Kwadwo Asamoah (15 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2008
Pretty sure he means before his cartilage issues. After a serious knee injury, it's not unusual at all to pick up muscular issues (other parts of the body overcompensating for the weakened area, lack of high-intensity use, etc.). So initially in his recovery he was dealing with a lot of recurrent swelling in the knee, but I'm pretty sure the last couple of more recent issues he's been working on were muscular in nature -- iirc?

Anyway, hopefully they've got a bit of a handle on this now. So much fun to see him out there, and so encouraging to see him go down for a slide tackle, and throw himself into a defensive header in our box. Not back to full blast, but hopefully he will be soon. We need the physicality that he provides in the middle of the pitch!


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
The thing with him as a LB is not that he was bad... but IMO he had to force his way in that position. As a LB, he had a lot to do, including pushing forward and tracking back. Thats not easy and is very demanding...he demonstrated that physically he was uo for it. Offensively he was no sandro but did the job, still not what we needed offensively but he made is presence felt.

Now, playing him as a bulldozer in the middle of the where he can truly shine. He doesnt need to be running the whole flank nonstop and instead focus all his power in overwhelming anyone that dares to go into his zone. And at the same time he knows how to go on the offense after all his experience in the LWB role.

He is ideal for that position and hopefully we will have him tere covering Pogba or anyone that has a bad day. If he stays healthy, he is first team player material easily. But he would have to fight that spot with Pogba.
its a welcomed heaqdache since pogba cannot play eevry game..and also there are some games when we will need more grinta instead of pogba´ss flair


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Asamoah was the best lwb for 2 years in serie a. it made him a better player
I noticed some people talked about his understanding with Sandro. Offcourse he did. He knows the position in and out, he knows where the lwb has to receive the ball and when to make actions.
Asamoah is a blessing for Pogba. perhaps we need to bench Pogba a bit, take the pressure off him. Allow him to be used when he's ready.

And when Pogba is getting back into shape, we know we can pick one of Khedira, Asamoah, Sturaro, Pereyra to put next to Marchisio-Pogba. Pretty stacked.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015

Juve, Asamoah si ferma ancora una volta
12 dicembre alle 21:00

Ormai il peggio è passato, ma i dubbi rimangono. Per considerare Kwadwo Asamoah una risorsa a tutti gli effetti della Juve servirà ancora parecchio tempo, o almeno così sembra. Come già negli scorsi mesi, nemmeno il tempo di festeggiare il ritorno in campo in una partita vera con una prestazione anche a buon livello, che il ghanese è costretto nuovamente a fermarsi per non rischiare ulteriormente. Così come capitato nelle due precedenti apparizioni del 2015, anche dopo la partita con la Lazio si è reso necessario un nuovo stop: ai 69 minuti dell'Olimpico, necessari considerando la squalifica di Pogba, ha fatto seguito una serie di allenamenti personalizzati per smaltire il carico, approfittando anche dell'assenza di Asamoah dalla lista Champions che gli ha evitato la trasferta di Siviglia. La risposta è stata solo parzialmente positiva, così pur non rientrando ufficialmente tra gli indisponibili della vigilia per infortunio anche contro la Fiorentina lo staff medico della Juve ha optato per proseguire il lavoro differenziato per smaltire l'affatticamento post-Lazio.
Jul 20, 2012
Basically saying that it looks like it could be a repeat of what happened last time where he made an appearance only to be out again, however it could also be that the medical staff just wants him to continue working apart to regain fitness. It was sort of confusing, because its almost like they dont know if he is injured again or its just the felt like lazio was a test, and now he will continue to work to regain his fitness.

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