Juventus Next Gen (28 Viewers)

Jun 16, 2020
Ok I watched the first half since Fagioli got subbed off at halftime and I don’t care enough about the other players that were on the field (although I will say Rafias dribbling and ability to create chances by himself remains impressive)

Kids still got it

As I said his passing technique is really nice, he’s also very good under pressure.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Isn’t petrelli supposed to be a decent prospect?
I don't think he's a potential first team player but he could have a good Serie A career for a club with the right system.

I always found him hard to define because he plays like a big man with technique but he's not as big as he looks, and he has a fair turn of pace. He's not a Morata but also not a Cerri kind of striker.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
He hasn't got a thread but Marco Olivieri has been scoring some goals for Empoli in the last few games. 3 in just 180 minutes so far between B and Coppa. His one against Cittadella was nice.

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