Juventuz Awards 2003 (Finalists) (9 Viewers)

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The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
You don't want my password!!! You son of bleep. I will get you. I will report you to Martin. I will eat figs. I'm coming to your house and stealing your garden gnome, you marshmallow peep. How dare you insult me. You don't know who you are messing with. I eat figs.

Good night sweet prince :angel::eek:


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

You know what surprises me? How you can still not grasp the concept that the simplest answer is most often the correct one. Look it up, it's called Occam's Razor. You are making an unneccassary hypothesis to state that the negative reaction to you results from the stupidity and mob mentality of the posters on this board. It is a far simpler, and therefore more likely, posibility that the negative reaction to you results from your biased criticism and your tactless aggression. I don't have to be creative, because I am logically correct.

BTW, how do you expect people to answer to your criticisms. You say things like, "Juventus players are dopers", and we say, "They have not been convicted." and you say, "Davids has!" What more is there to do? Where is the debate? You make attacks on the club and we as supporters are left with nothing to say, because no club is perfect and all have failings that can be assaulted. Why is it that you think it is a service to us, that you attack us as supporters for our club's failings? Do you hope to make us stop supporting Juventus? If so, why then do you criticise fair weather supporters? You've still yet to answer my original question: Why do you do what you do?
hey ian you conviced that i'm not against you or not yet?

*waiting hopefully for the reply*


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
What is that, I Wanked, I came, I napped ?

I think the latin version of this is "Spankum,Spewum,Sleepum"

Luuuuccccccyyyyyyyy, Ricky has come home again, mamacita!!


Hey Lucy, I wanked in Fred and Ethel's oatmeal, and gave a new meaning to "Cream of Wheat".

I've been thinking of changing my name as well. USA Juventini has run its course.

Since I've been trying to keep the peace (albeit somewhat unsuccesfully, thank you very much Nick:D), I was thinking of NATO, or in honor of the greatest plastic and cloth Rotweiller foul mouthed puppet on the planet, The Dogpounder.

Pado, Josh, any suggestions??

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Serge, I loved the Fred Mertz reference so much, I can only suggest what you have already created : Cream of Wheat. Although, I knew a guy in school who always told of his masturbation exploits, and I called him the Wizard of Whack.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Next time you're in the Boston area, be sure to deposit a little bit of yourself in Sergio's mailbox. It's not as intrusive as a phone call or an email.

FurioBianconero demands to know why you hate me. Because I am beautiful? Because I know everything? Because I won't let this argument die?


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Pado, I'm thinking more along the lines of "The Dogpounder", because I already have Triumph's avatar and I already created the sig line for him, and quite frankly, I'm too lazy to change it.

I'm going to listen to his CD again tosee if I get get a different reference for a name. But USA Juventini is going to go soon.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Not enough space in the avatar to have Triumph and J. Lo's wonderful booty at the same time.

I'll have to think of something else.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Yeah it makes you a lesser person :redface: ... What are you talking about?! Its a Juventus forum..and if someone is going to debate me on an issue (i.e. Ferrara vs. Costacurta) then be ready to think back in terms of their careers and not just re-gurgiate something you picked up on the forum. The point was not about football knowledge at all..but if your going to talk the talk ..WALK THE WALK. More over, the point is its easier for some to take either a personal shot...start an all out attack on someone that to admit that they are WRONG and they the OTHER has a point. Bottom line. I guess no one wants to admit that someone comes into their house (juventuz forum) and embarasses them..even though thats the case.
You're still skirting the issue. The question is why do you want to come into our forum and embarrass us? What's the point? Does this give you some kind of satisfaction to see us struggle to defend our team even though there are some things that can not be defended? There are things that Juventus has done and not done which none of us are proud of, and we couldn't possibly explain them away. But, we are not fair-weather fans, so we stick with our team.

Furthermore, I don't see why you have to have a constant competition of knowledge. A lot of people on this forum don't have access to the volume and range of information that you do, or that I do, and they come here to learn as well as express their opinions. You have to understand that you act aggressively and people feel the need to be defensive because of that. You're not going to be accepted with the way you act, even if you are right. You also have to realise that we all carry a bias and yours is against Juventus while ours is for Juve, thus we must inevitably clash on matters of opinion. You're not accomplishing anything by continuing to be belligerent.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
QUOTE: That's great, so maybe now you can start analysing the game, not just the club, and when you get that going, you can start presenting logical arguments that answer the challenges brought to you. And if you have the time, you could work on your manners.

