Juve Fan vs. Real Fan - The Prequel (1 Viewer)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
SA: It seems you're not overly impressed with Ronaldo, Mr Adami. But there must be someone in Real's star-studded cast that you're worried about.

AA: Raul. He's magic.

MC: We finally agree on something. Raul is magic.

AA: Yes, but he's not as magical as Del Piero!

MC: Del Piero's overrated.

AA: You're crazy! How can you say that?!

MC: He tries to be much too cute on the ball and loses it half the time. Sure, he's capable of scoring some beauties but Raul's goals are just as stylish and he always does something positive when he's in possession.
Who is this guy?! :irritate:


Juventus FC - Philippines
Dec 20, 2002
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    Some spanish financial analyst. MC is a spanish Real supporter. While AA is a die-hard Juventino studying to ba an artist.

    He must be crazy not to fear Del Piero. But don't worry, what they know will definitely hurt them if they take Del Piero for granted.

    Let's just hope that the whole Real squad feels this way. Let's hope they give Del Piero space so he can aggravate the Real defense. Hehe, now that would awaken every Real supporter and give them nightmares for the 2nd leg.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    typical soccerage.... managing to find 2 fans that know nothing about their clubs or for that matter football in general.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    pssst one is saying that delpiero is a innofensive bunny, and the other is saying that his team is the best.

    maybe they are guys from soccerage too


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by primo_calcio ] ++
    Some spanish financial analyst. MC is a spanish Real supporter. While AA is a die-hard Juventino studying to ba an artist.

    He must be crazy not to fear Del Piero. But don't worry, what they know will definitely hurt them if they take Del Piero for granted.

    Let's just hope that the whole Real squad feels this way. Let's hope they give Del Piero space so he can aggravate the Real defense. Hehe, now that would awaken every Real supporter and give them nightmares for the 2nd leg.
    Exactly what I was thinking mate. Barcelona took Del Piero seriously and marked him heavily but Nedved made them pay. I have a slight hunch that Real will underestimate DP and try to shut down Neddy. If Alex is on top form this could definetely be a plus for us.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    typical soccerage.... managing to find 2 fans that know nothing about their clubs or for that matter football in general.
    i dont think so....
    i find their opinions very typical for each side's fans.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Let's make a pole - Who is the more magestic player? Raul or Del Piero?

    I would personally go with DP because of the stuff he is known to do on the ball. Raul's spectacular volleys and breath-taking chips are matched by just a few, but he doesn't have the dribbling skills to bring a crowd to their feet. Alex has that :thumb:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    tough question, both are very good, i think that raul, right now is in better fit (ok before the apendiscitis surgery)


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    CL Superderby Buildup: Fan Vs Fan II

    05/13/2003. Once again we have brought Salvatore Salvetti (Inter) and Alessio Dicara (Milan) in to discuss what's on their hearts and minds ahead of what has to be regarded as the most hotly anticipated Milan derby of all time.

    Welcome back Signori! I bet you're shaking with anticipation with effectively your respective teams' season on the line.

    SS: I admit I'm extremely nervous. You'd have to be dead not to be. I can honestly say that I've never wanted to win a game this much.

    SA: And you Signor Dicara, what are your emotions before this truly spectacular clash?

    AD: Ah…it is magical. I have not felt this emotion since perhaps the Cup Final of 1995, which sadly we lost. Honestly, I haven't been able to breathe properly all day…I am so excited! There is no doubting the magnitude of the game. In my opinion it dwarfs the other semi-final despite the class of both Real and Juve. The Milan derby is the game to watch and I would kill for a ticket in the Curva right now. Unfortunately, I have to be content to watch with my brother and friends at home. But, I assure you…come Tuesday night, we will all be out in the streets celebrating.

    SA: So, obviously your think your team will go through. What makes you so sure?

    SS: (interjects) False confidence.

    AD: Signor Salvetti, it doesn't take a genius to see Milan is a better side. Let me put it this way: The best Milan is better than the best Inter and the worst Milan is also better than the worst Inter, so throwing form and injuries out the door, on a level playing field we would kill you any day. I have seen the great Milan that beat Deportivo, Bayern, Real Madrid, Dortmund, Juventus and Inter at different times in the season. I know in my heart I shall see the same Milan on Tuesday. The world will know after this clash, that we are for real and Juventus or Real Madrid should know that as well, heading to Old Trafford. Fancy a postcard from Manchester, my friend?

