Juventuz Popularity Contest (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
Rate each member from 0-10, 0 being you hate, 10 being you like them.
Feel free to add a comments too :D

Only first 4 pages of top posters on this list because i cant be bothered doing anymore, oh and me.

Moderators give it a chance eh ;)

Martin - 7 Oh now i know him, havent seen much of him but seems a nice guy.
Erik - 7 - Talked on msn and hes cool :D
Graham - 6 - Making a comeback!
fabiana - 7 - Pretty cool
Lilianna - 1 - I dont understand
Josh - 8 We got along first time i was here
Majed - 6
Mac - 10 Face it hes cooler than you
Vilhelmas - 7 Poor guy lost his cds.
Andre 3000 - 7 He was always a 7 but we had some outstanding work to take care of ;)
Don Bes - 5 Started the fake thing so points deducted
mikhail - 7 One cool Irish Dude
John #10 - 3 Has sex will browsing. Bad bad.
sIAMO nOI jUVE! - 3
IncuboRossonero - 8 Sticking up for me er.. kinda.
fred weasley - 3
Padovano 4 Whats with the sheep?
IceBlu - 3 - cool avatar
Egyptian_Juventino - 5
Mrs Mac <- 9 - Im cool too!
Stuart - 7 ;)
Nina - 0 - "Stop talking trash. If we feel like talking in spanish we'll talk in spanish. Do you understand?" :rolleyes:

NOTE: A 7 on my list and you should be delighted. Im not gonna start throwing out 8's and 9's so easily. And 10 jeez forget it :D

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #2
    Oh and getting a number is better than not getting one. ;)


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Alright, who do I make the check out to in order to increase my 6 rating.

    Oh wait, I know how to increase my popularity with emma.

    *****Off to the Nick against the World thread to use my override powers*******


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #7
    7 is as good as it gets. I need to leave some room for improvement :D

    Graham you lost points on the fake thing, ;) :p

    Andre -> Exactly ;)

    Oh and you fools arent supposed to comment on mine, your supposed to make your own.

    Do it fast before incubo posts and its locked :D

    The Pado

    Filthy Gobbo
    Jul 12, 2002
    Andre (Sergio) and Nick (Incubo) get a 10, just for keeping it real

    Josh scores a 9, for being the funniest guy here.

    IceBlu gets an 8 for the now infamous "Dear respected C-word" letter

    Martin rates at least an 8

    Mac rates an 8, mostly for his brilliant days under the old George Best avatar

    Emma Mac, a 5 for being hot, penalized for giving me a 4 and not loving sheep.

    Fabiana, the queen, give her an 8.5


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
    Andre (Sergio) and Nick (Incubo) get a 10, just for keeping it real

    Josh scores a 9, for being the funniest guy here.

    IceBlu gets an 8 for the now infamous "Dear respected C-word" letter

    Martin rates at least an 8

    Mac rates an 8, mostly for his brilliant days under the old George Best avatar

    Emma Mac, a 5 for being hot, penalized for giving me a 4 and not loving sheep.

    Fabiana, the queen, give her an 8.5
    I feel the Incredible Hulk music going...Starting to feel "stressed"...WTF Caffy...people get points for making personal attacks...pfffffffffffff


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #13
    ++ [ originally posted by Vilhelmas ] ++
    ****. pet puppy you say.

    ****. i lost my cds.

    ****. **** it. :dontcare:
    See i updated it already ;)

    Incubo looking overall some changes had to be made. And i want to make you work for it ;)


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Martin - 9 Would've been ten if you'd just remember stuff better :D
    Erik - I'm an arrogant jackass but I'm not bad enough to be rating myself
    Dj Juve 8 Needs to get back here more often
    Graham - 1 - Seriously. Quoting the same source to verify that very source? No good man! ;)
    fabiana - 8 - She told me about Sangria
    Hydde - 7 Cool lad
    nina - 9 Photo, photo :D
    Ian - 8 Needs to stop moving around the globe and settle on the Dam already!
    Stuart - 7 Exceedingly knowledgeable on football :cool:
    Josh - 8 Odd but nice ;)
    Zlatan - 1 Mood swings
    dpforever - 8 Fabulous games
    BloodOnMoral - 2 Too many PMs ;)
    Nekton 4 He left :(
    JKane - 4 Left too :(
    Mac - 10 Agree with Ems
    Vilhelmas - 5 Too rude
    Torkel 8
    mikhail - 8 Needs to work on his German though ;)
    IncuboRossonero - 7 Taking into account that you spice up the place, make good arguments (at least, I like your style personally) AND you like Grappa and Limoncello, I'd have to give you an 8. One point deducted cause you're a Milanisto. That's a 7.
    K10 1 For rubbing it in our beaches suck and he lives a party life ;):D
    Bongiovi 8 Holland fan :thumb:
    Mrs Mac <- 9 - For bringing a much needed female touch to the forums
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