Juventuz Bar Thread (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Stella is also known as wife beater here and in the UK due to its association with let's just say 'the lower classes'. Nice beer though. It's funny how different beers are viewed in different regions.
Exactly, it's a lot like culture. Go to the country that made some tv show/book/whatever popular and most people there think it's trash. Yet they in turn think some rubbish from your country is the best thing ever.

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Senior Member
Aug 13, 2010
Spot on Martin, the same can be said for Guinness, Irish people are proud of how well it's sold worldwide and how it's become a big well known brand. So when we hear someone say it's not their thing it comes as a bit of a shock, as Sheik said, different strokes for different folks.

Dunno why I'm talking so much about beer today, I'm suffering from possibly the worst hangover of my life.


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2011
My favorite beer is Budweiser at the moment - Don't hate me!

I also enjoy Jame's Squires Pale Ale.

James Boag Premium is pretty good. I think Heineken or Crown Lager are my favourites though.

That's pretty good too.

Carlton Draught is probably the worst beer I've had. Corona sucks dick too.

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