This last part...you opened up this can of words...NOw your going to deal with it and start answering questions.
Number One: Logical?
I define logic by Aristotle's model, as a system of reasoning. That means that you don't make unfounded assumptions or generalise simply to prove a point, or make unnecessary hypotheses.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Challenges brought to me? Your kidding right? Either you have a very 'distorted' understand of the word or you are refering to someone else. I have had people here tell me that:
keepers & defenders never won the Golden Ball.
Van Basten was past his prime when he stopped playing football.
The current criminal case against JUVE is just my imagination.
Berlusconi and Angelli despite being political and financial allies really try to start smear campaigns against the other. Such as Berlusconi being behind the courts and the Juve case.
I can't account for the words of every poster here and I'm not going to try to argue down every criticism of every poster here, but I know that I have brought you logical argument after logical argument, and you do not acknowledge any of them, but simply go on spouting your original point.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Your talking logic Rickenbacker? Your talking analysing? Your talking logical arguements? For goodness sake I have to weed out truth from fiction with posters and offer a history course before I can post and your trying to tell me about logical arguments?!
You have your own view of truth and fiction as have all the rest of us. Simply because they're not always parallel doesn't make us wrong. And I am trying to tell you about logical arguments. You make assumptions, leaps in reasoning, and generalise when it's no warranted. Furthermore, you contrive extravagant theories where a simple answer exists. That's not being logical.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Your talking manners?? manners....and prior you said I lacked decency and tact? Tact Ian? Really...
Yes, manners. I'm talking about not belittling other posters, not disrespecting people, whether they know what they are talking about or not. I'm talking about knowing when to apologize and knowing when to back off. You're always criticising someone or something that we all like, and at the same time criticising that we all jump on you. It's ridiculous.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
I won't sing the same old song about being pounced on by many here because I will start sounding like others re-gurgiating the same old thing. Posts speak for themselves.
Stop playing the victim. We did not seek you out on your forum and attack your club, whether it was a warranted attack or not. We did not act aggressively toward you. You came here and started all this shit, you are the one who is responsible. Stop whining about it.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
But I urge you to show my where I instigated a personal attack on someone else...where I generalized (remember that thing you oh so LOATHE!) about an individual ..to the point where if I did I would be banned. Show me where after a discussion of football and where I nailed someone against the wall..when they had nothing else to answer they took the route which is immature even for a 5 year old and opted for a personal attack.
Manners: To respect others. NOT A TEAM. You seem to imply that highlighting Juve's scandals is a lack of manners. NO ... when your team is questioned and responding with an insult ..THAT IS A LACK OF MANNERS. Clear enough?
I'm not implying that highlighting Juve's scandals is a lack of manners, I'm saying that to do so and then whine about being attacked is stupid and childish. Then to continue to act aggressively and target other posters, that's a lack of manners. And, you are insulted because you are not wanted. Don't you understand that haters like you detract from a forum despite all your arguments to the contrary? Juventus supporters have our own way of discussing our scandals. Perhaps we see them in a different light, but why is that so disturbing to you, that we should see our own team positively? you're not telling us anything that we didn't know, you're just rubbing it in our faces and there's not much for us to do about it. And, that's a lack of manners too.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
I'll let you in on a secret because your labeling is getting quite out of hand..it was "smirk" and "roll your eyes" funny at first now its just your way to get everyone to agree and nod in unison.
I'm not labeling you. I defended you and kept you on this forum in the beginning, because I thought that you would learn something and act in a more appropriate manner. To my surprise, you have done nothing to warrant the faith that I showed in you and you have continued to be aggressive and disrespectful. Thus, I have come to the conclusion by witnessing your behaviour that you are not contributing positively. And, did you ever think that everyone is agreeing with me because I'm right?