    SS: I'm sorry, what did you say? I stopped listening when you said that the best Milan is better than the best Inter. We haven't seen the best Inter yet but I have a feeling we'll finally start firing on all cylinders on Tuesday.

    SA: Just a gut instinct?

    SS: You could call it that. I've been telling my friends that I see something special in our player's faces during interviews. It's hard to explain but there's an eerie calm in their eyes, which tells me that they're ready for this game like none other before.

    SA: So you think Inter are actually going to score this time?

    SS: Hey, that's a low blow but I guess we deserve it (laughs). You already know from last time what I think about Cuper and his defensive tactics but something tells me that he's finally going to have the courage to remove the shackles from our players tomorrow. Even he knows that the only way we're going to go through is if we outscore Milan.

    SA: What do you think of Cuper, Signor Salvetti?

    AD: I hate him…ha ha! What else did you expect from me? No, I'm just joking. Look, no one reaches three finals in three years by being a poor coach. I think his experiences with both Mallorca and Valencia were very unlucky. To be honest, I think in all three occasions his teams' were beaten by the better side. Last year's title loss, on the other hand, was foolish, but then again I think Salvatore would agree that it was more the players' fault than Cuper's. Having said that, I despise his style of play and would never want a coach like that for Milan.

    SA: What do you see as the key to stopping Inter?

    AD: I think three Inter players will define this game: Hernan Crespo, Francesco Toldo and Ivan Cordoba. Crespo can turn a game on its head all by himself and my beloved Nesta will have to be at his best…and I know that he will be…to stop him. Toldo and Cordoba meanwhile are the only thing standing between our super strikers and scoring those priceless away goals. I do think tomorrow the floodgates are about to open. Too many low-scoring derbies this year…it is time for us to make that giant Toldo look ordinary.

    SA: And the key to stopping Milan, Signor Salvetti?

    SS: I think we have to continue stifling their midfield as Inzaghi is a great finisher but is definitely not the type to make goals on his own. He's by far the player I'm most worried about because, as the world saw last week, Cordoba has Shevchenko in his back-pocket. I have no doubt we can contain Rui Costa and that impostor pretending to be Rivaldo, but if Pirlo plays that would raise my anxiety a couple of notches. The reason being that he sprays his passes from deeper, which would mean that we would have to ask an offensive midfielder to do a lot of defending in a game which we need to put the emphasis on attacking.

    SA: I see. Ok, now the toughest question of them all. What will you do if your team go through to the final, and more importantly share with us how you would react if they were eliminated?

    AD: I thought I told you already…I will dance in the streets after the game (grins). I think I will be in seventh heaven for about 24 hours and will surely drink my guts out. But, once I know the result of the other semi-final, I think another patient wait will begin. I have found out the hard way in life that nobody remembers second place. So, beating them would only be half the job done. We can celebrate when we are Campioni d'Europa! As far as losing…I am a Milan fan…I never think of losing.

    SS: If…no check that…WHEN we win I'm going to party all night, then go wake Signor Dicara for the $100 he will owe me and then party some more! (laughs) I refuse to discuss what will happen in the case of a loss. Losing is not an option.



    Juventus FC - Philippines
    Dec 20, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #16
    Hey man, we were havin' a decent thread. Can somebody delete that.

    Anyway, regarding the poll. I personally think that Del Piero is more majestic. Raul is a goal scorer, yes. But Del Piero amazes more with skill, Raul, by simply scoring.


    Senior Member
    Mar 26, 2003
    yeah i agree, raul might score a little more and have a better final touch, but del amazes the crowd and can get the weakest of fans excited. however, i must say del piero has an amazing final touch too. But we must remeber that raul is a little underrated, i think he should get more recognition, becuase he has an amazing record. But the similartiy between raul and del is : they are both strikers, very infuential players on both their clubs and countries and have a great champions league goal scoring record.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Paranoia ] ++
    dp is the more majestic player,but not the better one,unfortunately.
    Yup. DP is more majestic but Raul is probably a little better on the whole.


    Juventus FC - Philippines
    Dec 20, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #19
    I may not agree, but point taken.

    DP is more majestic, Raul is deadly. Though they have both their strengths and weaknesses.

