juve make ethic code and aigner maybe president (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006
the news say juve made ethic code after the scandel and will use it to stop any other problems and scadels in the club

and another news say platini said to juve to make gerhard aigner a president. he was a player for germany and he was uefa director and until 2003

i think it is not good to make a german player juve president because i dont think he love the club and i dont think he will do the best job. i think it is better to bring lippi or zoff to be president.

what you think

please discuss


Juve, ecco il codice etico
E per la carica di presidente spunta il nome di Aigner, ex segretario Uefa
di Fabio Vergnano

TORINO. E’ quasi pronta la lista del nuovo Cda della Juventus. Una delle tante canddidature eccellenti alla carica di presidente, porta a Gerhard Aigner, 62 anni, ex segretario dell’Uefa, l’inventore della nuova Champions League. Aigner è stato suggerito alla società da Platini, ma era neanche nei pensieri di Guido Rossi per la presidenza della lega. E si parla anche di Giovanni Malagò come consigliere.

Intanto la Juventus ha già pronto il codice etico. Dopo la bufera intercettazioni, alla Juve l’aspetto morale è balzato giustamente al primo posto. Tutti gli uomini (per la verità non ancora molti) che stanno lavorando al progetto, ne hanno sottolineato l’importanza a più riprese. A cominciare da John Elkann che, un minuto dopo aver visto Giraudo e Moggi sulle prime pagine dei giornali non per un vittoria sul campo, ma per le arcinote telefonate decise fosse arrivato il momento di svoltare,

Carlo Sant’Albano, amministratore delegato pro tempore della società bianconera, quando ha iniziato a ricoprire identica carica all’Ifil ha sottoscritto, come tutti i manager della holding, un codice etico. Allora parlava soprattutto di bond e di stakeholder. Oggi sta imparando altri termini più prettamente calcistici, lavorando in particolare alla formazione del nuovo Cda, i cui nomi saranno resi noti mercoledì 14 giugno. Ma l’impegno di Sant’Albano è dedicato pure alla stesura delle norme di comportamento trasferite da corso Matteotti corso Galileo Ferraris, seppure con qualche normale adattamento, visto che in questo caso le azioni sono quelle da gioco. Regole che, in realtà, sono sempre esistite alla Juve, e che anche Giraudo ha accettato, come ogni dirigente del gruppo Fiat, quando nel 1994 entrò in società. A giudicare da quanto è successo, sono rimaste soltanto stampate su un pezzo di carta, e proprio questo si vuole evitare nel futuro.

Così il decalogo del bravo dirigente juventino è pronto. Diciamo dirigente, ma anche del bravo giocatore, perché i protagonisti della domenica saranno tenuti ad avere un atteggiamento irreprensibile al pari di chi sta dietro la scrivania. Infatti all’interno del codice etico è stata inserita una specifica sezione sportiva che riguarda i giocatori e concerne i rapporti con le autorità sportive, con i mediatori e il comportamento sul campo e fuori. Una Juve in formato college inglese? Volendo esagerare si può anche dire che questo succederà. In realtà il calcio è un po’ diverso dal mondo della finanza, sebbene furbetti del quartierino non ne manchino neppure a queste latitudini.

La voglia di aria pulita è totale e nessuno deve sottrarsi dalla proprie responsabilità. E all’Ifil sottolineano come nel testo che verrà presentato a chi proverà a far ripartire la Juve e a chi dal campo dovrà riportarla in alto, siano contenute anche alcune novità per il contesto italiano ed europeo.

Per esempio, come ha sempre sottolineato John Elkann, va rimarcata la centralità della dimensione sociale dello sport. Dal che derivano il rifiuto di ogni forma di violenza, xenofobia e razzismo. Inoltre la promozione di iniziative benefiche(vedi l’impegno già in atto per il Sant’Anna) diventa impegno per il management e per la squadra. Chi indosserà la maglia bianconera «dovrà lavorare attivamente anche su questo fronte, diventando una sorta di ambasciatore della società in vari contesti sociali». Alla Juve operavano già in questa direzione da qualche tempo. Tuttavia ora tutto dovrà essere ancora più marcato e la disponibilità dei singoli protagonisti a essere disponibili a iniziative umanitarie, non dovrà essere solo saltuaria, ma totale.

Importante il messaggio che tutti coloro che opereranno nel mondo Juve dovranno lanciare. Perchè il nuovo club bianconero vuole rendere lo spettacolo sportivo godibile dai giovani e dalle famiglie «promuovendo un tifo leale e responsabile». Quindi Juve in versione apripista per provare a riportare le famiglie allo stadio. In uno stadio sicuro e confortevole, dove al centro di tutto ci sia il divertimento.

Ovviamente, se c’è un codice, devono esserci anche le punizioni per chi non lo rispetta alla lettera. E infatti il capitolo dedicato alle sanzioni, specifica che le pene andranno dalla semplice ammenda, all’interruzione del rapporto di lavoro. Infine va ricordato che il codice è soltanto una parte del più generale modello organizzativo previsto dalla legge 231, che prevede una serie di procedure per la prevenzione dei reati.

translation of freetranslation.com

Juve, here the ethical code AND for the office of president breaks the tip of the name of Aigner, former
secretary Uefa of Fabio Vergnano

TURIN. It is almost ready the strip of the new Cda of the Juventus. An of the much canddidature excelling to the office of president, it carries to Gerhard Aigner, 62 years, former secretary of the uefa, the inventor of the new Champions League. Aigner was advised to the society from Platinum, but was not even in the thoughts of Guido Red for the presidency of the league. And it speaks also of Giovanni Malagò like advisor.

