juve will bring vialli when capello go (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006
this say that juve will bring vialli to be coach when capello go
he was coach for chelsea
if someone talk italian may be can translate beter
vialli is good to be coach. he played and know juve well
ferrara, conte are other choices
what you think
please talk


C'è Vialli per il dopo-Capello

A Torino, sponda Juventus, stanno pensando al futuro.
L'eventualità che Fabio Capello decida di lasciare la panchina bianconera a fine stagione per tornare al Real Madrid, o andare in Inghilterra per guidare il Manchester, ha infatti obbligato i dirigenti del club piemontese a ricercare il possibile sostituto.

Il nome che sta emergendo negli ultimi giorni è quello di Gianluca Vialli, centravanti bianconero negli anni '90 e in passato sulla panchina del Chelsea

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Junior Member
Dec 13, 2005
23 January 2006

There is Vialli for Dopo-Capello

Next to Turin, Juventus side, is thinking next to the future.
The eventuality that Fabio Capello decides to leave the bianconeri park bench for next season in order to return to the Real Madrid, or to go in England in order to guide the Manchester, has in fact obliged the leaders of the piemontese club to search the possible substitute.

The name that is emerging in the last days is that one of Gianluca Vialli, centravanti bianconero in years ' 90 and in passed on the park bench of the Chelsea.

By GOOOGLE Translation


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Never impressed me as coach, still doesn't seem like coaching material to me. Especially not suited for a club like juve, with his little experience.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Guys, if anybody was tailored for Juve, like Lippi, it is Vialli. It just fits in my opinion. Dont go by past records - its about chemistry.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
id like arsen wenger to replace the don.with arsenal in a spot of bother this season,i think wenger might be inclined to leave if an offer from a club like juventus comes along.

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