    Raul has the one of the deadliest finishing I've ever seen. But try to throw numerous defenders at him and he won't be able to make it out with the ball. He scores because he is moves "off the ball" wonderfully.

    Though Alex on the other hand seems to always run his way through defenders.

    Which is more attractive?


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    Juventus-Real Madrid Buildup: Fan Vs Fan II

    We have once again invited Miguel Cruz (Real) and Antonio Adami (Juventus) back into SoccerAge headquarters for a spot of verbal tennis ahead of the mouthwatering semifinal decider at the Delle Alpi on Wedneday.

    SA: Welcome back, Mr Adami, what are your thoughts on Saturday's historic day when you won your 27th Scudetto with the 2-2 draw against Perugia?

    AA: It was a momentous time. Not unexpected though. We were always going to get at least a point and, as always, we did the job. It wasn't classic Juve, and our first-half was very poor. In the second we perked up, and from 2-1 up I was always confident.

    SA: Do you think this will boost your troops ahead of the Real game?

    AA: Most definitely. Our boys said that they can only think of this game, and that there is no time to party. I sense a steely determination in the squad.

    SA: And to you Mr. Cruz, a 0-0 draw with Recreativo saw your poor Liga form continue. You are now off the top.

    MC: It was a disappointing display, although any side deprived of the likes of Ronaldo, Raul, Zinedine Zidane and Luis Figo would struggle to create chances. Recre are a much improved side, and we knew it would be tough. At least we kept a clean sheet I guess. I've been very worried about the back-four lately. Although I must say, the behavior of some fans towards Fernando Hierro is shameful. Think of what that the man has done for this club.

    AA: Yes, but he is looking more and more like your team's weak point. I'm sure that Lippi will look to exploit this area. Helguera isn't the quickest either.

    MC: Point conceded, but your team isn't without flaws either. Your defence also lacks pace, and often your team as a whole lack creativity. I'd rather have a season ticket at the Bernabeu than the Stadio Delle Alipi. That much is for sure!

    AA: Ok that's your opinion. If you genuinely believe a side with Pavel Nedved and Alex Del Piero lack creativity that's up to you. Lets not forget that Juve aren't coming up against powder-puff Liga defences every week.

    SA: Ok gentlemen, I think we'll move on there! What were your opinions of the first-leg?

    AA: I thought that for a period after half-time we were the better team. We showed that we were not intimidated by Real's flashy stars. The Roberto Carlos goal came at a bad time for us. We were not looking in any great difficulty. Let's just hope that if, say, Thuram fires in a low shot at the Delle Alpi and three men are in offside positions, that the goal still counts.

    MC: They weren't interfering with play. None of them were obstructing Buffon's view. Anyway, Juve were impressive in spells but they always erred on the side of caution. Some of their fouling tactics were a disgrace. Five bookings speaks for itself. Very cynical. On the overall balance of play I agree with Vicente Del Bosque. We deserved to win by more.

    SA: Care to answer back Mr. Adami?

    AA: Yes. Some of our tackling may have been a little overzealous, but no one will remember that in 20 years if they see Juve's name on the trophy for the 2003 season. It's about winning.

    MC: Yes, the Italian football mentality shines right through in your last three words.

    AA: It is though. Few remember those who played pretty football, but lost. Not that I'm calling Madrid losers of course! I appreciate that you are a great side.

    SA: Who do you think your key player for this second leg will be Mr. Adami?

    AA: I would have to say Del Piero. I'm desperate for him to show the world stage that he is back to his best. But Nedved will be vital too. I just hope he is fully-fit for this match.

    SA: And you, Mr. Cruz?

    MC: It has to be Zizou. He was magnificent in the first-leg, and against his old side he'll be out to prove himself once again. He seems to have so much time on the ball. He's one of a kind.

    AA: Agreed. But I will say that it's no coincidence that since moving to Spain he's upped his seasonal goal average. Those powder-puff Liga defences again!

    MC: I won't rise to the bait. Although it may have something to do with the fact that he has BETTER players around him with Real.

    SA: Ok, lads, and your prediction for the game?

    AA: 1-0 to Juve. Del Piero will score and we'll go through.

    MC: I'll got for a 2-2 draw. Zidane to come back and haunt his old club, and Raul to also find the net on his return from injury.

    SA: Thank you very much guys. No punches pulled there! Good luck to both of you for the second leg.

    SA Europe

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