Juve 2008-09 kits (speculation, pics...) (94 Viewers)

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Apr 1, 2007
I read all the comments in this thread and i heard o lot of ideas.
But juve kit of the season 2008-09 must be designed specially because now we are in CL and just imagine.
Mar 28, 2007

Design: La nuova maglia per la stagione 2008/2009 abbandonerà il caratteristico colore rosso di questa stagione, rispolverando il giallo tanto caro nelle due stagioni vincenti di Capello. Il giallo sostituità il rosso anche nelle divise di allenamento.

Prima Maglia: Le bande verticali di colore bianconero saranno sette, con quella nera, e non bianca, posizionata al centro. Lo stemma sarà posizionato a sinistra. Il simbolo dello sponsor tecnico, anch'esso giallo, sarà invece collocato a sinistra. Non è presente il colletto, che avrà una mini banda elastica, sempre gialla, come congiunzione alla banda verticale nera. Nel retro del colletto sarà impressa la scritta semplificativa "Juve", e non la dicitura integrale "Juventus". L'orlo alla base della maglia sarà giallo, come quello presente al termine delle maniche. Le due stelle saranno posizionate rigorosamente sulla manica sinistra.

Casacca portiere: La casacca non sarà appariscente, come da tradizione. Concessa la possibilità di adottare un'eventuale colorazione particolare, che rispecchi i gusti di Buffon. In passato indossatore di una casacca bianconera e di una interamente rosa.

Seconda Maglia: E' la grande novità dello sponsor tecnico. Sarà interamente gialla. Di colore acceso e non sbiadito, definibile come canarino. I numeri, il logo e le stellette saranno nere. Abbandonato il blu a scapito del giallo, con pantaloncini e calzettoni del medesimo colore.

Numeri: Saranno gialli, senza scudo o quadrato nero come sfondo. Che sarà invece necessario sin dai primi appuntamenti nei preliminari di Champions League.


Design: The new knitting for the season 2008/2009 will leave the characteristic red color of this season, rispolverando the yellow very expensive one in two seasons winning of Hair. The yellow sostituità the red one also in the currencies of training.

First Knitting: The vertical bands of color bianconero will be seven, with the black one, and you do not whiten, positioned to the center. The coat of arms will be positioned on the left. The symbol of the technical sponsor, also it yellow, instead will be placed on the left. It is not present the collar, that will have a mini elastic band, always yellow, like conjunction to the vertical band black. In the back of the collar it will be imprinted semplificativa written it "Juve", and not the complete wording "Juventus". The edge to the base of the knitting will be yellow, like the present one at the conclusion of the sleeves. The two stars will be positioned strictly on the left sleeve.

Cloak doors: The cloak will be not striking, as per tradition. Granted the possibility of to adopt an eventual coloring special, that rispecchi the flavors of Buffon. In last model of a cloak bianconera and of an entirely rose.

Second Knitting: And 'the large novelty of the technical sponsor. It will be entirely yellow. Of color lit and done not fade, definable like canary. The numbers, the logo and the asterisks will be black. Left the dark blue one to loss of the yellow one, with pants and calzettoni of the same color.

You number: They will be yellow, without shield or balanced black like background. That it will be instead necessary sin from the first appointment in the preliminary of Champions League.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2006
i can't wait to see it. I'm already worried about which number i'll put on the back this year... most probably our capitano since it will probably be one of his last seasons :(
Can anyone point me to the vecchiasignora thread; i can't find it but would like to read the reactions to the images posted. Thanks in advance!


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Pretty lame jerseys, especially the 1st one, except yellow details look much neater than red ones. Second jersey is far too simple and I don't like that line of yellow, it almost seems like a "dirty yellow".

I read that our final shirts will be unveiled on 18th July?? Can anyone confirm that? Is it 100% ??

I am sure our final jersey will be be a little surprise as nobody can guess the exact look of our future shirt. Or can they??
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