It's time for Fight Club (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #3

    Buffon vs Dida
    Trappatoni vs Nedved
    Moggi vs Sensi
    Collina vs Jancker


    Senior Member
    Aug 26, 2003

    Moggi vs Sensi :D Moggi would come out on tip over that fat ass.

    I would also like to see

    Materazzi vs Saviola :LOL:
    Jul 12, 2002
    Luis Enrisue vs. Van Bronkhorst
    Beckham vs Fergusen
    Stam vs Fergusen
    Wenger vs Fergusen
    Keown vs. RVN
    Alpay vs. Beckham
    Baggio vs. Lippi


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    2 on 2:

    Del "Forest" , "Iron" , Makelele and Milito vs Valdano and The evil DR Florentino Perez!!

    Cuper Vs Ronaldo!!

    Cantona Vs the guy in the Tribunes.... the last battle!

    The Ecuador Referee and Ahn Jung Wang vs the Italy squad!

    Mutu vs Sinisa!

    Beckam vs Ferguson!! a classic!

    Pele vs Maradona!! the real shit!

    baggio vs the Post!

    Rivaldo vs Ancelotti (for god sake kill that fat pork riva!!)

    Moratti vs Inter Fans

    Pippo Inzaghi vs Simone Inzaghi.... the world is too small for 2 Pippos :D

    Queiroz Vs Ruben!! ( poor ruben!! he deserves an exlanation about the sevilla´s substitution... that can be just decided by FIST!!! :fero: )

    Riquelme Vs Van Gaal!!

    Chilavert Vs Raul!... ok enough bla bla bla,,, and start the real deal!


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

    The Ecuador Referee and Ahn Jung Wang vs the Italy squad!
    That's already been done, and we all know who won :p

    p.s. not that u care, but it's Ahn Jung Hwan

    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    baggio vs the Post!
    :LOL: be careful though dude ;)

    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    Pippo Inzaghi vs Simone Inzaghi.... the world is too small for 2 Pippos :D
    Hoping for a double K.O. eh? :p

    Benjamin vs Freddy Adu


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

    That's already been done, and we all know who won :p

    p.s. not that u care, but it's Ahn Jung Hwan

    :LOL: be careful though dude ;)

    Hoping for a double K.O. eh? :p

    Benjamin vs Freddy Adu
    :LOL: :D

    OK OK Hwang!!

    jaja that doube KO thing was very cool..... jaja but i want Simone to win it!

    And a rematch against the POST!! :p


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    Vinnie Jones vs Eric Cantona :eek:

    Stig Toftsen vs Pierluigi Collina :eek:

    Simeone Inzaghi vs Filippo Inzaghi (that would be a cat fight :D) :LOL:

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