Italian Banners (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
Also Milan's fans are very good in coreography.
Imo the bests are Milan, Lazio, Inter and Roma... unfortunately Juve coreaography is a bit poor :groan:
A bit poor?

They shouldn't even be mentioned here. They are absolutely crap, there are at least 100 clubs who are better. Juventus is so damn boring.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
Also Milan's fans are very good in coreography.
Imo the bests are Milan, Lazio, Inter and Roma... unfortunately Juve coreaography is a bit poor :groan:
Milan have really good banner, and this one looks great.
I've never seen any great banner for Juve :groan:


Mar 30, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
    :touched: i wanna be a part of the coreaography!!!!!!

    I luv this thread!
    Im glad you like it.:thumb:

    does anyone know how the people at these matchs do all that, like how is it organized.


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    It is a kind a job 4 them... officially they are not paid from teams (but rumors say that some are) but they are so well organized in fans groups, they have meetings, a boss... everything! This is the nice sides of organized fans :)


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
    They shouldn't even be mentioned here. They are absolutely crap, there are at least 100 clubs who are better. Juventus is so damn boring.
    Sad but true...

    Those Lazio coregraphys are amazing, we will never see something like this in Delle Alpi...

    And is also true that even very small teams fans have nicer coreography than us and ceare more... infact they often chant "la la la la... we are playing at home" when they come to Turin to ironice vs us :groan: why it happen still a mistery :confused:


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
    It is a kind a job 4 them... officially they are not paid from teams (but rumors say that some are) but they are so well organized in fans groups, they have meetings, a boss... everything! This is the nice sides of organized fans :)
    damn.... i'd luv to be the person in charge of coming up with those patterns/designs!


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
    It is a kind a job 4 them... officially they are not paid from teams (but rumors say that some are) but they are so well organized in fans groups, they have meetings, a boss... everything! This is the nice sides of organized fans :)
    That's very interesting.:)

    I always luv to see the atmosphere in il derby della capitale. Both tifosi are singing, bring big banner and so on. It takes my breath away.
    When AS Roma become the host, sometimes I saw a Roma fan gave flowers to Totti. That's such good appreciation for their beloved il capitano.


    Junior Member
    Dec 15, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Stevie11 ] ++
    does anyone know how the people at these matchs do all that, like how is it organized.
    Here are some Lazio ultras prepareing the coreography before the derby:



    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
    Actually I am a bit disappointed with the italian tifos, dont' get me wrong they are great.
    But I would like to see more creativity, they mostly do mosaik. In Sweden you get criticized if you have mosaik too often.
    Italy has the best conditions to make tifos, with excellent stadiums which usually are packed, which is necessary to make the patterns look good.
    The crowd also knows how you do it, believe me this is the biggest problem with tifo today. People tend to hold the papers to the sky and/or throw the rolls in the middle of the game.
    They also have the rights to use pyrotechnique.

    With all these things they should be able to do other things than just coreography. I haven't seen a chaos tifo from any of the bigger clubs. It would be a dream to see a chaos tifo on San Siro.

    More creativity!!!


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    But those light games of the derby (the I :heart: Inter pinted on the ground) weare originals :confused: I never saw tham before...

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