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
I avoid two individuals here. One made a generalization which would get most anyone banned...which I avoided reporting.
The second we got off to a terrible start. However, even after I pm'ed the individual they lacked the DECENCY (remember that word) and maturity to reply despite claiming in a thread they did nothing wrong and really didn't get the "big deal".
Well, I hope you're proud of yourself. You managed to alienate two posters here and now you're trying to blame that on them. I'm not falling for that.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
You want to call me a consipracy theorist...anti-Juve WHATEVER do it...when you make statements just to feel like the moral leader on this thread then be ready to back it..you haven't followed my posts so you really have no say in this. If I lacked manners I would have been banned a long time ago. Martin has the 'last word' here...remember that.
I'm not trying to be the moral leader, I'm trying to get you to acknowledge your wrongs and correct them in the future. I'm angry because you've ruined this thread and these awards. And you are a conspiracy theorist, you constantly whine about the mob mentality, and you are anti-Juve, how can even claim not to be? You have not been banned because people have defended you, please know that.

Look, here's my message to you: Back off a little bit. You don't have to go full speed all the time with the mob mentality crap and you don't constantly have to bring up Juve's scandals and Del Piero's poor form. You're not doing anyone any favours, you're just provoking and then whining about the response you get. If you don't like the response, THEN STOP PROVOKING!


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker ] ++

Look, here's my message to you: Back off a little bit. You don't have to go full speed all the time with the mob mentality crap and you don't constantly have to bring up Juve's scandals and Del Piero's poor form. You're not doing anyone any favours, you're just provoking and then whining about the response you get. If you don't like the response, THEN STOP PROVOKING!
I don't have much time to post tonight but I will reply because I don't want you to think I'm SKIRTING the issue. You asked me to back off and constantly bringing up DP's form..however if you bothered reading my posts you will see that I'm actually a defender of DP as a player "on his game" and actually scolded some for calling for his exit from Juve. I am aggresive, I am constantly bringing up scandals and I will continue to do so. The same way Juventini smirk and sneer at our win in the CL Final we smirk and sneer at the scandal that surrounds you. The black and white world is not as rosy as you all think...you are not as superior to us as most think AND call it conspiracy theories, bitterness, jealousy or even coincidence but when the same story follows one team and that team is the most winning team...be ready to explain...yes even as a fan as you are the rep. of your team in among the "common folk".
Back off...You know me better than that. I see that you never really gave me examples of lack of manners because you know that it was an extreme comment. I would like to add that if you debated me on football rather than only to BARK at me you may discover other things.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

You asked me to back off and constantly bringing up DP's form..however if you bothered reading my posts you will see that I'm actually a defender of DP as a player "on his game" and actually scolded some for calling for his exit from Juve.

In your defense, I have seen that from you on more than one occasion

I would like to add that if you debated me on football rather than only to BARK at me you may discover other things.

Like the fact that you really are a good guy once people get to know you here?? Yes, I know that too. However, Nick, that won't happen as long as people have the perception that they have. It takes two to tango, friend, you know that. So give a little to these guys (and gals), and you'll get much more than you coudl expect.

I mean christ, I can't be your ONLY friend in here, Can I???;)

I hope we can end this once and for all, please.

This taking redundancy to an all new level.

Ian, both you and Nick bring up very valid points.


Don't make me get out my Ricky Ricardo Congas and start singing a Salsa version of "Kumbayah".


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Maybe you're a bit too friendly Serge, you call everyone your dear friend, even me :D ;)

I keed I keed :)

P.S. Kumbayahis my song, only I sing it on this forum, and I get beaten down for it. You dont want to take that from me, now do you?


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
Nick, that won't happen as long as people have the perception that they have. It takes two to tango, friend, you know that. So give a little to these guys (and gals), and you'll get much more than you coudl expect.
Come on Sergio...your sounding like final "lesson learned" in one of those "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" Commercial that used to air. ;)

++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
I mean christ, I can't be your ONLY friend in here, Can I???;)
Suits me fine. You and Vinman that is. However, I think the beer chugging, shot talking son-of-a-gun will admit I make him spew out his tequila with laughter sometimes. Some of the ladies here seem to be OK with the insulting Milanista....and then some.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I haven't been participating in many of the arguments with you Incubo, and I haven't got a problem with you.

But for your own sake, consider heeding some of Ian's advice, because he speaks the truth when he says that you're a bit tactless sometimees. As he said, apologise when it's called for, and back off a tad if you think it'll avoid more confrontations.

Personally I've learned a few things from your presence here, and I'm not insulted when you correct my factual knowledge, but I thinnk it may cut some people, even when you say simple things like "Get your facts straight and come back when you know wtf you're talking about"
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