we are not looking to the right place.
Could be media BS of course, hopefully they are, but this has been our transfer strategy for 6 years and it is not unwise to be warry about it...
The cause, not the symptoms? Jeez man. Think of where this club was a year ago, think of it now - clearly upgrading has been happening on a continual basis, and there has been a huge overhaul since 2010, basically to the core. The cause has been sought out already, the patient is now recovering and doing quite well right now - in case you failed to notice. It sounds as though Conte will still be training the team either way, but let's wait for actual verdicts in a couple of days, and then we'll know the extent of the problem. As for Bonucci, you can't say that yet; wait for them to rule first, the case is utterly ridiculous and the player should have the fans' support.

Cronios, Juve needs a quality CF, a LWB, and to find out what happens to Bonucci - good or bad - and respond appropriately to the situation. It might not even be necessary to buy another CB., there is some versatility in the lineup that could patch things up short term. This team has come miles in a very short time, it consists of young improving players, the club's financial situation is pretty solid, beautiful stadium, we're rolling again.

Stop being such a drama queen.


Jun 7, 2004
1-Cronios, Juve hasn't bought Astori or Bocchetti, everything is simply rumors at the moment, relax man.
2-Even if they are bought, it'll basically be for depth, and if they don't earn their place they will be with the club short term. They're young, they have some value around the league, it's not going to be a huge financial loss either way.
3-Caceres will also be back in mid September, we could see a bit more of Lichtsteiner in a back three for parts of the next couple months... who knows.
I watch this club religiously, thanks to this wonderful invention called the internet, as do many others here who think differently than you do. Statistics are not everything, but they frequently do point out clear trends, and certainly the defense has been sufficient. They are not perfect, but Juve also has the best goalie in the world, and what is now a ridiculously deep midfield that is able to press the opposition and really control possession. It is a team game, our coach has integrated his philosophies well, and blended many new players nicely. I think there is a great foundation, and a bright future at the club. Whatever happens, Juventus will make it through this scandal alright; we have solid pieces in key places.

You need to take a few deep breaths.

4- I did watch Italy closely at Euro 2012. Please, can you tell me how much Astori and Bocchetti played during that tournament?

5-The problem was injuries to the CB's - especially Chiello's pre tourney and the re-aggravation - as well as the fact that the starting LWB was removed from the team pre-tournament (although Balzaretti was pretty good), and Maggio had a really tough time - then Abate got hurt. On the whole, they had a pretty good tournament, before the wheels fell of in the final. Regardless, Juventus has a better defense than the Azzurri, and if the club gets a LWB and Bonucci avoids a guilty sentence/gets a significantly reduced sentence on appeal (so short term), the defense should be pretty formidable by the time we need them to be at top gear.

Hell, Juventus could even be playing more 4-3-3. Giovinco, Isla once healthy, Pepe if he doesn't get suspended, they can all play up front, we're very suited to those tactics. So then what? With Chiello and Barzagli as our starting CB's Lucio and Masi in reserve, I guess we'd be $#@!ing screwed?

6- Please, stop whining.
Spare us, man. If you watched that game, you know that there were quite a few factors at play. Italy didn't play the 3-5-2 that held Spain in the opening match, Chiello wasn't 100%, got smoked on the Silva goal, went off injured. Cassano wasn't right, went off early cause he was too tired after a long tournament. For some totally bizarre reason Prandelli then brought on Motta later in the game, rather then an attacker, after he had missed multiple games - he went off injured again 5 minutes later... Italy had to play for a solid chunk of time at 10 men. There were many reasons that game ended 4-0... the primary one being that Spain is the better team, and Italy overachieved in spite of their ATTACK, and thanks to their defense.

7-Anyway, Juve plays a system that focuses on supporting the ball well, we've added quality and depth to the midfield and defense, these players will have an excellent opportunity to continue to gel and improve their cohesiveness.
Give them a chance, they've earned it. If changes need to be made, they will be made.

8- The cause, not the symptoms? Jeez man. Think of where this club was a year ago, think of it now - clearly upgrading has been happening on a continual basis, and there has been a huge overhaul since 2010, basically to the core. The cause has been sought out already, the patient is now recovering and doing quite well right now - in case you failed to notice. It sounds as though Conte will still be training the team either way, but let's wait for actual verdicts in a couple of days, and then we'll know the extent of the problem. As for Bonucci, you can't say that yet; wait for them to rule first, the case is utterly ridiculous and the player should have the fans' support.
Cronios, Juve needs a quality CF, a LWB, and to find out what happens to Bonucci - good or bad - and respond appropriately to the situation. It might not even be necessary to buy another CB., there is some versatility in the lineup that could patch things up short term. This team has come miles in a very short time, it consists of young improving players, the club's financial situation is pretty solid, beautiful stadium, we're rolling again.
AAah, argumements. finally a person i can reason with!