Meanwhile the Juventus has already ready the ethical code. After the storm interceptions, to the Juve the moral appearance is jumped just to the first place. All of the men (for the truth not still a lot) that are working to the project, underlined the importance to more taken again. To begin from John Elkann that, a minute one after to have seen Giraudo and Heaps on the first pages of the newspapers not for a victory on the field, but for the arcinote telephone call determined pits arrived the time to turn,

Carlo Sant' Alban, director delegated benefit tempore of the society bianconera, when began to cover identical office to the ifil signed, like all of the manager of the holding company, an ethical code. Then it above all of bond spoke and of stakeholder. Today it is learning other more truly soccer limits, working particularly to the formation of the new Cda, the whose names known wednesday will be given back 14 June. But the engagement of Sant' Alban is dedicated too to the drawing up of the rules of behavior transferred from run Matteotti run Galileo Ferraris, even if with some normal adaptation, seen that in this case the actions are those from game. It regulates that, in reality, always are existed to the Juve, and that also Giraudo accepted, like every manager of the group Fiat, when in 1994 entrò in society. To judge from how much it happened, they are remained only printed on a piece of card, and actual this it it is wanted to avoid in the future.

So the decalogo of the capable managerial juventino is ready. We say directing, but also of the capable gambler, because the protagonists of the sunday will be held to have an irreproachable attitude just like who is behind the writing desk. In fact to the inside of the ethical code a specific sporty section that pertains the gamblers and it the relations with the sporty authority it was introduced, with the mediators and the behavior on the field and outside. A Juve in developed English college? Wanting to exaggerate also it says that this will happen. In reality the soccer is a little different one from the world of the finances, even though furbetti of the quartierino do not be lacking not even to these latitudini.

The clean desire of air is total and no has to itself from the actual responsibility. And to the ifil they underline like in the text than verrà presented to who will experience to make to distribute the Juve and to who from the field should restore it upwards, also some novelty for the Italian context are contained and European.

For example, like always it underlined John Elkann, goes remarked the centrality of the social dimension of the sport. From the that they are derived the violence of every shape of refusal, xenophobia and racism. Besides the promotion of initiatives benefiche (you see the engagement already in action for the Sant' Anna) becomes engagement for the management and for the squad. Who it will put on the knitting bianconera «should work profitable also on this front, becoming a sort of ambassador of the society in varied social contexts». To the Juve operated already in this direction from some time. Nevertheless now all even more it should be marked and the availability of the individual protagonists to be available to humanitarian initiatives, will not have to be alone occasional, but total.

Mattering the message that all those who will operate in the world Juve should throw. Why the new club bianconero wants to give back the sporty show godibile from the young and from the families «promoting a loyal fan and person in charge». Therefore Juve in version forerunner to experience to restore the families to the stadium. In a secure and comfortable stadium, where to the everything center it the fun is us.

Obviously, if there it is a code, have to be us also the punishments for who it not with respect to the letter. And in fact the chapter dedicated to the sanctions, specifies that the penis will go from the simple amends, to the interruption of the work relation. Finally it goes remembered that the code is only a part of the plus general I model organizational expected from the law 231, that expects a series of procedures for the prevention of the offenses.

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Senior Member
Apr 9, 2006
well .. it good to have a work ethic code ( which is not new for companys but new for football clubs)
also bringing an outsider to run the club is good IMO
the club managment well become more corpurate like and bussiness oriented while the actual game will be carried out by the director of foootball and the rest of the couching staff.

IMO managers should have power. but they should use it properly ( in business deals, in partnerships and to have a voice in the confedration )
and by bringing a non club manager this will be fulfilled without him over involving himself in the teams contribution as moggi did.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
juve88 said:
well, whats wrong with a german???????i like to see platini as president and lippii as trener....
it is not a very good idea to give such an important role to somebody who does not speak italian, does not know juventus and the italian soccer. i would prefer an italian or somebody who already worked/played for juventus.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #9
    Philipp00 said:
    it is not a very good idea to give such an important role to somebody who does not speak italian, does not know juventus and the italian soccer. i would prefer an italian or somebody who already worked/played for juventus.

    i agree


    Livin with Mediocre
    Mar 29, 2006
    gerhard aigner wouldnt be a bad choice in my opinion but should be put down as the 4th or 5th candidate. I agree having an italian (former juve player) would be nice, but finding one who has a business mind is never easy. The positive of bringing this german would possibly be some form of recognition to some people that we are under control of a former FIFA man... (although that may be debateble with some of FIFA's own dodgy dealings). Nevertheless all candidates mentioned have some potential or another to lead our club to sucess again..


    Day Walker
    Jul 28, 2003
    it wouldnt be soo bad bringing a german in, and he isnt a complete outsider as he was playing for juve right ? and where does it say that he doesnt speak italian ?
    anyway anything for the good of the club, and i dont think they r going to bring aigner in anyway.

    good thing that the code is developed

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