Where does he stand

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Nov 26, 2006
No. People deserve second chances.
1st On a sporting level Bonucci is not Paolo Rossi. The same way you can forgive Maradona for sniffing even your own coke if he scores/plays in a game like he can.
2nd Subjectively Juventus is just not at the right moment for such statements. If anything we must be striving for the opposite (towards cancellation of his contract despite financial damages for us) given the hit we took on our image in recent years. Either that or the fairytale we've all been waiting for and the Agnellis must chase FIGC to Lozana and beyond, proving in the process that we have been a target for certain interests and decisions have been made with bias against us. But that doesn't look on the cards for this century.
The 'sporting level' (i.e. how good the player is) argument is absolutely irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

I understand the point about the clubs' image.

Still not convinced I agree with it, though.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Was i the only one having an opinion about the articles that are flooding the internet??
Why did you attacked only me trollface? Why it is only me the one that should not express his opinion??
No, that's probably why I have also pointed these things out (or attacked, as you put it) to other members several times already.

Seriously, i am proud of him for doing that!
And before JJ pops up, IF he will do that anyways...
You have no shame. A few posts ago you had locked him up and thrown away the key, another cheating Italian. I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
In terms of Bonucci himself, I think he has a lot to lose by defending himself if he was actually guilty of taking part in a fix. It gives me some confidence that Masiello is either unreliable or misunderstood Bonucci's involvement.


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
I'm pretty sure that any decision our players / staff members take are after long and anal discussions with the juve lawyers. If Bonbon decides to fight it, then he is most likely innocent.

That's my take on it, anyway.


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
For the people looking for Juve to dissociate themselves from Bonucci if he is found guilty, where do you stand on people getting a second chance once they've served their punishment in general?

Was a mistake for Juventus to sign Paolo Rossi?
Guilty or not, I'd personally take him back, but I surely won't hold it against the club if they both agree to part ways after the final verdict.


Jun 7, 2004
If Bonucci would opt to take the civil court path, wouldnt it take less than 14 months?
Considering that they want to hang him a penalty, of minimum a year, new options open for him.
Only by threating to go into real courts, could be usefull in a bargain about his penalty.

In the mean time, untill any verdict is handled Juve should support him.
And even if he is found guilty and loses a season, why should we terminate his contract?
He is our property, we are a company, he made a mistake in the past, not as long as he was our player, he will be punished for that, why punishing him extra and lose our investment? Freeze his contract for the duration of the possible ban, should be the worst we should do, IMO.

It would be enough as a message, if presentated properly and we will lose practically nothing, as we have recently extended his contract.


Now I know why Bonucci and Pepe are accused: They both had the "30" in their hair cut after the scudetto win! That's the reason...;)

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