1- I hope so, i really hope you are right, but every transfer starts with a rumor, i dont make the rumors, atm we are connected with them and i a simply expressing my concerns in advance.
Thats exactly the purpose of all mercato threads, i do not understand why i sould not be the ones having an opinion about possible transfers...
If there is one moment to protest, it is now, before the evil is upon us...just like it happened so many times before...

2- If they are bought as depth, then its ok, i woudnt Bonucci as depth either, but unfortunately, we are considering them to replace a starter!
As depth i dont mind them, i already pointed this out and i agree with your view as such.

3- Yes of course we will survive, i firmly believe that we can win the championship even with them, as we did this term with the Boriello and Bonucci handicaps, but why wouldnt we improve though??
I want us to improve and become better, nearly as good as before.
Serie A has been devastated ater the calciopoli and financial crisis, it is not as competitive as before, such handicaps maybe are not enough to deny us the title, but why risk it? We nearly lost this one, because of those handicaps, i wouldmt like to see that again.
This time we will play in Europe too, we will face great teams, where details can make quite a difference, let alone such massive handicaps that can be systematically exploited...

4-Well, thats my point!! And why the didnt?? Because they are not good enough! Then why would we invest our season on them? Because they are Italians?
Thats what i am talking about!

5- True, i already said that, the problem also lies on the lack of viable alternatives though, as well as injuries.
Apart from those 2 of our players, the NT can choose any Italian he wishes, without considering any budget or contract issues.
But even like that, he still is unable to find any alternatives, what does that tell us?? That actually there arent any close to this level!

We, as a club have yet more handicaps, we cannot choose what we want, as those players have contracts and cost money, with those and other handicaps in mind, we have to compromise even more!
Thats why we might overpay for mediocrities like Bonucci. And unfortunately once the choice is done and the limited capital invested, we cannot switch him again next season, like the NT does.
The lack of alternatives the NT had this summer is the utter proof that there is a lack of Italian talent in the defensive department.
And this is not only a problem for us, but for many Italians teams. Fortunately though, as a club, we can sign a foreigner if we have to, at least on theory...

6- There where more factors indeed, but without Barza+Chiellini and with Bonucci leading the defense, Italy would lose that game 90 out of 100.
Poor boys never stood a chance. It was easy for Bonucci to become a hero by doing nothing before, as long as Italys and Juve's midfielf controlling the game, let no attacks coming in and if any mild them quite a lot.
And even then, Chie, o Barza would clean up his mess, of force super Gigi to a miraculous intervention.

But sometimes, we will face a team, we cannot dominate and attacks will com and Chie or Barza might not be there, after all they are just human, they can also get injured/suspended.
And this is the moment of truth for Bonucci.

Of course i am not expecting him to turn tables, like the old legendary defenders Canna, Nesta, Maldini, but i expect him to do smth positive and dont be as humiliated as he was in that match and evey time we rely on him...

IMO a player can have a positive game, even if the team loses, or otherwise.
In that game Bonucci didnt stopped 50 chances and lost the 4 that led t our goal, he was humiliated in almost every single time they tried.

A collective conclusion of statistic is very misleading for the consideration of individual value/quality.
There are other statistic for that.

As example, in the previous years we had horrible horrible results in the defense, but this doesnt means that Buffon and Chiellini are bad players.
They just could not compensate for the overall lack of quality. This year it was different, but even though, we still had weaklings, players that were dragging us low, with perfomances way bellow the avearge ones...

7- True and i am sincerely confident that they will. But again, i believe that the optimal way to further improve a totality, is to upgrade the weakest links, esp as long as the rest is working sufficiently!

8-Agree with those:agree: thats basically what i am saying as well.
It is my haters that tryng to present me as a doom sayer, for merely criticising some elements...:sergio:


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2008
:lol: What the hell was I thinking. I gotta blame the mango haze, totally forgot where I was. :D

AAah, argumements. finally a person i can reason with!

1- I hope so, i really hope you are right, but every transfer starts with a rumor, i dont make the rumors, atm we are connected with them and i a simply expressing my concerns in advance.
Thats exactly the purpose of all mercato threads, i do not understand why i sould not be the ones having an opinion about possible transfers...
If there is one moment to protest, it is now, before the evil is upon us...just like it happened so many times before...

