Learn-a-word!!! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Since we're all from different countries and cultures I thought of something:

Different people from different places have words that are not represented in another language, or even dialect. Therefore I thought that we could help each other out by teaching each-other about new words that can be translated directly into their own language, thereby increasing one-anothers wordsupply!

Maybe we can spread a few words that anyone can use world-wide.

Since I wrote the thread I'll start with a swedish word: Lagom.
Lagom, I know, isn't in any other language and I've always wanted to introduce it to english, that is what gave me the idea to this thread.
The meaning of this word is rather hard to explain, but any swede would know exactly what you mean should you say it. It means: not to much, not to little, but just right. But even "just right" isn't exactly the proper translation, it's like when something is just right, just nice enough for you. Just perfect, but not being perfect,
just enough so that you're satisfied, because you don't want too much of it (like a snickers-bar that starts to taste bad after you've eaten too much) but not so little that you feel as though you've not had anything (when you get only a small bite of the snickers and you cant keep the taste in your mouth).
That is "just lagom".

I hope some people will jump on this because I always enjoy learning new words.
So start thinking of some words you like and write them here!

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Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
A Dutch word.....


It's not 'having a good time' or 'hanging out'. It's something in between. It's being absolutely comfortable in a pleasant situation with people you like and you know they like you.

A Dutch professor who wanted to explain the meaning of this word in English but failed to do so started an investigation.
Turns out that no other language on earth has a word equivalent to this...!


Jul 15, 2002
Apa khabar to u all while I was gezelligheiding everything was lagom and I was feeling criss :D


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
OMG [DJ Juve], I didn't know you're Malay:eek::thumb:

Kayu (adjective) pronounced as 'kah-yoo'.
Derived from the Malay language meaning dumb or stupid (not knowing what he's doing).

Example: The referee officiating the Brazil-Turkey match in the first round of the WC is so "kayu".

Another meaning for kayu is "wood".



Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
My word is this:-


It's something like gossiping but not exactly.
It's something like a discussion on the current events, but not quite.
It's something like talking nonesense for the sake of talking, but not quite.

For example:-

If two people are passing the time talking about a neighbour they are blethering.
If someone is not making sense they are said to be blethering.
If someone is boasting but is obviously overexagerating then they are blethering.

In fact much of this forum could be described as blethering.

A Scottish pop band called the Proclaimers had a top ten hit in the USA but the radio and TV stations beeped out the word blethering in the song as they thought it meant getting real personal with your partner...if you know what I mean.

Todays word people...is Blethering

Anyone want a good blether?


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Since I suck at explaining things :D ; here's some info on the Dutch word 'Gezellig' I told you earlier:

The cult of 'Gezellig'

"Gezellig" is a word that defies easy translation, much less pronunciation. Although the dictionary calls it "cozy, pleasant, sociable", it is far more than that to the typical Dutch person. It is more a sort of nirvana that they hope to inhabit. Candlelight is gezellig. The smell of erwtensoep (split-pea soup with ham) on the stove is gezellig. Old bicycles, strong coffee, being dry on a rainy day -- all these are gezellig. Telling someone that their home is gezellig is the appropriate compliment unless they live in a minimalist cube. Although the Dutch pride themselves upon being among the most high-tech people in Europe, gezellig is always lurking in the background, when work is through.

Even if a Dutch person is unable to achieve a state of absolute gezellig in their home, they can always find it in the public places of their town. Restaurants, cafés, pubs -- most of them are almost cloyingly charming and homey, with flickering candles, antique wooden walls and floors, fresh flowers and toothsome smells. In this gezellig atmosphere, everyone looks good, all conversation is happy and the food is just like grandma used to make. This effect is best produced in some of the trendier restaurants in Amsterdam that have created the perfect balance of charming antique and stylish modern -- a sort of space-age gezellig, perfect for fashionable young Dutch hipsters.

Some things that are not gezellig include e-mail, MTV, American football and Regis Philbin. As for the pronunciation: don't try it without a doctor standing by.

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