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Junior Member
Jul 21, 2011
I really never understood why bonnuci isnt rated that high on this forum or anywhere to be honest... he's such a good passer and whenever pirlo is pressed he gets the ball out of our field. The things i didnt like at the beginning were his brainfarts once in a while but i think he worked on that and its obvious he improved. I think he's the best sweeper right now in Seria A and he will only get more experience... our future is looking so bright right now, i just hope everything goes the right way. We are a top 5 team in Europe guys, dont expect anything less from us


Jun 7, 2004
I really never understood why bonnuci isnt rated that high on this forum or anywhere to be honest... he's such a good passer and whenever pirlo is pressed he gets the ball out of our field. The things i didnt like at the beginning were his brainfarts once in a while but i think he worked on that and its obvious he improved. I think he's the best sweeper right now in Seria A and he will only get more experience... our future is looking so bright right now, i just hope everything goes the right way. We are a top 5 team in Europe guys, dont expect anything less from us
If you post 90 posts in two years, its natural not to knowing the reasons, there are even double accounts with much more interaction involved, but let me fill you in on some of those reasons:

-Bonucci arrived as a big star, ready to step in and help our grave defensive issues.
Well he obviously wasnt ready, so naturally he started with the left foot.
-He arrived in an era, where the nationalistic criteria, was valued ahead of the real performance contribution, better players were not given opportunities, yet kak players, like him were given far too many, despite the fact that we were losing so much in performance due to their incompetence. This favoritism naturally created some heat, because such players can hurt us more in the long run, than average ones, like the Molinaro adventure has proved!
-We have paid a very very steep price to get him, losing 15mil and 3 player, Criscito among them, a player who was valued to be of equal talent and in a place (LB) we having to viable options (still dont, since chiellini moved in the center) Bonucci is only undirectly at fault for this, but this is how the world rates those player, Bonucci never ever showed the impression of being a player worthy of a 15-20mil tag...
Those expectations were never met and were only justified on the impression, that he was ready to offer premioum services right then and then, which was obvioulsy not tha case.
-We have endured his developent to a half usefull player, in a very slow and painfull process, somebody stepping in today and watch him play, may not understand much, but the ones who have suffered all those brainfarts, all long and have experienced so many lost points and collective effort wasted, only because of Bonucci's brainfarts, know why...
Well most of them, some of us have very sort memories...
-Bonucci is a defender, not a regista, neither an underwear model. Some ppl may admire him for his passing, some gays for his sexy bUtt, but he is actually a defender, a central defender actually, and on the top of it, he is an Italian. Italian CBs have a very long tradition of being among the best in the world and Bonucci is supposed to be the second best of his generation (after Rannochia)
It is unacceptable for an Italian CB not to be able to perfrom a sliding tackle and have so poor man marking abilities.
Bonnucci was never the man noted for his defensive skills and this was the objectively main point of the criticism upon him.
He has just very poor defensive skills and his tactical awareness is not stellar either, which would help him to set off side traps and intercept balls before they reach the opposition forwards.
Bonucci was always giving the impression of a clusmy bug of meat, no one would want him try a sliding tackle within his territory.

He was a compromise to every defense. Tactically having a defender who can pass the ball with accuracy can be very helpfull, but it is much less important than being able to stop the opposition forwards from scoring or attempting to shoot. We have yet to see Bonucci excell on that and thats why he is not really rated yet...

We are Juventus, we have always had some of the best CBs in the world, for many decades, our team was based upon a solid defense.
In the past decade, we had the worst defense of our history and Bonucci played a part in that.

Conte also gave a priority to this, added another CB, because he aknowledges the need for extra defensive cover, both of Bonucci's partners (Chiello and Barza) are much better than him defensively and many times are correcting his mess, this is smth that we do not overlook and we remember what happened when there wasnt someone there to make up for Bonucci's brainfarts.
So despite the team going better, due to the extra help from the other two great defenders and the fact that our midfield dominates nearly every game and allows minimal threat coming past them, when Bonucci is so easily overwhelmed, he always reminds us of his real defensive value and what would happen if we had to rely on him.

The NT has learned it the hard way in the final too, when the midfield was overrun for once and the other great CBs were not available and had to run on Bonucci.
Same wise, when we had the Chiellini injuries and had nearly no clean seets in his absence.

Anyways, Bonucci, is improving, soon he will reach the CBs peak age and finally we made the wise move to get decent CBs depth option (Ogbonna)
Which means that we wont have to rely on Bonucci for solely defensive issues ever again and that his will soon reach a level of experience that will allow him to read the game better and optimise his performance!


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2011
Cronios, not posting isnt the same as not reading :D its just a simple logic. And u really filled me in, but i already read this kind of posts from u a long time ago, it feels like u have a very twisted opinion that u keep spamming like mad :D Anyway i understood why nobody likes u :D I think u should know that noone agrees with this nationalistic bullshit u keep spamming and maybe just maybe that is the reason u have 20k posts when u just repeat the same thing all over again. Peace

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