Karim Benzema - FW - Real Madrid (151 Viewers)

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Jun 13, 2007
Sneijder was Real Madrid trash, Oh Robben to, Cambiasso oh and Anelka.
You forgot Samuel Eto'o. And so what? So what if every single player that left Real Madrid turned out to be a star. It doesn't mean Benzema will also become a star. Real trash is still Real Madrid trash. If it just so happened that some of Real's trash were actually diamonds in the rough so to speak, that implies nothing more than a freak accident.

Remember now, correlation does not imply causation.

Yeah, I got owned big time, by people who don't know what logical fallacies are if their lives depended on it.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


You forgot Samuel Eto'o. And so what? So what if every single player that left Real Madrid turned out to be a star. It doesn't mean Benzema will also become a star. Real trash is still Real Madrid trash. If it just so happened that some of Real's trash were actually diamonds in the rough so to speak, that implies nothing more than a freak accident.

Remember now, correlation does not imply causation.

Yeah, I got owned big time, by people who don't know what logical fallacies are if their lives depended on it.
That's a whole lotta bullshit for just one post.


Jan 30, 2008
Has anybody told you, you sound like an internet Nerd? have you witnessed sunlight in the past ten years? or do you enjoy being a social reject?


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Not if you have an IQ over 90 I didn't.

Would you mind explaining why or do you just revel and take pleasure in half ass unintelligible comments that mean absolutely nothing?
Your argument(Real Madrid trash) on the actual topic was just plain stupid from the get-go and when people called you out on it you tried to get something out of it with semantics and by writing bullshit that doesn't apply at all.

Bottom line is, there's no such thing as Real Madrid trash. Real Madrid is the biggest club in the world and not all players can make the cut, and that cut is even harder to make when you're in your early twenties. But that doesn't matter in the end, because if you were one of the hottest young strikers in the world for over 2 years, you don't become anyone's "trash" over night.
Jun 13, 2007
All right, then.

I'll try to make this as simple as I can for you so you wouldn't get too upset or confused. K?

Today, class, we're going to learn about what a logical fallacy is.

I clapped my hands, a guy in Milano tripped and fell down. I did it again, and another guy in Milan tripped in Milano and fell down. This happens many times in a row. Now, stay with me, this is the good part. Just because There was a correlation( My hand clapping and the guys falling down in Milano ) does not imply there is a causation ( my hand causing those guys to fall down ).

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to believe that in the future, when I choose to clap my hands, a guy in Milan will trip and fall down. Get it?

Well, probably not. But whatever.
Jun 13, 2007
Your argument(Real Madrid trash) on the actual topic was just plain stupid from the get-go and when people called you out on it you tried to get something out of it with semantics and by writing bullshit that doesn't apply at all.

Bottom line is, there's no such thing as Real Madrid trash. Real Madrid is the biggest club in the world and not all players can make the cut, and that cut is even harder to make when you're in your early twenties. But that doesn't matter in the end, because if you were one of the hottest young strikers in the world for over 2 years, you don't become anyone's "trash" over night.
Wrong again, sir. Gravesen, Gago, Heinze, Drenthe, Baptista, Portillo.

What do they all have in common you might ask? Well, they all played for Madrid and guess what? They were all TRASH! There is such a thing as Madrid trash, I'm sure a Madrid fan can name even more players than me. Point is, just because you are in Madrid doesn't mean you're a great player. And it certainly doesn't mean you will be a great player once you leave Madrid.


Jan 30, 2008
Baptista's first two seasons at Madrid were fantastic. He had one average one.

Edit: Did you ever bother to watch Benzema at Lyon? I'm guessing not.
Jun 13, 2007
Has anybody told you, you sound like an internet Nerd? have you witnessed sunlight in the past ten years? or do you enjoy being a social reject?

Do you even know who I am? Shit, you know nothing about me and you go on making comments like that. I'd rather be a nerd than be an asshole. I happened to have an interest in Philosophy and I get pissed when fools like you try to diss me for no good reason. Call me a nerd or a geek or whatever. I really don't care.

Just don't go telling people they got owned when you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, and yeah, I live in a cave. I don't have any human relationships. I talk to my plant. I have never seen any sunlight. So yeah, my plant died. It was devastating. Fuckin guy. Do people take you seriously man? :lol:


Jan 30, 2008
Juve Rev always gets owned.:seven:
Do you even know who I am? Shit, you know nothing about me and you go on making comments like that. I'd rather be a nerd than be an asshole. I happened to have an interest in Philosophy and I get pissed when fools like you try to diss me for no good reason. Call me a nerd or a geek or whatever. I really don't care.

Just don't go telling people they got owned when you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, and yeah, I live in a cave. I don't have any human relationships. I talk to my plant. I have never seen any sunlight. So yeah, my plant died. It was devastating. Fuckin guy :lol:
Now please........ SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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