2- If they are bought as depth, then its ok, i woudnt Bonucci as depth either, but unfortunately, we are considering them to replace a starter!
As depth i dont mind them, i already pointed this out and i agree with your view as such.

3- Yes of course we will survive, i firmly believe that we can win the championship even with them, as we did this term with the Boriello and Bonucci handicaps, but why wouldnt we improve though??
I want us to improve and become better, nearly as good as before.
Serie A has been devastated ater the calciopoli and financial crisis, it is not as competitive as before, such handicaps maybe are not enough to deny us the title, but why risk it? We nearly lost this one, because of those handicaps, i wouldmt like to see that again.
This time we will play in Europe too, we will face great teams, where details can make quite a difference, let alone such massive handicaps that can be systematically exploited...

4-Well, thats my point!! And why the didnt?? Because they are not good enough! Then why would we invest our season on them? Because they are Italians?
Thats what i am talking about!

5- True, i already said that, the problem also lies on the lack of viable alternatives though, as well as injuries.
Apart from those 2 of our players, the NT can choose any Italian he wishes, without considering any budget or contract issues.
But even like that, he still is unable to find any alternatives, what does that tell us?? That actually there arent any close to this level!

We, as a club have yet more handicaps, we cannot choose what we want, as those players have contracts and cost money, with those and other handicaps in mind, we have to compromise even more!
Thats why we might overpay for mediocrities like Bonucci. And unfortunately once the choice is done and the limited capital invested, we cannot switch him again next season, like the NT does.
The lack of alternatives the NT had this summer is the utter proof that there is a lack of Italian talent in the defensive department.
And this is not only a problem for us, but for many Italians teams. Fortunately though, as a club, we can sign a foreigner if we have to, at least on theory...

6- There where more factors indeed, but without Barza+Chiellini and with Bonucci leading the defense, Italy would lose that game 90 out of 100.
Poor boys never stood a chance. It was easy for Bonucci to become a hero by doing nothing before, as long as Italys and Juve's midfielf controlling the game, let no attacks coming in and if any mild them quite a lot.
And even then, Chie, o Barza would clean up his mess, of force super Gigi to a miraculous intervention.

But sometimes, we will face a team, we cannot dominate and attacks will com and Chie or Barza might not be there, after all they are just human, they can also get injured/suspended.
And this is the moment of truth for Bonucci.

Of course i am not expecting him to turn tables, like the old legendary defenders Canna, Nesta, Maldini, but i expect him to do smth positive and dont be as humiliated as he was in that match and evey time we rely on him...

IMO a player can have a positive game, even if the team loses, or otherwise.
In that game Bonucci didnt stopped 50 chances and lost the 4 that led t our goal, he was humiliated in almost every single time they tried.

A collective conclusion of statistic is very misleading for the consideration of individual value/quality.
There are other statistic for that.

As example, in the previous years we had horrible horrible results in the defense, but this doesnt means that Buffon and Chiellini are bad players.
They just could not compensate for the overall lack of quality. This year it was different, but even though, we still had weaklings, players that were dragging us low, with perfomances way bellow the avearge ones...

7- True and i am sincerely confident that they will. But again, i believe that the optimal way to further improve a totality, is to upgrade the weakest links, esp as long as the rest is working sufficiently!

8-Agree with those:agree: thats basically what i am saying as well.
It is my haters that tryng to present me as a doom sayer, for merely criticising some elements...:sergio:
Cron, you're crazy. "Before the evil is upon us... just like it happened so many times before"? :D Easy, there. I think there's some things we disagree upon here, but I was traveling all day, and I'm too tired for much of a response.

Why are you inventing scenarios where nearly every player on the defense gets hurt - except for Bonucci - and then panicking because we would lack depth..? my head hurts. :D Our squad is fairly young and solid, we have reasonably good depth (with the exception of LB/LWB and at CF), the apocalypse is not upon us, chill.

And stop being so negative about Bonucci, already. It's too much; he's become an effective player under Conte, he's a valuable player for Juventus. Our team is looking very solid, hopefully we get some good news over the next week, plenty going on. Would love to see Juve smash the Naples dogs.


Jun 7, 2004
In the defense we dont have depth IMO, Caceres is injured, Bonucci will be banned, Lucio cannot handle too many consecutive games and we need 3 men at all times. If one of Chie Barza gets injured/suspended, we will have to play another player out of position...

Bonucci is crap, but we have invested too much on him already to scrap him, after 28 he will become solid!

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