Klaas Jan Huntelaar (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Mar 30, 2007
Juventus-Huntelaar, ds Ajax 'Valencia? Nessun club ha presentato offerte per lui'

Il Valencia e' interessato all'attaccante dell'Ajax Klaas Jan Huntelaar, seguito anche dalla Juventus.
Ma Martin Van Geel, ds dei lanceri, nega tutto: "Tutte queste indiscrezioni riguardo Huntelaar sono senza fondamento. Non ci e' pervenuta alcuna offerta ufficiale per il giocatore".

Juventus-Huntelaar, ds Ajax 'Valencia? Not any club presented offers for him' The Valencia and' interested to the attaccante of the ajax Klaas Jan Huntelaar, I continue also from the Juventus. But Martin Van Geel, ds of the lanceri, denies all: "These everything indiscretions I pertain Huntelaar I am without foundation. Us not and' reached some official offer for the gambler".



Sep 3, 2006
WHERE THE F%%K DID VALENCiA COME FROM??? Who the hell do they think they are...they are acting like a pesky fly...annoying us and disrupting our transfer strategies :p...please Valencia f$$k off and let us buy Hunter Sneijder and Heinze...

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